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2018-09-19 07:46:40 UTC

Exactly Apollo

2018-09-19 07:48:00 UTC

This video has ruined everlong for me

2018-09-19 07:48:08 UTC

@Sheamus it was a talkimg point long before black monday

2018-09-19 07:50:31 UTC

Yeah but let's face it, not internationally until black Monday, the black Monday discussion caused massive controversy, and that controversy got picked up because of how social media and mainstream media love and live for outrage.

2018-09-19 07:50:35 UTC

2018-09-19 07:52:48 UTC

It's like that butterfly flapping it's wings and becomes a hurricane metaphor

2018-09-19 07:53:11 UTC

It may seem insignificant and unlikely at first...

2018-09-19 07:53:43 UTC

Black Monday had a pretty good turnout, but very little came of it in the following weeks. Only after Lauren's doccie and Afriforums US visit did the farm murder issue get international traction. I guess one could attribute Black Monday as a starting point but not directly

2018-09-19 07:54:21 UTC

nope EWC was the start

2018-09-19 07:54:28 UTC

So it might of been Afriforum.

2018-09-19 07:54:41 UTC

@Apollo sorry I tagged you by mistake ๐Ÿ˜ณ

2018-09-19 07:55:00 UTC

Black Monday just cause shit

2018-09-19 07:55:02 UTC

no problem

2018-09-19 07:55:56 UTC

Small beginnings

2018-09-19 07:58:47 UTC

It is a combination of things, agree that EWC caused a lot of it. However Black Monday was before that was it not? But EWC brought Lauren here, must have played a big part to Willem starting his channel etc. Youtube vids/channels, including Renaldo, Willem, Ernst, Starbird, Caracal etc flows over to Twitter and both have international reach.

2018-09-19 07:59:12 UTC

yeah small, but danies tweet/video majorly focuses on black monday having the biggest impact , when its acutally EWC, videos made by willem, danies boertestimony hastag etc

2018-09-19 07:59:55 UTC

But Cyril Ramaphosa just dodge it by his Robert Magube speech

2018-09-19 08:00:26 UTC

@Apollo and black Monday awareness maybe didn't inspire them that more could be done?

2018-09-19 08:00:45 UTC

my tweet :

Ok so let me get this straight... you, Rene and Willem's interviews happened because of Black Monday? Not because of #BoerTestimony? Donald Trump tweeted what he did due to Black Monday, not because of @ErnstRoets visiting Tucker Carlson? So an event a year ago caused all of this

2018-09-19 08:01:36 UTC

2018-09-19 08:02:58 UTC

Now I am confused... Danie agrees with me but still pushes out a fake narrative?!?

2018-09-19 08:06:02 UTC

2018-09-19 08:07:39 UTC

In the nile... Lol

2018-09-19 08:09:41 UTC

Black Monday possibly showed how much support there is to appose farm murders and EWC. Not that it makes much of a difference as it is linked to EWC support wise and awareness wise. I am not sure why the video does not show how Afriforum's visit rather got them the interview, as this is actually what happens. I guess it does not have as much effect vs saying it was due to Black Monday.

2018-09-19 08:15:18 UTC

@Stefan i think it did a fine job getting international attention, everything snowballed from there.

2018-09-19 08:16:04 UTC

shots fired by Mrs Gouws!!!

2018-09-19 08:16:27 UTC

@Sheamus yes I agree, cant deny that.

2018-09-19 08:16:39 UTC

more flipflopping than an australian beach

2018-09-19 08:16:54 UTC

Well done Tanie

2018-09-19 08:17:32 UTC

The irony out of all of this is my wife is more right leaning than I am, she actually agrees with what they have done up until now... so it seems they are pushing people like her away

2018-09-19 08:17:51 UTC

@Rendier they forgot to include die stem in die video. Where people sang it on black Monday

2018-09-19 08:22:13 UTC

2018-09-19 08:22:53 UTC

Truth bombs dropping fast

2018-09-19 08:24:26 UTC


2018-09-19 08:32:10 UTC

Good debates on both sides of the fence creates awareness of any topic. The BIG thing that video misses is the role Afriforum played. Boer testimonies came after the fact and rode the wave. Look, I support the cause. Not a huge fan of how it is done but if it works it works. I wont make my own Boertestimony video for example, because I am not a boer in the sense of the word and have no special story to tell. My support is more general in nature and more focused on Afrikaner

2018-09-19 08:32:10 UTC

GG @Stefan, you just advanced to level 2!

2018-09-19 08:32:13 UTC

@Billy Chiltong great video dude... next time consider not doing what the EFF, BLF and the ANC do with their promotional videos

2018-09-19 08:32:31 UTC

Me Going Through the Tweets

2018-09-19 08:33:42 UTC

@Rendier So when is the MMA fight?๐Ÿ˜€

2018-09-19 08:33:55 UTC

@Stefan same reason I'm not doing one either, i might be part boer by heritage, but I'm not boer by trade, and i don't think the international community simply grasp that given that it translates directly to a trade.

2018-09-19 08:36:17 UTC

There is some cringe in most of the testimonies I see, because many of the people doing them call themselves Boere but arent close to being one. Maybe had a uncle who used to farm back in the day or have a wildsplaas somewhere in the family.

2018-09-19 08:38:29 UTC

@Stefan ja exactly... And it can be taken to promote this conspiracy idea if those who aren't boer by trade are proven not to be... Wouldn't matter if boer refers to a cultural ethnic group.

2018-09-19 08:38:33 UTC

@Meerkat_RSA let's avoid that term for obvious reasons

2018-09-19 08:38:51 UTC

Ya i will delete

2018-09-19 08:39:32 UTC

2018-09-19 08:39:40 UTC

I am just so sick of being attacked constantly by snippets used... that video of mine is 10 minutes long but they use 30 seconds...

2018-09-19 08:39:58 UTC

Copyright strike

2018-09-19 08:40:04 UTC


2018-09-19 08:40:13 UTC

I am very close to making a full on 30 minute video to completely discredit not the movement but the people behind it that constantly rides on my name to further their agenda.

2018-09-19 08:40:23 UTC

nah I am not a doos @Meerkat_RSA

2018-09-19 08:41:37 UTC

BTW i wonder when dusty will make a comeback๐Ÿ˜‰

2018-09-19 08:42:01 UTC

Saw her on the discord in the list, think she's already back

2018-09-19 08:42:45 UTC

Explaining the ๐Ÿ˜‰

2018-09-19 08:43:22 UTC

Oh lol...

2018-09-19 08:43:44 UTC

meerfuck join general

2018-09-19 08:43:44 UTC

GG @AndeB, you just advanced to level 4!

2018-09-19 08:44:09 UTC

For each their own. I would not equate it to Hoer as it is a for a good cause in general although I do get how it can fit. Making a selfie vid of some statement and posting it online no matter what the topic has an element of Hoer to it...but that is just me

2018-09-19 08:47:06 UTC

@Renaldo making a video to further stir this wont do any good imo. Wait for a video from them and rather do a response. Or just discuss it in the live stream.

2018-09-19 08:47:39 UTC

See principles have been sold out, i can see the connection to a prozzi selling out to get ahead.. It's rather fitting, and intended to encourage them not to sell out just to get ahead.

2018-09-19 08:48:16 UTC

2018-09-19 08:50:41 UTC

@Apollo kom join ons

2018-09-19 08:52:58 UTC

@AndeB sal later, ek luister musiek

2018-09-19 08:53:27 UTC


2018-09-19 08:53:35 UTC
2018-09-19 08:53:53 UTC

Taxi drivers shooting each other in summerstrand apparently

2018-09-19 08:54:00 UTC

xD lol

2018-09-19 08:54:04 UTC

wanna see that

2018-09-19 08:54:15 UTC


2018-09-19 08:54:22 UTC

i have to see that

2018-09-19 08:54:41 UTC

So stay out of Summerstrand, Taxi drivers who striking are shooting at ones who are riding

2018-09-19 08:55:00 UTC

lol thats fucked

2018-09-19 08:56:02 UTC

2018-09-19 08:56:11 UTC


2018-09-19 08:56:40 UTC


2018-09-19 08:57:40 UTC

Why do we tolerate these degenerates again?

2018-09-19 08:58:55 UTC

The lawless ones committing the crime?

2018-09-19 08:58:58 UTC

@Apollo join general

2018-09-19 08:59:52 UTC

@Darkseid who are you calling degenerates?

2018-09-19 09:00:16 UTC

Taxi drivers who destroy property who else?

2018-09-19 09:01:00 UTC

literally nobody

2018-09-19 09:02:29 UTC

@Darkseid who else? The one's supposed to be taking the responsibility of enforcing the law... If they aren't doing much to stop it, then they are part of the problem regarding degeneratuon... How i see it.

2018-09-19 09:03:36 UTC

Morning everyone, the response from Renaldo was to be expected. He doesn't get that his video on #BlackMonday was what set me and many others on the path we are currently on. I will make an official response but I'm afraid it will make him look even worse, many people missed a vital statement made in parliament in the days following BlackMonday and the videos are there for anyone to see/make up their own minds.

To all the snipes in this server, don't worry, I'll be pasting this his his server. @Renaldo, the video is not about you, you just happened to be the person with the best quality video that echoed the "sit down and shut up, nobody cares" narrative.

People wore black to create awareness... it did. You said it would be a waste of time... it wasn't. Thank God nobody listened to you.

I suggest you leave Anarchy Acres and Fatal Fields for a while and go visit an actual farm, stay over for a few days, experience the constant tension and then we can have a proper conversation.

2018-09-19 09:07:22 UTC

@Billy Chiltong you are spreading fake news, in that same video I said action speaks louder than words. You say the video is not about me but the majority of it features me and my words. To illustrate my point on that it didn't serve it's purpose this year more farm murders took place than last year. If those people became donors or even donated their time to help patrolling it would be something to talk about and praise, unfortunately this didn't happen. Also your entire video is based on the premise that Black Monday CAUSED Donald Trump to tweet about RSA etc... most of the examples you used was because of Ernst visit to the USA and because of EWC. Your video is a weak attempt at not only discrediting me but also to spread fake news.

2018-09-19 09:08:55 UTC

Most importantly, I have had family members attacked on a farm, and my mother lives woman alone on a farm... so please don't come and preach to me about visiting farms... I go every 2 weeks to visit my mother.

2018-09-19 09:13:58 UTC

@Rendier think you missing the point, he says it set him and others on the path to doing what they do that eventually amounted to the results of today. Can't dictate that, i don't think it's wise to dictate what inspires people though, so perhaps not a good idea to argue against it. Just a caution.

2018-09-19 09:14:35 UTC

@Billy Chiltong you guys are spinning @Rendier words to fit your own fucking agenda . so go and fuck yourself if you are going to spin his words again , he said that the black monday thing wouldnt do shit , and it didnt do shit so now you spinning it sothat it seems that @Rendier doesnt care about the murders , yes he does , he just thinks that all murder in south africa is a problem just not just white murder

2018-09-19 09:16:23 UTC

Wait a minute here!!!!! Renaldo is married?๐Ÿ˜ฎ To a woman?!?!?!๐Ÿ˜ต

2018-09-19 09:16:30 UTC

I also find it ironic how your whole campaign has moved from videos by affected parties towards bashing Renaldo for what he said by taking a 10 minute video and using 30 seconds of it. It looks like you are building this entire campaign around me... instead of Willem, Rene and Daan

2018-09-19 09:16:38 UTC


2018-09-19 09:16:56 UTC

lol rene is irrelevent

2018-09-19 09:17:10 UTC

she hot tho

2018-09-19 09:18:01 UTC

The mood currently = How can we promote BoerTestimony?!? Yeah let's use a video of Renaldo and then add events that was caused by EWC and blame him.

2018-09-19 09:18:19 UTC

Was the Rene that commented in the live chat on @Rendier s chat, the real Rene (Willem)?

2018-09-19 09:19:05 UTC

yup it was her

2018-09-19 09:20:19 UTC

Ok, because if it is the one I am thinking of I lost the respect I had. She made some childish insults aimed at you

2018-09-19 09:20:22 UTC

reno join general chat

2018-09-19 09:21:14 UTC

Yeah I was also shocked at her statements

2018-09-19 09:22:38 UTC

2018-09-19 09:22:49 UTC

I only watched the replay so couldnt comment but for some reason no one took her on. Made me think maybe it is a fake account and not her. Or people just dont want to take on her pretty face.

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