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2018-09-26 12:03:06 UTC

oh right, sorry I managed to reproduce a quote unintentionally

2018-09-26 12:03:09 UTC

Do you recognize what I'm getting at here

2018-09-26 12:03:28 UTC

not really? I'd like to though. to me you seem to be trolling

2018-09-26 12:03:33 UTC

@rob sand N word is used alot, they have a bunch of names they call them

2018-09-26 12:03:46 UTC

I'm pulling the "my feelings are important" but because I'm a right winger it's much more offensive

2018-09-26 12:04:06 UTC

As opposed to someone from the left

2018-09-26 12:04:12 UTC

Equally cringey though

2018-09-26 12:04:39 UTC

of course

2018-09-26 12:04:50 UTC

every army calls the opposition names

2018-09-26 12:05:18 UTC


2018-09-26 12:05:26 UTC

Bolsheviks aren't worth the effort

2018-09-26 12:05:36 UTC

Just kill em and get it done with

2018-09-26 12:05:44 UTC

No extra fuss

2018-09-26 12:06:06 UTC

@rob it serves a purpose, even if its just to let them feel they are a tiny bit better than them

2018-09-26 12:06:09 UTC

I dunno, I feel like you guys are trolling and not even from SA, just here to mess around.

2018-09-26 12:06:30 UTC

@Nidalap Rorrim I hear you, but I think you're right we're talking past each other

2018-09-26 12:06:40 UTC

@rob yeah maybe hehe

2018-09-26 12:06:57 UTC

I was concentrating on the emotional argument that grendal just clarified

2018-09-26 12:08:09 UTC

and in the end @Cal said the actual issue is communists against property rights

2018-09-26 12:08:19 UTC

which I'm 100% in agreement on

2018-09-26 12:08:33 UTC

I'm South African

2018-09-26 12:08:36 UTC

just that I want to make it about the issues and not Muh Joos

2018-09-26 12:09:11 UTC

yeah sorry I got carried away with the whole Military angle and implications

2018-09-26 12:09:48 UTC

I don't have the right experience to say, I just feel like underestimating the enemy is a very bad idea

2018-09-26 12:10:01 UTC

yeah no I fully agree with you.

2018-09-26 12:10:15 UTC

As I explained, I don't respect their right to life because they don't respect my right to property. Very simple to understand for anyone still unsure. If their life is at forfeit I personally deem it fine to demonize the opposition as much as I need

2018-09-26 12:10:23 UTC

Not underestimate

2018-09-26 12:10:26 UTC


2018-09-26 12:10:32 UTC

There's a difference

2018-09-26 12:11:00 UTC

in a military viewpoint dehumanizing somebody is not underestimating them one bit

2018-09-26 12:11:16 UTC

sure, my problem with demonize is that it puts you in an emotional state (maybe ok for fighting in the moment) - not great for most situations

2018-09-26 12:12:01 UTC

even in a firefight(I imagine), a cool head is better than a hot head

2018-09-26 12:13:07 UTC

you don't need super human adrenaline fueled strength to fire a gun and a cool head is probably more accurate

2018-09-26 12:13:37 UTC

I'm not interested in losing to these communist bastards

2018-09-26 12:13:42 UTC

think of it as a way to get the soldier to act. to oversimplify it again its a way to get the soldier to think he has a chance of winning in a engagement

2018-09-26 12:14:00 UTC

It's more of a motivation thing tbh

2018-09-26 12:14:35 UTC

A soldier who is told his wife will get raped by the ape he's fighting will fight harder

2018-09-26 12:14:47 UTC


2018-09-26 12:15:06 UTC

The bloodlust must be fostered

2018-09-26 12:15:13 UTC

there are different ways to motivate (cue Mel Gibson Braveheart speech) you can inspire your side to great heights in a few different ways. Love and pride can be more effective than hate

2018-09-26 12:15:25 UTC


2018-09-26 12:15:59 UTC

that's why armies have musicians and always have

2018-09-26 12:16:39 UTC

sure in some circumstances. but what do you do if your population doesn't feel threatened because they don't see the big picture

2018-09-26 12:16:51 UTC

the problem with your bloodlust is that the enemy just has to convince your army that they Are in fact human and then morale can drop

2018-09-26 12:18:14 UTC

I don't want to scare people into fighting, I don't think we need those kinds of numbers

2018-09-26 12:18:14 UTC

GG @rob, you just advanced to level 7!

2018-09-26 12:19:37 UTC

yeah. I'm not justifying that way. Just playing devils advocate and explaining the reasoning behind doing it

2018-09-26 12:19:52 UTC

right now, people are prepared to fight and die, for their families and their history and their friends. The videos I've seen of old farmers warning/threatening the ANC/EFF haven't been filled with hate

2018-09-26 12:19:54 UTC

war is bad, nobody in their right mind would want it

2018-09-26 12:20:23 UTC

because it looks like its the strategy being employed currently

2018-09-26 12:20:42 UTC

the reasons that those men are prepared to take up arms isn't hatred of the ANC/EFF but a love of their civilization

2018-09-26 12:21:19 UTC

yeah and the reasoning behind the EFF is dehumanizing/villainizing white people

2018-09-26 12:21:19 UTC

GG @Nidalap Rorrim, you just advanced to level 14!

2018-09-26 12:22:15 UTC

not reasoning i meant the strategy they are using

2018-09-26 12:22:18 UTC

and when I hear those speeches and reasons I'm ready to fight next to those 65 year old Afrikaners. when I see let's kill them because they are subhuman, I just lol

2018-09-26 12:22:42 UTC

it seems to be a classic commie strategy

2018-09-26 12:22:54 UTC

cockroaches, subhuman etc

2018-09-26 12:22:55 UTC

yeah same. Lets hope it doesn't come to that

2018-09-26 12:23:05 UTC

well, socialist strategy

2018-09-26 12:23:57 UTC

lol htf did i get to lvl 14

2018-09-26 12:24:10 UTC

do we get spells yet?

2018-09-26 12:24:17 UTC

can we do PvP ?

2018-09-26 12:24:21 UTC

hehe yeah when do I get my mount

2018-09-26 12:25:29 UTC

anyway, dudes it's been fun, sorry if I got carried away. I think the bar has lunch waiting for me

2018-09-26 12:25:44 UTC

cool cool tnx for the chat.

2018-09-26 12:31:09 UTC

Human is defined differently.. For some the ability to think and for others it's the ability to feel. How you define being human would depend on how it's interpreted.

I'm in agreement, feelings make you do stupid things, emotions are chaotic like that.

2018-09-26 12:31:53 UTC

ok cue the hate 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

2018-09-26 12:32:31 UTC

that's probably why very powerful woman politicians are a bad idea

2018-09-26 12:34:08 UTC

100% US would be in a war now if Hilary Clinton was elected

2018-09-26 12:34:34 UTC

very very scary woman

2018-09-26 12:35:21 UTC

multiple ppl working under her went missing when she was the US spy boss

2018-09-26 12:36:04 UTC

basicly she's the US version of Zuma but with a shit ton more power and IQ

2018-09-26 12:43:14 UTC

wont surprise me if its the same person

2018-09-26 12:43:26 UTC

have they been seen in the same room together ? ;p

2018-09-26 12:49:58 UTC

Lol yeah it was a popular comparison that Hillary wnd Zuma during the elections lol

2018-09-26 12:56:10 UTC

meh all this BS is making me think more and more than maybe Oranje has the right idea

2018-09-26 12:56:56 UTC

just tone the exclusion down ALOT or even remove it completely and keep the idea of the self governed small aria

2018-09-26 13:00:19 UTC

@Nidalap Rorrim the US is at war, they have been at war for over 20 years

2018-09-26 13:02:33 UTC

I'm talking about a war against superpowers

2018-09-26 13:04:45 UTC

Hillary would have handled North Korea, Syria much differently

2018-09-26 13:04:48 UTC

@Nidalap Rorrim already looking into it myself lol

2018-09-26 13:06:26 UTC

If we decided to take a province sized chunk out of SA there is nothing that the Government can do to stop us

2018-09-26 13:07:05 UTC

Guess it depends how you take it.

2018-09-26 13:07:18 UTC

it just have to be on the coastline with a decent port and we are set to be self sufficient

2018-09-26 13:08:47 UTC

Orania said they working on that... But yeah you will need to purchase the deed for the property, or if it's an existing town, will need to coordinate to move all like minded people to a location and dominate through numbers.

2018-09-26 13:11:19 UTC

If you think about it its kind of a win for the ANC if they allow something like that. Pleasing the groups that wants to get rid of the white's while gaining more power for themselves

2018-09-26 13:13:26 UTC

hmm ok nevermind. That's assuming everybody moves to the new state/country

2018-09-26 13:35:10 UTC

yeah house line to physical address is easy. IP to physical address in SA is very difficult without access to the ISP's data

2018-09-26 13:38:17 UTC

Do you even think an antifa member is smart enough to pull that off ?

2018-09-26 13:40:04 UTC

maybe but why would they want to ? They will be breaking a lot of laws for no reason other than to know where you live.

2018-09-26 13:41:02 UTC

"by any means necessary" - that's why ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

2018-09-26 13:42:48 UTC

lol We in SA have more reasons to be afraid of driving out of our driveways than they will ever cause us

2018-09-26 13:43:05 UTC


2018-09-26 13:43:22 UTC

we eat little shits like them for breakfast every day

2018-09-26 13:45:08 UTC

we actually have real left-wing terrorists (the EFF). Not just some college gender studies professors larping as revolutionaries.

2018-09-26 15:14:49 UTC

2018-09-26 15:20:21 UTC

the person who sent that email is most likely noba

2018-09-26 15:41:36 UTC

the guys sounds very edumacated

2018-09-26 15:42:21 UTC


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