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This is a thread for discussing, planning and coordinating legal operations in the community
Let's do a group meet for all sections at arpc.info. How many will make the drive? I'm thinking a Wednesday night may be good. Around 6 to meet.
I can swing it, depending on the week and how much lead time I have to schedule that
Can you elaborate?
Private meeting at my shooting club in a private bay. Should have nearly the whole complex to ourselves, no staff around. Can say we are the Corvallis Gun Club or some gay shit if anyone asks, which they won't because shooters mind their own business.
Go to arpc.info to see location and what I'm talking about.
Does anyone have a good link for a guide to putting up posters & flyers legally? Or maybe want to give a basic rundown? Thanks
Two main things: public and temporary
they can get you with a misdemeanor if it's on private property
vandalism if it's "permanent"
mainly means no wheat paste or spray paint
I don't think Oregon has any hyperkike laws banning flyering as "littering"
Just got back from a walk around town, 12 "jews and fags pack your bags" placed in the Whit, and 3 enemy pieces (see photo) torn down.
nice work
they have those fucking things up here too
I think the local churches are distributing them
Thanks! I hope the ink holds up, it's raining hard af right now... part of why I brought the enemy's handiwork home, figured I can take the sheaths and feel the extra schadenfreude knowing they're partially funding my ops lel
Congrats to Chad and Jimmy on today's successful operation:
Fantastic! And a perfect day too
I would like to propose to the @southern Oregon Goys that we do the same at SOU
<@&304026039766482955> **
Good work BH, thanks men. Today was good. The fire rises.
Nice work gentlemen. The photos are great.
I can't believe an actual rabbi showed up
like flies to shit
"so that they could paint the picture that they are being attacked.โ --(((Berenstein)))
Always projecting, schlomo
Thanks for the advice DatGoy
(((We're the victims!!))) the idiots responses are all predictable. We will come up with a play book on how to shut down their every assault. I learned a lot from the mission on how to do that.
@Uberhat didn't you do a crowdfunding attempt at purchasing Tiller OR? How successful was it?
Holy shit really?
search "university of oregon nazis" on faceberg
so much kvetching
good operation chad and jimmy
seems like the majority of people viewing these photos think it's far more than two people involved
Thanks DG, I used my hologram to portray 6 gorillion Nazis on campus. High tech stuff. Project blue book. Area 52.
I like how only one person made the connection with the Lucky Lab on that Reddit thread
And Chad was basically the most prominent one in the video too.
Buncha dunderheads
Dat Goy and I just got through with a solid flyercaust at OSU. About 200 or more pieces put out.
Cucks were triggered immediately at our desire to "build a White community". Lol, good times.
>I'll give a steam game to whoever tears down the most of these
>Mokim Mohammad Elmoussaoui You are just as bad, that is he or her's right of expression
@Australopithecus Jordan we've got plenty of white guys speaking up for this under their real names
>mixed race goy here. You all need to be mixed races because non mixed race is genetically inferior. Whites must die out. I am superior.
-cucks actually applaud a fat mixed race faggot with a nose ring claiming supremacy. Wow just wow.
But overall, Whites are winning the real debate. Hooray for Whites! "We're fucking awesome" -Spencer.
mainly the women
>Hsuan Chen It's Not the first case, no one get arrested or sued yet?
Jews of Asia at it again
They are so brainwashed after watching their "men" watch sports during every major holiday their entire lives. We did that to ourselves, now only an iron fist will bring them back in line.
>muh daddy is a lawyer. Sue them, arrest them. Such pathetic people.
holy shit, Joel Priest is 100% on board
>Ok. Imma check outta this because I really don't give AF. But "diversity" is literally white genocide. It's actually mass genocide.
Also, the scared fags saying "this will create antifa". Like antifa are actually scary. Lol, beta to a beta = zeta male.
Joel is a Priest, he is /ourguy/
I know several of these faggots
7 women, 2 faggots, 1 sandnigger, and one white liked that cuckpost
It's crazy how people actually equate Whites speaking out against genocide as SUPREEEEMACY! Jews really got their minds warped.
I'm making a list of people to contact
Niiiice. I was going to suggest this is a good recruiting method.
"La Raza" brown supremacy is ok because not reached full equality yet...LOL. These colleges are injecting cancer in these children.
and perhaps last but certainly not least: "[REDACTED] If it wasn't for diversity white people would have no culture."
I'll be there.
I plan to cordon off the front yard and driveway with DANGER TAPE and NO TRESPASSING signs. I advise all friendly attendees to stay outside the perimeter.
Off the property?
If we can secure the walkway in front of your house we ought to be ok
I think we should get there at 6:30 and secure the sidewalks across the street tbh
How many people so far have committed to coming? Any apb or af?
Me, Chad, probably Jake... I just called Clint and he sounds like a yes
Are you guys going to mask up?
I'll establish a perimeter several feet within my property line, so if you want to stand between the sidewalk and the perimeter tape that is an option.
Based ball bats?
I have 3 extra pair of safety glasses from shooting. Would not stop all mace but 90%
If you guys want to stand inside the perimeter it's ok with me, but be advised that you thereby will likely become guilty be association for any defensive action I take
I still say we take the ground on the parking lot side. Clint is talking open carry w ARs
I plan to stay hidden deep within the perimeter
Open carry would be a good deterrent. You guys call it. We could do no guns and brawl it out, or open carry and keep it peaceful.
Some of us would have to do no guns for legal reasons, there are two ARs I can donate to the cause for those who can
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