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2018-06-06 20:01:47 UTC

When the chips are down who would most of the world side with? South America with the US, Europe the US.

2018-06-06 20:01:52 UTC

Cant exert power externally if internal support doesnt exist for it

2018-06-06 20:01:59 UTC

India with the US.

2018-06-06 20:03:13 UTC

Russia has massive dissent to the point where they have to arrest opposition leaders to keep putin in power

2018-06-06 20:03:45 UTC

China has done a good job of shoving dissent down, but when their economic bubble bursts it will rush back to the surface

2018-06-06 20:05:29 UTC

The fact of the matter is that if the US isnt projecting power around the globe someone else will be

2018-06-06 20:05:54 UTC

I have yet to find another country that is as bad at imperialism as the US is, so im going with them

2018-06-06 20:06:07 UTC

No other country is willing to go into that much debt

2018-06-06 20:09:36 UTC

wooo world hegemony

2018-06-06 20:16:46 UTC

" is as bad at imperialism as the US is, so im going with them"

this comment entertains me, idk why

2018-06-06 20:21:22 UTC

unfortunately the united states form of imperialism is no more lasting than any other. its just that the problems were having from it are different

2018-06-06 20:21:59 UTC

infact its slowly slipping from us right now

2018-06-06 20:33:49 UTC

you cant control the world unless you control the people, you cant control the people through occupation (old form imperialism) and you cant control the people through instigation (neo-con imperialism) the position that the usa has influincing the rest of the world is directly through the power it physically presents outward toward the rest of the world. ultimately we still rule by fear but its more of a fear of us getting involved in any affaire between foreign powers than it is a fear of direct attack. this keeps the rest of the world more or less docial. but the cracks are begining to show. this is highly taxing on the united states requiring a constantly high trained invasion army at all times and also having a highly global focus that distracts from internal affaire on a top down level. the people at the bottom care about whats going on inside their own country just as much as the people at the top care about everything going on outside their country to far to great extremes. weve created a condition of living on a global scale that mandates constant communication and cooperation between peoples without anscesteral paralells to draw from. all of this is slowing the united states down to a screeching halt while the development of everywhere else, while stunted by the united states looming above it, is steadly growing, though even then their method of growth hasent been healthy, underneith everything i see an eminant economic collapse as business world wide contenues to fail without taxe payer assistance

2018-06-06 21:13:24 UTC

Nice blog

2018-06-06 21:25:10 UTC

duh, thats why the US is the worst at imperialism

2018-06-06 21:26:08 UTC

Instead of occupying every nation in the world weaker than it and forcibly annexing it

2018-06-06 21:26:27 UTC

they just build a base and establish an alliance with them

2018-06-06 22:36:23 UTC

@Grenade123 Do you find that ppl are less likely to break the law coz of fear of losing their right to own a gun?

2018-06-06 22:50:48 UTC

Gun owners commit less crimes than even police officers so I'd say so.

2018-06-06 22:51:07 UTC

But not for fear of losing their rights.

2018-06-06 23:29:41 UTC

"Unfortunately, our website is currently unavailable in most European countries."

2018-06-06 23:32:50 UTC

Trust a Jew to cause more problems between Men and Women, wasn't the Jewish created ideology known as feminism enough?

2018-06-06 23:34:15 UTC

lul not everything was created by jews.. theyre not gods

2018-06-06 23:35:44 UTC

I know they didn't create everything which is bad but they did create feminism. I linked some proof in <#398973785426100234>.

2018-06-06 23:56:38 UTC

I got a story for tomorrow but I need a lawyer

2018-06-06 23:56:46 UTC

trying to find a lawyer with experience in press issues

2018-06-06 23:58:56 UTC

Does anyone have the vid where tim talks about how wikipedia works and some of its flaws but strengths? Im in another convo somewhere which is semi related to how rating sites and credibility are useful, semi tied to the Pravda site.

2018-06-07 00:01:35 UTC

maybe theres a contact somewhere for that "youtuber law" guy?

2018-06-07 00:01:49 UTC

or who's the other one? ... something french?

2018-06-07 00:01:53 UTC

the lawyer covering sargon's case?

2018-06-07 00:02:02 UTC


2018-06-07 00:02:10 UTC

think hes in tech law tho

2018-06-07 00:02:21 UTC

well hes covering fair use

2018-06-07 00:02:25 UTC

that's not tech

2018-06-07 00:02:29 UTC


2018-06-07 00:02:37 UTC

but the other one .. something french... think he is all about copyright n stuff

2018-06-07 00:03:00 UTC

leonard french

2018-06-07 00:24:27 UTC

serious video game news about what games will remain in steam store

2018-06-07 00:38:39 UTC

i emailed youtuber law

2018-06-07 00:38:42 UTC

good advice

2018-06-07 01:41:04 UTC

whats this law bussiness all about?

2018-06-07 01:47:18 UTC

@Timcast Could you link the articles you refer to in your videos in the description? It helps when someone wants to look into them further

2018-06-07 02:46:21 UTC

youtuber law was good on the maddox stuff

2018-06-07 02:47:49 UTC

is this about tims youtube strike or something else?

2018-06-07 03:57:45 UTC

@Arch-Fiend wow, I'm surprised with their stance

2018-06-07 03:59:09 UTC

im glad about their stance, i just hope they have the fortitude to hold it agianst what will happen to them now they have taken to their principles vs pressure

2018-06-07 04:00:26 UTC

There's some tricks to it

2018-06-07 04:00:43 UTC

As "hate speech" is "illegal" in some countries

2018-06-07 04:01:12 UTC

But I guess they would just limit those games in the specific countries

2018-06-07 04:06:50 UTC

Probably. What they are going to probably do is wait for court orders or something. Basically saying "hey, you tell us what is illegal" as much as they can.

2018-06-07 04:07:21 UTC

But I image that after this blows over, the SJWs will mostly forget about them.

2018-06-07 05:50:20 UTC

@Timcast sorry to ping so late, but do you have a Patreon amount that would allow you to be self sufficient so you wouldn't have to worry about the YouTube monetization anymore

2018-06-07 06:43:37 UTC

Saudi Arabia wont have any games left to play if they stick to sharia rules, come to think of it

2018-06-07 08:18:46 UTC

This ones odd but amusing, saw it while browsing pol.

2018-06-07 13:41:05 UTC

oh this is a problem. facebook selling data to chinese company that was already questionable to the fbi

2018-06-07 13:43:31 UTC

Now if only Congress would understand what that means

2018-06-07 13:44:52 UTC

if only people actually understood what this means. most people veiw privacy violation as "this bad" and government says "no its good" and huge fractions of the population just beleive them

2018-06-07 13:45:35 UTC

They believe it when its "their side" thats in charge

2018-06-07 13:45:57 UTC

when both sides say it thats even worse

2018-06-07 13:46:25 UTC

but yeah partisanship is a problem

2018-06-07 13:51:46 UTC

Or that they dont know that sharing info with anyone with no oversight on what is done with it is bad

2018-06-07 14:08:56 UTC

thats usually those "I've got nothing to hide" people

They don't consider that if its up to the government, there is

2018-06-07 14:09:22 UTC

cuz if its up to the government, everyone gets their whole lives regulated

2018-06-07 14:20:46 UTC

Well anything can be used as blackmail

2018-06-07 14:20:48 UTC

Or used to doxx

2018-06-07 14:21:55 UTC

privacy gets in the way of justice.

2018-06-07 14:25:44 UTC

the issue with justice is that all people are guilty in the eyes of government

2018-06-07 14:41:31 UTC

hackers claming to be the ones who doxed hogg hit me up and gave me a recording

2018-06-07 14:41:43 UTC

Phil defranco said he wouldnt mention it because he doesnt want to encourage people to do it

2018-06-07 14:41:47 UTC

what are yalls thoughts

2018-06-07 14:42:24 UTC

swatted not doxed

2018-06-07 14:44:06 UTC

freudian slip? technicly this is a crime so if you have incriminating information about it arnt you legally required to give that to the police before publicizing it?

2018-06-07 14:44:22 UTC

Would you be willing to post said recording here?

2018-06-07 14:44:43 UTC

And yeah, I'm pretty sure that's supposed to be passed off to the authorities

2018-06-07 14:45:18 UTC

its the 911 call

2018-06-07 14:45:23 UTC

its not evidence they dont already have

2018-06-07 14:45:27 UTC


2018-06-07 14:45:30 UTC

and its public record

2018-06-07 14:45:45 UTC

but I did an interview and they said it was for fun and they didnt even know who hogg was

2018-06-07 14:45:59 UTC

I don't think I buy that personally

2018-06-07 14:46:03 UTC

I do

2018-06-07 14:46:08 UTC

they kept forgetting his name

2018-06-07 14:46:10 UTC

or saying it wrong

2018-06-07 14:46:30 UTC

One does not swatt a celebrity on accident

2018-06-07 14:46:34 UTC

Ya know?

2018-06-07 14:46:41 UTC

someone sent them names they thought would be high profile

2018-06-07 14:46:47 UTC

they claim to have swatted tariq nasheed too

2018-06-07 14:47:19 UTC

this is all stuff that the authoritys have right? i never heard of this befor now

2018-06-07 14:47:20 UTC

They sound like a bunch of pricks

2018-06-07 14:47:31 UTC

this is from the interview i did with them

2018-06-07 14:47:38 UTC

Though, I have strong feelings on swatting

2018-06-07 14:47:59 UTC

isint the interveiw you did incriminating? or you dont have their identity?

2018-06-07 14:48:16 UTC

i dont know anything about them other than their twitter accounts

2018-06-07 14:48:18 UTC

Anything they have to back it up?

2018-06-07 14:48:21 UTC

actually its very likely you dont consitering who were talking about

2018-06-07 14:48:25 UTC

Like its a simple claim to make

2018-06-07 14:48:43 UTC

Phil usually has good judgment for these sorts of things imo

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