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2018-12-05 18:48:56 UTC

China was put in that situation by massive treason on the part of special interests in the West.

2018-12-05 18:49:46 UTC

Would you like to explain how it's treason?

2018-12-05 18:51:27 UTC

It's the willful transfer of economic superiority from us to them by elements of our own society.

2018-12-05 18:52:57 UTC

So you're owed their income?

2018-12-05 18:53:41 UTC

Are they owed my income?

2018-12-05 18:54:30 UTC

Sorry? I wasn't aware that not buying an iPad was punishable by death

2018-12-05 18:54:44 UTC


2018-12-05 18:54:50 UTC

Meanwhile taxation is the application of force

2018-12-05 18:55:00 UTC

No shit.

2018-12-05 18:55:04 UTC

Government intervention is necessarily forceful

2018-12-05 18:55:26 UTC

And the charge of treason for trade decisions implies that you are owed the money they have earned, in some sense

2018-12-05 18:55:37 UTC

How have they earned it?

2018-12-05 18:55:57 UTC

Because you paid for what they made, "you" being general

2018-12-05 18:56:24 UTC

I have a product, I provide it, you buy it. That's my money now

2018-12-05 18:59:01 UTC

We're not talking about the black market here.

2018-12-05 18:59:27 UTC

No, we're talking about the most basic level of trade

2018-12-05 18:59:52 UTC

I sell you thing for money, I use % of money to produce more of thing as efficiently as I can

2018-12-05 19:00:22 UTC

The government dips into both ends to pay for security and services

2018-12-05 19:00:26 UTC

I'm not interested in talking about trade in the lolbertarian state of nature.

2018-12-05 19:00:49 UTC

That's how trade just works my dude, it's not libertarian magic

2018-12-05 19:00:59 UTC

This is why you don't understand why people are outsourcing lol

2018-12-05 19:01:53 UTC

No, trade in the real world that isn't for drugs and stolen property involves legal principles.

2018-12-05 19:02:01 UTC

Such as?

2018-12-05 19:02:53 UTC

People are outsourcing because we allow them to.

2018-12-05 19:03:07 UTC

Such as all legal trade.

2018-12-05 19:03:40 UTC

"What legal principles"
"All legal trade"

2018-12-05 19:04:07 UTC


2018-12-05 19:04:10 UTC

Tbh it sounds to me like you're not terribly for the principles America was built on, lad

2018-12-05 19:04:36 UTC

America wasn't built on anarchy.

2018-12-05 19:04:50 UTC

America was built on limited government power

2018-12-05 19:04:50 UTC

How it outsourcing unprincipled?

2018-12-05 19:04:55 UTC


2018-12-05 19:05:24 UTC

Having the government heavily regulate trade, to the point of near market control, doesn't sound like a limited government to me

2018-12-05 19:05:39 UTC

If you don't want companies to outsource, don't buy outsourced products

2018-12-05 19:05:47 UTC

Sounds more fascist

2018-12-05 19:06:31 UTC

Taxing imports is hardly micromanaging trade.

2018-12-05 19:06:47 UTC

Why should we tax imports?

2018-12-05 19:06:53 UTC

Banning trade is not taxing imports

2018-12-05 19:07:12 UTC

Who said anything about banning trade?

2018-12-05 19:07:59 UTC

For government revenue, Make.

2018-12-05 19:08:22 UTC

But are we gonna tax all trade equally?

2018-12-05 19:08:39 UTC

All goods aren't equally taxable.

2018-12-05 19:08:46 UTC

You directly said we shouldn't trade with the "third world" and that the current setup was the result of treason lol

2018-12-05 19:08:53 UTC

I mean global and domestic

2018-12-05 19:09:06 UTC

I said we shoud tax imports from the third world.

2018-12-05 19:09:30 UTC

So you want to slow down global trade?

2018-12-05 19:09:46 UTC

For what reason?

2018-12-05 19:10:02 UTC

Yes, slow down global trade and speed up domestic production.

2018-12-05 19:10:23 UTC

For what reason should we slow down global trade?

2018-12-05 19:10:29 UTC

He thinks the government should artificially modify market factors to fix the fact that they artificially modified market factors in the first place lol
And apparently America will just suddenly become self sufficient

2018-12-05 19:10:49 UTC


2018-12-05 19:11:45 UTC

How to fix regulation. More regulation! <:timcat:463067464016855040>

2018-12-05 19:11:47 UTC

The poverty of shithole countries is an artificial market factor created by globalist trade policy.

2018-12-05 19:12:01 UTC

In what way?

2018-12-05 19:12:10 UTC

Trade has improved their life

2018-12-05 19:12:13 UTC

The American government, as with all western governments, is already heavily interventionist. This has caused domestic production costs to go up

2018-12-05 19:12:20 UTC

Look at communist china to its state now

2018-12-05 19:12:30 UTC

You can see that in the cost of domestically produced products *now*

2018-12-05 19:12:39 UTC

It's improved the lives of the elites in shithole countries.

2018-12-05 19:13:00 UTC

No people starved in greater numbers to how they do now

2018-12-05 19:13:14 UTC

So the average Chinese worker would be better off without trade?

2018-12-05 19:13:18 UTC

Its not perfect but look what the market did to their quality of life

2018-12-05 19:14:40 UTC

Look, I don't care about incremental improvements in shithole countries occurring at great cost to the working class in non-shithole countries.

2018-12-05 19:15:04 UTC

Whoosh there go those goalposts again

2018-12-05 19:15:12 UTC

Muh Chinese have jobs that Americans dont

2018-12-05 19:15:23 UTC

Americans don't what?

2018-12-05 19:15:42 UTC

Okay so let's bring it back to domestic issues. Stop bringing in more people if you don't have enough jobs

2018-12-05 19:16:30 UTC

Yes, stop bringing them in and stop offshoring since they're both effectively the same thing.

2018-12-05 19:16:47 UTC


2018-12-05 19:16:55 UTC


2018-12-05 19:16:58 UTC

The native American (meaning people born in America) population is in decline naturally

2018-12-05 19:17:27 UTC

Ergo if there are more people than jobs, let there be less people and stop basing everything around constant growth

2018-12-05 19:18:25 UTC

There's nothing natural about America's population decline.

2018-12-05 19:18:49 UTC

so you guys are saying that its okay to use slave labor in China for profitability

2018-12-05 19:18:55 UTC

>people have been having fewer kids generation by generation
>not natural

2018-12-05 19:19:03 UTC

That's always been what they're saying, m1.

2018-12-05 19:19:06 UTC

In what way is it "slave" labor?

2018-12-05 19:19:20 UTC

@m1 ignoring the slave labour comment, what is your solution?

2018-12-05 19:19:33 UTC

perhaps hyperbolic, but when the workers are building iphones

2018-12-05 19:19:37 UTC

and jumping to their deaths

2018-12-05 19:19:41 UTC

where they put up nets

2018-12-05 19:19:45 UTC

id say we are getting close

2018-12-05 19:19:56 UTC

Except they choose to work

2018-12-05 19:20:04 UTC

said every slave owner

2018-12-05 19:20:27 UTC

@m1 what is your solution to China's shitty labour standards?

2018-12-05 19:20:34 UTC

dont do business in china

2018-12-05 19:20:35 UTC

They should be treated humanely of course but the difference between a slave and a worker it was his will not something caused by force

2018-12-05 19:20:53 UTC

Okay, so take away the jobs they have currently. Now they have 0 income

2018-12-05 19:20:53 UTC

are there no poor people in EU?

2018-12-05 19:20:59 UTC

that will work for very low

2018-12-05 19:21:05 UTC

like E. Europe countries

2018-12-05 19:21:16 UTC

or do we just say fuck them

2018-12-05 19:21:33 UTC

Wait, is your solution to just shift the same working conditions to Europe?

2018-12-05 19:21:38 UTC


2018-12-05 19:21:47 UTC

im sayiing that poor europeans prolly want jobs

2018-12-05 19:22:02 UTC

and im saying you are selfish for giving them to the chinese

2018-12-05 19:22:07 UTC

Okay, so we're still left with starving Chinese citizens from your empathetic plan

2018-12-05 19:22:24 UTC

that's a chinese problem not mine

2018-12-05 19:22:27 UTC

and yes

2018-12-05 19:22:28 UTC

Do they matter less than Europeans?

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