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2018-07-23 14:01:37 UTC

dont liek stiitng zobieing out lol

2018-07-23 14:01:47 UTC

Jeremy used to smoke weed and do math with me

2018-07-23 14:02:01 UTC

well i didn't zombie out, but i just for the life of me couldn't grasp anything if i didn't focus on it

2018-07-23 14:02:08 UTC

I think that's the only time I ever saw him study

2018-07-23 14:02:10 UTC


2018-07-23 14:02:29 UTC

XD yeah math can be fun when baked

2018-07-23 14:02:39 UTC

when u get an answer and everything makes sense is a good feeling

2018-07-23 14:02:47 UTC

and then when you sobered up

2018-07-23 14:03:07 UTC

you wrote all the lyrics to viva la vida loca

In japanese

2018-07-23 14:03:15 UTC


2018-07-23 14:03:17 UTC


2018-07-23 14:03:26 UTC

Maybe I should have tried weed myself

2018-07-23 14:03:28 UTC

i rememebr i had an end of semester project in audio engineering schoo

2018-07-23 14:03:33 UTC

using Cyrillic alphabet ๐Ÿ˜‰

2018-07-23 14:03:44 UTC

I forced Jeremy to go into rehab and quit

2018-07-23 14:04:02 UTC

Because I thought he was ruining his lungs

2018-07-23 14:04:16 UTC

and in my physics of acoustics class i ended up adding a whole section on the last part calculating the physics of the rooms, the standing waves and its harmonics, nodes,n antinodes

2018-07-23 14:04:34 UTC

lol my teacher was just like..... u know u didn thave to do this right???? XD

2018-07-23 14:04:35 UTC

i smoked it twice, but that didn't affect me at all

I tried half a space cake

2018-07-23 14:04:44 UTC

in retrospect that wasn't the smartest of ideas i had

2018-07-23 14:04:56 UTC

weed weed is actualy a vasodialtor

2018-07-23 14:05:11 UTC

so what happens is u end up coughing up all this shit that was in ur lungs this whole tim

2018-07-23 14:05:30 UTC

LOL i have asthma so i need to know this

2018-07-23 14:05:46 UTC

2018-07-23 14:05:59 UTC

I'm sorry

2018-07-23 14:06:12 UTC

im confident she doesn't realise she's the product of hetero sexuality

2018-07-23 14:06:19 UTC

thats authorianitarianism if i ever saw it

2018-07-23 14:06:36 UTC


2018-07-23 14:06:50 UTC

worst part of getting shitfaced stoned

2018-07-23 14:06:57 UTC

was that the 6 hours that passed

2018-07-23 14:07:00 UTC

OMG thats dangerous

2018-07-23 14:07:00 UTC

turned out to be 3 minutes

2018-07-23 14:07:26 UTC

lol u really gotta avoid smoking alot when drunk lol puking will ensue

2018-07-23 14:07:35 UTC

i didn't smoke it

2018-07-23 14:07:38 UTC

i ate spacecake

2018-07-23 14:07:43 UTC

lol still

2018-07-23 14:07:47 UTC

but yes

2018-07-23 14:07:50 UTC

after about 3 hours

2018-07-23 14:07:57 UTC

i was hanging over the toilet

2018-07-23 14:08:02 UTC

lol still

2018-07-23 14:08:05 UTC

Does smoking weed ruin your lungs like cigarettes?

2018-07-23 14:08:11 UTC


2018-07-23 14:08:14 UTC

but it does

2018-07-23 14:08:15 UTC

thast worse cuz its hard not to get rrrrreaaly high off of edibles when u dont know the dosage relative to ur tolerance

2018-07-23 14:08:23 UTC


2018-07-23 14:08:32 UTC

guy it was the first time i ever tried it

And i ate half a cake ๐Ÿ˜„

2018-07-23 14:08:34 UTC

weed is bad when u aslo smoke ciggarettes

2018-07-23 14:08:45 UTC

in one sitting! ๐Ÿ˜„

2018-07-23 14:08:54 UTC

because the chems in cigs are made to sstop u from coughing

2018-07-23 14:09:07 UTC

so all that shit that would come out from coughing as sort of a natural cleaning method

2018-07-23 14:09:13 UTC

just stays in

2018-07-23 14:10:06 UTC

tho mind u coughin too much isnt good either lol u can irritate your throaght to the point of bleeding but thats if ur a real dumbass and keep smoking and smoking after u keep coughing

2018-07-23 14:10:28 UTC

tbh weed can be dangerous when youre predisposed to shizophrenia

2018-07-23 14:10:51 UTC

can trigger an episode and if ur not aware u might not ever really know

2018-07-23 14:10:52 UTC

trevor noah is alt right

2018-07-23 14:11:06 UTC

cuz memory loss is a big part of schozophrenic episodes

2018-07-23 14:11:09 UTC


2018-07-23 14:11:10 UTC

our lord and Tim writes amongst us

2018-07-23 14:11:13 UTC

XD 100%

2018-07-23 14:11:23 UTC

I dont get it

2018-07-23 14:11:27 UTC

he grew up under apartheid, maybe he agreed with it instead of disliking it

2018-07-23 14:11:40 UTC

Didnt have to deal with them whities

2018-07-23 14:11:42 UTC

"back in teh good ole days of SA"

2018-07-23 14:11:52 UTC

The Daily Show is actually the Daily Stormer now

2018-07-23 14:11:54 UTC

trevor noah made racist jokes in the past, made alt right arguments, got called out for "white supremacist arguments" by progressives, doubles down and defends his statement, now activists are calling for a boycott becuase he made racist and sexist jokes about aboriginal women

2018-07-23 14:12:14 UTC

Lefties eat their own

2018-07-23 14:12:17 UTC


2018-07-23 14:12:17 UTC

not to mention when he attacked antifa

2018-07-23 14:12:18 UTC

In other news, water is wet

2018-07-23 14:12:20 UTC

Fuck Noah

2018-07-23 14:12:20 UTC

a trademark of the alt right5

2018-07-23 14:12:23 UTC

he failed the Purity test?

2018-07-23 14:12:31 UTC

ayyy lmao like that guy that gets top comment on all ur vids, "progressivism poisons everything"

2018-07-23 14:12:32 UTC

Hopefully they bring back John Stewart

2018-07-23 14:12:38 UTC

He was actually funny

2018-07-23 14:12:44 UTC

Steward retired, he's out

2018-07-23 14:12:49 UTC


2018-07-23 14:12:53 UTC

they should bring a white guy in though ๐Ÿ˜‰

2018-07-23 14:12:56 UTC

so, either he gets kicked from the daily show, or the writers change and Trevor might actually be funny

2018-07-23 14:12:59 UTC

I mean, with the current climate

2018-07-23 14:13:08 UTC

Left can't meme grenade, your 2nd option is impossible

2018-07-23 14:13:09 UTC

hmmm would be interesting if he got fired

2018-07-23 14:13:11 UTC

They would call it whitewashing

2018-07-23 14:13:16 UTC

What's the Yellow flag?

2018-07-23 14:13:20 UTC

not sure if he would apollogise or triple down

2018-07-23 14:13:29 UTC


2018-07-23 14:13:30 UTC

anti-communist action

2018-07-23 14:13:32 UTC

Was gonna say ancap

2018-07-23 14:13:35 UTC

shieeet, another <:VeRiFiEd:463064374236413962> became alt-right smh

2018-07-23 14:13:36 UTC


2018-07-23 14:13:38 UTC


2018-07-23 14:13:39 UTC


2018-07-23 14:13:44 UTC

Has a ring

2018-07-23 14:13:48 UTC

Thanks Tim!

2018-07-23 14:13:49 UTC

have you seen some of trevor's in-between takes? there is some funny stuff in there. when he is not being held down by his white saviors

2018-07-23 14:13:53 UTC

And Ginga

2018-07-23 14:14:12 UTC

I think they're gonna try and cover up trevor noahs actions

2018-07-23 14:14:12 UTC

yeah its the anti communist action flag

2018-07-23 14:14:14 UTC

the yellow on

2018-07-23 14:14:15 UTC

I see from comments that apparently in south africa he was hilarious

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