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2018-07-16 06:10:32 UTC


2018-07-16 06:11:18 UTC

Somewhere. The grave of a ww1 officer has nutted

2018-07-16 06:11:28 UTC

there's only so many times I can read people butcher what guns are before I want to send people back to kindergarten to learn how to read

2018-07-16 06:12:17 UTC


2018-07-16 06:13:26 UTC

2018-07-16 06:14:22 UTC

Thatโ€˜s a bug

2018-07-16 06:14:28 UTC


2018-07-16 06:14:31 UTC

Fallout 40k

2018-07-16 06:14:39 UTC

It's a modded gun from fallout 4

2018-07-16 06:15:10 UTC
2018-07-16 06:15:48 UTC


2018-07-16 06:16:05 UTC

All she got out was "JEWS BAAAD"

2018-07-16 06:16:53 UTC

The power of brainwash. People just spill whatever they heard out and don't understand a thing

2018-07-16 06:17:10 UTC

you'd think as a politician she'd know she has to have a clear answer for questions

2018-07-16 06:17:30 UTC

or else she just looks like, well, whatever that was

2018-07-16 06:17:50 UTC

Isn't she for no borders tho? So why is settling in Palestine bad?

2018-07-16 06:18:15 UTC

๐Ÿค” <:commie:463087263153258506>

2018-07-16 06:18:45 UTC

This is the best the DSA have lmfao

2018-07-16 06:19:41 UTC

All she knows is that if someone is doing badly she has to call them victims even if their situation is self inflicted.

2018-07-16 06:20:09 UTC

their best and brightest can't even answer the question "what do you mean Palestine is being occupied" clearly

2018-07-16 06:20:36 UTC

imagine if someone asks her "ok, so we get rid of ice, what do we replace it with?"

2018-07-16 06:20:56 UTC

Sheโ€™d say donโ€™t replace it.

2018-07-16 06:21:49 UTC

well, i guess she likes gang violence and human trafficking

2018-07-16 06:21:59 UTC

if that were her answer

2018-07-16 06:23:43 UTC

Either she is too ignorant to see the connection or supports it.

2018-07-16 06:40:59 UTC

Winning a local race is not the same as winning a national race. Her posiiton now is international. She may have not realized that.

2018-07-16 06:46:13 UTC

The worst part is if they succeed in abolishing ICE it wouldn't even help me sneak into the US because it's the wrong fucking organization.

2018-07-16 06:48:02 UTC

The 'Abolishing ICE' part of her platform is i think the only part that caught me off guard.

2018-07-16 06:48:09 UTC

That being a thing in general caught me off guard.

2018-07-16 06:48:52 UTC

I get wanting to change how it operates, okay. But just killing it?

2018-07-16 06:49:07 UTC

Doesnt feel like the idea was thought through.

2018-07-16 06:56:04 UTC

@Kirby Shh, it makes it even funnier x3

2018-07-16 06:57:40 UTC

It's not that it wasn't thought out, it's that it's just unthinking rambling. @Scarlet

2018-07-16 06:58:00 UTC

I wouldnt call it rambling

2018-07-16 06:58:03 UTC

@Ashers I know, but in a slightly painful way.

2018-07-16 06:58:04 UTC

But somebody said it in public

2018-07-16 06:58:13 UTC

People for some reason thought "This is a good idea!"

2018-07-16 06:58:15 UTC

And uh

2018-07-16 06:58:19 UTC

We ended up here?

2018-07-16 06:58:25 UTC


2018-07-16 06:58:35 UTC

Im honestly quite confused.

2018-07-16 06:58:39 UTC


2018-07-16 06:58:41 UTC


2018-07-16 06:58:58 UTC

How they actually ended up stating 'Abolish ICE' as part of their platform.

2018-07-16 06:59:16 UTC

They think it's the correct position

2018-07-16 06:59:53 UTC

I dunno either, if I had to take a guess it's a mixture of remnant dislike of "Trump's Muslim Ban"

2018-07-16 07:00:01 UTC

They're just conjuring up fragmented ideological positions that they believe to be absolutely right.

2018-07-16 07:00:10 UTC

Coupled with the various deportations that have made the news as of late

2018-07-16 07:00:16 UTC

Allowed it to gain traction

2018-07-16 07:00:45 UTC

Or rather that arrest of that lady who was separated from her family mid-day

2018-07-16 07:00:49 UTC

Do they? I remembr when i first saw it, i skimmed over, and mistook "ICE" for the 'DEA' (I was tired or something)
But then i saw it again, googled ICE, and was very confused.

2018-07-16 07:01:12 UTC

Just a guess

2018-07-16 07:01:19 UTC

Abolishing ICE would be both very difficult/Alot of work, and i likely not gain them the result they want

2018-07-16 07:01:45 UTC

It's not a very well thought out stance

2018-07-16 07:01:58 UTC

Oh no it is a well thought out stance

2018-07-16 07:02:09 UTC

When I asked my friend who's a lefty about it she thought they monitored the border too >.>

2018-07-16 07:02:26 UTC

I wonder how many people have that misconception

2018-07-16 07:02:28 UTC

Only for me to google and inform her that that's a different branch of Homeland security

2018-07-16 07:02:36 UTC

Because that's a entirely seperate agency

2018-07-16 07:02:49 UTC

If its not in a cnn article dont expect them to know it

2018-07-16 07:03:05 UTC


2018-07-16 07:03:19 UTC

We arent talking about people who love CNN though.

2018-07-16 07:03:48 UTC

people rarely take the time to research issues, theyll hear something and form an opinion on it without having a solid base

2018-07-16 07:03:50 UTC

This comes from the 'Justice Democrats' and what's her name, Ocasio Cortez

2018-07-16 07:04:01 UTC

Yeah i got that name right.

2018-07-16 07:04:12 UTC

These are people in a similar camp to Bernie

2018-07-16 07:04:14 UTC

Not Clinton

2018-07-16 07:04:49 UTC

does she think that ICE patrols the borders?

2018-07-16 07:05:53 UTC

Ocasio Cortez? I cant imagine she does. She must at least know the gist (IE; Google search) of what they do if she put it in writing as part of her platform

2018-07-16 07:06:41 UTC

Yea no shes definetly had someone think out her paltform for her

2018-07-16 07:06:51 UTC

What that is exactly depends on how tinfoil hat you want to get

2018-07-16 07:07:13 UTC

"Ocasio-Cortez wants to abolish Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and believes there should be a "clear" path to citizenship for unauthorized immigrants.

"As overseen by the Trump administration, ICE operates with virtually no accountability, ripping apart families and holding our friends and neighbors indefinitely in inhumane detention centers scattered across the United States," Ocasio-Cortez said on her website.

She also wants more protections for young unauthorized immigrants known as "Dreamers" and immigrants who have temporary protections from deportation."

2018-07-16 07:07:21 UTC

I dont think so?

2018-07-16 07:08:13 UTC

I believe she has the correct understanding of ICE here?

2018-07-16 07:08:26 UTC

that sounds like it yea

2018-07-16 07:09:33 UTC

rather silly, since the name would just change and the same policy would be carried out

2018-07-16 07:09:57 UTC

its not as if we can stop enforcing borders all together

2018-07-16 07:10:13 UTC

Well, eh, maybe.
If you actually ended up abolishing ICE, it'd be a big job, and you'd probably end up changing the rules that make ICE do this in the first place

2018-07-16 07:10:39 UTC

But again, it's much easier to simply reform ICE

2018-07-16 07:10:40 UTC

Then kill it

2018-07-16 07:11:50 UTC

Here's something she was handing out, summary of her platform

2018-07-16 07:14:23 UTC

That's the thing, she has things that everyone wants in there, but others that are just far-fetched.

2018-07-16 07:14:45 UTC

What do you have in mind other then 'Abolish ICE'?

2018-07-16 07:14:50 UTC

Iโ€™m surprised she has support for veterans on there.

2018-07-16 07:15:04 UTC

Im not.

2018-07-16 07:16:23 UTC

Her group are anti war, but very pro treating veteran mental problems more seriously/consistently then they have been.

2018-07-16 07:16:34 UTC

100% jobs. A Keynesian idea that has failed time and time again, because it's unbelievably expensive, and bloats the birocratic system to no end.

2018-07-16 07:16:52 UTC

Well its politics, they can call it a 'universal job guarentee'

2018-07-16 07:16:54 UTC

Universal jobs guarantee, is how she has it on there

2018-07-16 07:17:01 UTC

but it wont play out like that.

2018-07-16 07:17:19 UTC

The describing text just says 'living minimum wage'

2018-07-16 07:17:24 UTC

It'll play out like pre Thatcher London

2018-07-16 07:18:31 UTC

Also in terms of what they actually talk about, i dont really ever hear 'universal job guarentee'

2018-07-16 07:18:37 UTC

It's usually just minimum wage stuff

2018-07-16 07:18:51 UTC

She probably wants the 15$ minimum wage

2018-07-16 07:19:07 UTC

The housing thing will make howsing super expensive.

2018-07-16 07:19:18 UTC

I dont follow.

2018-07-16 07:19:23 UTC

And if it is a minimum wage thing than disemployment will go up

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