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2018-10-03 19:02:52 UTC


2018-10-03 19:03:01 UTC

its not even arguing there is an actual selling drug yet

2018-10-03 19:03:07 UTC

just that it fucks with her research

2018-10-03 19:03:10 UTC

@Timcast it also can be used to treat cushings

2018-10-03 19:03:32 UTC

But the first list is for pregnancy terminations

2018-10-03 19:03:51 UTC

That's it! I am never going to get another abortion.

2018-10-03 19:03:58 UTC

oh is her last name blasey-ford or just ford?

2018-10-03 19:04:13 UTC

2018-10-03 19:04:17 UTC

did she marry a "ford"?

2018-10-03 19:04:29 UTC

the thing tim got focuses on her supposedly published or listed on several papers about mifepristone, which is what Corcpet researches by their own admission. They also claim to have propriety stuff in the phrama field and they only sell 1 drug, which raises the question were their funding comes from for all this research.

2018-10-03 19:04:29 UTC

maybe the pubs are from before, when she was just named blasey?

2018-10-03 19:04:58 UTC

actually the pdf is arguing that the ingredient of the drug would become potentially disallowed which I would heavily doubt

2018-10-03 19:05:10 UTC

Well it depends

2018-10-03 19:05:26 UTC

but if the company wanted to produce an abortion drug they at least have the ingredients to do so

2018-10-03 19:05:42 UTC

or they already have the patents for it

2018-10-03 19:06:14 UTC

needs more investigation, still a reach

2018-10-03 19:06:19 UTC ok so I just looked at a woman who works for a biomedical company who is our client. She has a hypenated last name. She, however, only uses her maiden name in her research papers

2018-10-03 19:06:28 UTC

so that would make sense if she were doing the same thing

2018-10-03 19:06:33 UTC

@Grenade123 its a pretty big reach

2018-10-03 19:06:43 UTC

Who is the statement from anyway @Timcast

2018-10-03 19:06:57 UTC

like who is making the statement and/or who sent it?

2018-10-03 19:07:01 UTC

without knowing where they get their money, its a reach for sure

2018-10-03 19:07:43 UTC

@Grenade123 you start talking about the way investment works in the biomedical field, you're asking for a rabbit hole none of us is likely equipped to look into

2018-10-03 19:07:47 UTC

its a total mess

2018-10-03 19:07:56 UTC

even the client we have has like 50 investors

2018-10-03 19:07:59 UTC

It feels a little bit like tea leaf reading.

2018-10-03 19:08:05 UTC

it does admittedly

2018-10-03 19:08:39 UTC

oh i know the biomedical field is a mess

2018-10-03 19:08:51 UTC

but its certainly a valid question.

2018-10-03 19:08:53 UTC

"Mifepristone is a powerful glucocorticoid type II receptor antagonist and, since it does not interfere with normal cortisol homeostatis type I receptor transmission, may be especially useful for treating the cognitive effects of Cushing's syndrome.[40] However, the medication faces considerable controversy due to its use as an abortifacient. In February 2012, the FDA approved mifepristone to control high blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia) in adult patients who are not candidates for surgery, or who did not respond to prior surgery, with the warning that mifepristone should never be used by pregnant women."

2018-10-03 19:08:55 UTC

It also feels a bit as if this circus is being validated by both sides inferring motivations and engaging in hyperbole.

Instead, they should have just shut it down.

2018-10-03 19:09:27 UTC

If you think a game is rigged, you shouldn't play. Once you start throwing back the ball - you're in the game.

2018-10-03 19:09:33 UTC

Alright well regardless of politifacts story, we don't know who it came from and we don't know anything about the company. So until either a name gets put to this or we see something that reinforces the idea that the company is engaging in research to produce an abortion drug, im dropping this

2018-10-03 19:09:46 UTC

@Grenade123 yea to treat cushings

2018-10-03 19:10:12 UTC

to those who continue, have fun

2018-10-03 19:10:41 UTC

I guess that kind of detective work is fun.

2018-10-03 19:10:48 UTC

It's to me, too.

2018-10-03 19:11:12 UTC

But I hope that this is not the route that news outlets are going to take.

2018-10-03 19:11:27 UTC

This BS should not be validated to begin with.

2018-10-03 19:11:41 UTC

they sell a controversial drug for 1 disease. Their primary research has been in a drug who's other (or one other anyway) primary use is abortion. Its worth investigating where they get their money because it is most likely not from Korlym. But without finding a money trail, its a dead end. although more credible than her accusation

2018-10-03 19:12:17 UTC

The only trail I want to see for Ford is a charge for perjury and lying under oath.

2018-10-03 19:12:18 UTC

Most of the people I know who I could contact about this stuff are perpetually stressed... Mostly because they deal with biological product and have no time, but eh...

2018-10-03 19:12:46 UTC

We are giving a free pass for yet another baseless rape allegation.

2018-10-03 19:12:55 UTC

you probably don't need to talk to people in the field, i'm sure you can track some patents if there is a trail for direct sales.

2018-10-03 19:13:26 UTC

or see if corcept has a parent company, or has companies it owns

2018-10-03 19:13:28 UTC

Brian Banks, Jian Ghomeshi, UVA, Duke Lacrosse, Jemma Beale, Roy Moore, Mattress Girl - where will it end?

2018-10-03 19:13:35 UTC

Corcept is the company

2018-10-03 19:13:38 UTC

Korlym is the drug

2018-10-03 19:13:48 UTC
2018-10-03 19:13:50 UTC

have fun

2018-10-03 19:13:56 UTC


2018-10-03 19:14:44 UTC

Do we really need to do that much detective work when we live in a world like that?

2018-10-03 19:14:56 UTC


2018-10-03 19:14:58 UTC

because its fun

2018-10-03 19:15:04 UTC

I guess.

2018-10-03 19:15:54 UTC

Yeah, historically rape allegations are big number of the fake crimes used to discriminate against minorities

2018-10-03 19:16:49 UTC

@Undead Mockingbird send it to 4chan and tell them to spread the word that white woman are behind metoo to imprison POC men, like Cobsy and Aziz.

2018-10-03 19:17:03 UTC

Historically? More than half of exonerations of the Innoence Project TODAY are for rape.

2018-10-03 19:17:25 UTC

That is although sexual assault only makes up 1/20th of all violent crime.

2018-10-03 19:17:39 UTC

That means the rate of false convictions for rape is about 4x that of other violent crime.

2018-10-03 19:17:57 UTC

It's precisely because of shit like this, because we try to decide cases for which we hav eno fucking evidence.

2018-10-03 19:18:05 UTC

I mean more as it's more of a tradition than an one time fad

2018-10-03 19:18:53 UTC

Rape investigations should work like this:

1.) The accused shouldn't even be bothered until there is evidence.

2.) Do not fucking lock up people without evidence. Prolonged pre-trial detention should be unconstitutional.

3.) If you don't have evidence, leave people the fuck alone.

2018-10-03 19:19:42 UTC

That should all fall under "innocent until proven guilty".

However, nowadays the process might as well be the punishment. We lock up people BEFORE they have been convicted - ALL THE TIME.

2018-10-03 19:20:23 UTC


2018-10-03 19:20:44 UTC

We do all kinds of damage to their life, psychologically, monetary, related to health.

All of that should be illegal. No evidence? Keep the fucking state out of my life.

2018-10-03 19:21:12 UTC

Tell people, if you listen and believe, the Scottsboro Boys would have never been pardoned

2018-10-03 19:21:29 UTC

This is all part of the NORMAL PROCESS. It should not be allowed for the state to ruin people's life through the process alone, because then the process becomes punishment in itself.

2018-10-03 19:22:10 UTC

I think 90% of pre-trial detention should be fucking unconstitutional.

2018-10-03 19:22:21 UTC

That's just one example.

2018-10-03 19:23:20 UTC

I think you're preaching to the choir

2018-10-03 19:23:30 UTC

Then why are you not singing?!

2018-10-03 19:23:44 UTC


2018-10-03 19:24:31 UTC

Ahhh nice! @Nine

2018-10-03 19:24:48 UTC

I guess I was preaching to the choir, but we need to do more preaching.

2018-10-03 19:24:58 UTC


2018-10-03 19:29:13 UTC


2018-10-03 19:31:02 UTC

i sent you some shekels

2018-10-03 19:31:16 UTC

people spam too much gifs on minds

2018-10-03 19:31:25 UTC

i like it when people actually put in the effort and write a blog

2018-10-03 19:32:07 UTC

I have also written some code to use the Minds API, if you want to use that for your blogs.

2018-10-03 19:32:08 UTC

Hey tim, i suggest you do the article on valkyrie chronicles

2018-10-03 19:32:15 UTC

It is hilarious

2018-10-03 19:32:59 UTC

I'd love some opinions on this.

2018-10-03 19:33:04 UTC

I hate racists. I think racists are all niggers.

2018-10-03 19:34:03 UTC


2018-10-03 19:34:08 UTC


2018-10-03 19:34:13 UTC

orange cheeto 45

2018-10-03 19:35:16 UTC

I can't even believe that all those racism smears actually took off.

2018-10-03 19:35:21 UTC

Everybody is a Nazi now.

2018-10-03 19:35:31 UTC

Are people that stupid?

2018-10-03 19:35:37 UTC


2018-10-03 19:35:47 UTC

I did not want you to answer that!

2018-10-03 19:35:49 UTC


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