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2018-09-06 10:17:54 UTC

Pistols at dawn it is good sir ๐Ÿ”ซ ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

2018-09-06 10:18:10 UTC

theres a shift in the culture

2018-09-06 10:18:15 UTC

Well woll you describe yourself as manly right? What makes you so manly?

2018-09-06 10:18:26 UTC

dudes short, dudes cute, dude probably has feelings towards things he doesn't want to admit, but hes still dominant through competence

2018-09-06 10:18:46 UTC

my elevated testosterone count, I have to shave twice per day ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

2018-09-06 10:19:31 UTC

We're really headed back to biblethumping

2018-09-06 10:19:39 UTC

And "evolution is just a theory"

2018-09-06 10:19:54 UTC

how so?

2018-09-06 10:20:09 UTC

well its classified as theory, because thats how you call a current method science accepted ๐Ÿค”

2018-09-06 10:20:10 UTC

This absolute bonehead way of talking about anything.

2018-09-06 10:20:21 UTC

Gravity is also filed under theory

2018-09-06 10:20:29 UTC

Sorry, back from a phonecall

2018-09-06 10:20:38 UTC

scribbles if you dont agree with it then add your voice

2018-09-06 10:20:52 UTC

you consistently are opposing, without adding

2018-09-06 10:20:55 UTC

I meant toxic masculinity as in wimpy bitches who stand for nothing, but they're muscular and suave, yknow? Like, BE something

2018-09-06 10:20:59 UTC

Bottles of testosterone arenโ€™t inherently manly. What is product of testosterone making you manly wol?

2018-09-06 10:21:00 UTC

Scribble just wants to have attention by being disruptive, just ignore him

2018-09-06 10:21:13 UTC

@da britian the hairloss ๐Ÿ˜›

2018-09-06 10:21:40 UTC

@Vigil /fit/ can be a good example

2018-09-06 10:21:47 UTC

Like, I see so many people my age so passive and self-absorbed, and it's like, come on. Help fix things if you have a platform

2018-09-06 10:21:51 UTC

not always but occasionally

2018-09-06 10:22:07 UTC

help fix things?

2018-09-06 10:22:21 UTC


2018-09-06 10:22:32 UTC

sometimes, people "fixing things" that arent broken, are the problem

2018-09-06 10:22:33 UTC

do you mean in regards to being somewhat centrist-left

2018-09-06 10:23:11 UTC

In general, most guys my age regardless of political alignment sit on their hands and mention things occasionally at the bar but don't do anything

2018-09-06 10:23:30 UTC

what can one do though ?

2018-09-06 10:23:36 UTC

So, old people loose hair & they ainโ€™t manly, it is kinda hard to see why you would consider manliness a quality worth having wol.

2018-09-06 10:23:43 UTC

besides speak out between buddies

2018-09-06 10:23:48 UTC

what should they do exactly? and what is it that you do, that makes you excempt from that category?

2018-09-06 10:24:15 UTC

@da britian its Male pattern baldness, not just general baldness, MALE only ๐Ÿ˜› so manly

2018-09-06 10:24:28 UTC

It looks like three debates going on at once

2018-09-06 10:24:31 UTC

It's not just *one* though. Like, they'll feel the same things, but nobody collaborates or tries to get people together to actively make change. Me? I try and get the word out on things, bring discussion to the table, work on action plans. But nobody wants to contribute, they wave it off as "Well WE can't do anything." Maybe we could, if we tried

2018-09-06 10:24:40 UTC

>pretending certain women don't lose hair

2018-09-06 10:24:47 UTC

smh omg

2018-09-06 10:24:51 UTC

Cancer patients do

2018-09-06 10:25:00 UTC


2018-09-06 10:25:22 UTC

it happens to women as well just won't notice it as readily unless you look for it in 60+ group tbh

2018-09-06 10:25:34 UTC

All old people lose hair

2018-09-06 10:25:47 UTC

And young people with conditions like cancer or diabetes

2018-09-06 10:25:54 UTC

male pattern baldness isn't "all over" though just the top

2018-09-06 10:25:59 UTC

I'm actively self-educating, and getting my feelers out, learning as much as I can about the world and how it functions so I'm in an educated position to try and give myself a platform and give a voice to the people who do nothing, as well as promote active change through speaking with local representatives and getting discussion going on issues that matter but don't get attention, on top of challenging unhealthy aspects of society everyone accepts but I believe are problematic

2018-09-06 10:26:01 UTC

if you have all over, its just general baldness

2018-09-06 10:26:21 UTC

Well, at least, things that are accepted by the mainstream

2018-09-06 10:26:41 UTC

fair point cipher :D

2018-09-06 10:26:59 UTC

So why do you insult men as soy boys if that is the best you can hold up as being manly wol. It seems pretty worthless to hold that over them.

2018-09-06 10:27:25 UTC

Its the internet Britain, I don't even KNOW anyone who actively promotes soy

2018-09-06 10:27:45 UTC

tbh in my circle soyboy is a compliment

2018-09-06 10:27:49 UTC

I'm not a little punk bitch who's gonna sing a bit then do nothing but snort coke and fuck fans, I'm actually gonna try and bring people together to make changes and not just talk about them. I wanna give more of a voice to the voiceless, and hope to the hopeless, yknow? As gay as that sounds. And I'm not saying I'm gonna SUCCEED, since that's a very big thing to say. But I'm here, making a dent. And if a few more people throw themselves at the wall, maybe something will stick

2018-09-06 10:27:51 UTC

@Vigil so you talk about the problems? but do you actually do something about it?
you say you are in an educated position, thats kind of subjective, educated on what? not on organizing people it seems, you need specific skills, or a talent to be able to bring people together and actually do something good for the world, imo its very rare
most people just live their lives, and pretend that they are doing something good

2018-09-06 10:28:00 UTC

idk where you guys are at but sounds kinda gay and outdated

2018-09-06 10:28:43 UTC

If you wanna talk about genuine "manliness" its about willing to choose, and standing up for yourself, be confident

And you don't have to be a bodybuilder testosterone tank to do that

Soy people are a meme, not reality

2018-09-06 10:29:17 UTC

@Dr.Wol i agree with this, i'd tip hat to you if i could over the internet.. and i had a hat to tip

2018-09-06 10:30:14 UTC

what thing do you want to change anyway? it sounds so newspeak... "i wanna change the world", it sounds very utopian and adolescent like
which is fine, but... i dont wanna burst ur bubble, its hard to change things, and if you want to change something that other people think shouldnt be changed, then maybe ur in the wrong location. idk (i mean, maybe the surrounding people, are not like you, not that ur in the wrong place here)

2018-09-06 10:30:17 UTC

Willing to stand up for waht is right,

Being prepared (and sometimes actively) sacrificing yourself so that other people don't have to

2018-09-06 10:30:19 UTC

I'm still young, Aghost, so I'm still in the process of getting educated. I'm a vocalist and study philosophy, history, economics and politics in my own time. I'm only nineteen, so I'm still getting there, I start my degree in just under five weeks. But my goal is to actively try and tackle problems by bringing attention to them through my music and having a personal interaction with those in the general community as well as those who enjoy my music, to bring people together over things they might not have realised they had in common, encourage discussion and formulate a plan to actually get our collective voices heard by government through campaigning

2018-09-06 10:31:10 UTC

Good point, I've been a little vague. Generally I want to promote values of freedom and intellectualism, since we're moving into a very reactionary and consumerist state as a society and people make quick judgements instead of investigating the validity of the information they take in

2018-09-06 10:31:10 UTC

this seems like european hours,i wish all you reasonable and decent people fairwell and many good tidings i need to sleep

2018-09-06 10:31:23 UTC

I'm in the UK for reference

2018-09-06 10:32:07 UTC

i am so sorry

2018-09-06 10:32:19 UTC

Most of my city is gang territory and the police have closed tons of stations, London has all the money, people are focusing on emotions and not looking racist more than actually tackling crime and other issues, and in general things are sliding downhill

2018-09-06 10:32:33 UTC


2018-09-06 10:32:42 UTC

get a gun

2018-09-06 10:32:48 UTC

that sounds very familiar to how amsterdam is doing now btw (im from the NL)

2018-09-06 10:32:49 UTC

dont pay your taxes

2018-09-06 10:33:03 UTC

Well I do want to tackle the concept of โ€œtoxic masculinityโ€ a bit wol. Because I could take concept you mentioned to such extremes that they are destructive instead of something as nice as what you mentioned.

2018-09-06 10:33:21 UTC

I'm not gonna be another bitch who sings and stands around doing nothing. That's what inspired me to step up, yknow? Seeing all these fucking assholes singing a bit, acting fake-deep and then openly admitting that they're just doing it for drug money and girls

2018-09-06 10:33:24 UTC

get a gun for self defense and to what ever you can to avoid paying taxes

2018-09-06 10:33:26 UTC

fuck the system

2018-09-06 10:33:36 UTC


2018-09-06 10:33:40 UTC

Not fuck the system, FIX the system

2018-09-06 10:33:43 UTC

Yes britain, terrorists blowing themselves up for their faith (because they see it as right) is a flaw in what i said

2018-09-06 10:33:45 UTC

Anarchism is retarded and counterproductive

2018-09-06 10:33:54 UTC

and antifa etc

2018-09-06 10:33:54 UTC

system needs to be rebuilt

2018-09-06 10:33:58 UTC

for that it needs to crash

2018-09-06 10:34:00 UTC

It just leads to a kratocracy

2018-09-06 10:34:20 UTC

corruption has grown roots into the gobt

2018-09-06 10:34:33 UTC


2018-09-06 10:34:35 UTC

Heres the main Issue though Cipher, You need a solution, not a goal

2018-09-06 10:34:59 UTC

elections are slow

2018-09-06 10:35:05 UTC

@Vigil well in that case, i'd just not try to worry too much about changing people or the world. still have the mindset of improving it in any way you can, but dont beat urself up over the fact that many people surrounding you dont have this vision.
i think its rare, maybe for your age or your enviroment.
try to find some like minded individuals, maybe start a book club, networking etc

2018-09-06 10:35:15 UTC

A goal is a good starting point though

2018-09-06 10:35:19 UTC

I feel you, Aghost

2018-09-06 10:35:37 UTC

A solution... I'll get there. I still need to self educate to the point where I can start proposing solutions

2018-09-06 10:35:39 UTC

a goal is bad, a goal is too vague and can become tainted

2018-09-06 10:36:21 UTC

Well what is a solution without a goal then?

2018-09-06 10:36:38 UTC

a solution without a goal is a fix ๐Ÿ˜‰

2018-09-06 10:36:52 UTC

I'm a nineteen year old who up until two years ago couldn't operate a toaster due to my overprotective mom, yknow? My knowledge is decent but I still need to learn practical skills and how the world works in order to not make things worse for the people I wanna represent

2018-09-06 10:37:18 UTC

I'm not doing anything until I'm ready to do anything because I don't want to let myself or the people I wish to help down

2018-09-06 10:37:46 UTC

Remember this:
Lefties think in goals (We must get equality, stop racism) but they don't know how, just "we must achieve X"
Right wingers think in systems (We must have freedom so ideas can roam) but thats not inspirational

Ultimately both sides want the same thing, Improvement, but one wants to find Any fix to one problem, and the other wants One fix to any problem

Neither will work together as a result, find a solution in which you can get both working together

2018-09-06 10:38:06 UTC

hence its a SOLUTION

2018-09-06 10:38:43 UTC

Yeah but if someone sets fire to a house without reason, is that a solution?

2018-09-06 10:39:13 UTC

Either way, people have more common ground than they think; we all want better. So the key is to remind people we're mostly a well-meaning people

2018-09-06 10:39:16 UTC

a solution needs a reason, but it doesn't need a goal

2018-09-06 10:39:31 UTC

Give people faith in each other again

2018-09-06 10:39:41 UTC

And make abhorrent anyone who stands in the way of rationality and peace

2018-09-06 10:40:03 UTC

hehe i had an overprotective mom as well :P hehe somewhat
yeah its rough man, i dont know exactly how it affected you, but i feel like i havent been out confronting chaos enough
if thats the case for you as well, then you might wanna try putting yourself in unfamiliar situations to correct it slowly

2018-09-06 10:40:06 UTC

But not in a fascisty way, in a "Okay come back to the fold when you grow up but otherwise don't get involved" way

2018-09-06 10:41:20 UTC

I'd recommend you go look up "Real coffee with Scott Adams" he does daily livestreams about current events and talks about society problems / fixes etc

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