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2018-09-03 20:24:07 UTC

I'd just use the disabled bathrooms. Not that trans people are disabled, obviously, but like, then it's no hassle. I've *never* seen a queue for a disabled bathroom

2018-09-03 20:24:07 UTC

Maybe people will start listening about how the more sexual acceptance there is the more pedophiles will be accepted in the future?

2018-09-03 20:24:41 UTC

them they he she fuck yo pronouns there are two genders and two sexes male and female stop fucking playing land of make believe

2018-09-03 20:25:15 UTC

I guess if you believe that everything is a social construct made to wield power over others then you assume that every societal convention exists purely to oppress others and not because of dispassionate logic.

2018-09-03 20:26:04 UTC

There's two sexes, I see gender identity as a commentary on one's opinion/view on their sex. The amount of weight that's placed on that is person-to-person, is how I see it

2018-09-03 20:27:39 UTC

Like, I'm a guy with some stereotypically feminine qualities. Most of my friends are girls, I hate sports, I'm scared of violence and I'm very creative. Hell, if it weren't for my mom when I was younger, I'd have hair down to my chest. But I'm a guy, quite clearly a guy, and I don't really give a shit, yknow

2018-09-03 20:28:46 UTC

I've never understood my few friends who constantly obsess over that stuff. Fair enough, if it's an important issue to you, but universally anyone who cares about what someone else is doing out of malice and not concern is considered a douchebag

2018-09-03 20:30:16 UTC

I can relate to alot of that @Vigil

2018-09-03 20:30:40 UTC

All my friends but one have been girls.

2018-09-03 20:31:19 UTC

And I only ever fucked 1 of them.

2018-09-03 20:32:37 UTC

I'm just starting university and I don't really have many guy friends, never have. When I was like, 8, sure, but in my teen years it was like... guys sorta socially tried to embarrass each other to get dominance, because we were all young and immature. Every conversation was a Game-Of-Thrones-esque display of manliness, because they thought the way to the top was to push others to the bottom. Teenage guys are douchebags, teenage girls are sometimes bitchy but in my experience if you treat em like humans they're very sensitive and in touch with their emotions

2018-09-03 20:33:34 UTC

Now that I'm going into an environment with more like-minded creative people, things are shifting and I've got a few guy friends. I guess because creative people are generally more emotional and artistic males don't conform 100% to stereotypical masculinity

2018-09-03 20:34:05 UTC

one on one nearly everyone is sane(ish) get them in groups and all that shit starts.

2018-09-03 20:34:05 UTC

And for the record, haven't banged one of my friends. Sure as hell tried ๐Ÿ˜›

2018-09-03 20:34:14 UTC

Oh yeah, I definitely see that Poppy

2018-09-03 20:34:41 UTC

In groups I was used as the brunt of jokes a lot, since I was the goofy one who'd never turn down a dare. One on one people confided in me, apologised a lot, and were grateful for my company

2018-09-03 20:36:37 UTC

Society is teaching people to change the good things about themselves and not change the bad things. There is nothing wrong with being the gender you were born as but there is something very wrong about telling someone they are healthy at every size. The opposite is also true. Itโ€™s very wrong to tell people to cause irreversible damage to themselves because they arenโ€™t happy with their gender and itโ€™s not a bad thing to tell people that if they are an unhealthy weight they will die.

2018-09-03 20:37:30 UTC

I completely agree. I think it's because the focus on mental health in recent years means people are worried that any negative influence will be detrimental to someone's development, yeah

2018-09-03 20:38:22 UTC

E.g. for years when I was a cringey niceguy, my friends wouldn't tell me the behaviour I was exhibiting was problematic and wrong, they'd reassure me the next girl would be way nicer and there's somebody for everybody

2018-09-03 20:40:12 UTC

it's acceptance culture being pushed to the extremes. In the age of the internet times are moving fast than ever. And in a dose of fame seeking and you end up where we are. It is only going to get worse for the next decade. Until people realise they are different and thats OK but not everyone cares and you need to think of others in this life.

2018-09-03 20:40:54 UTC

Couldn't've said it better

2018-09-03 20:42:32 UTC

I was a punk musician until I realised a lot of punk singers are VERY entitled brats. They wanna be thanked for standing around skateparks smoking weed and complaining about society while doing nothing productive to improve it except graffiti and harassment, at least the guys I've met. That's the reason I switched to singing metal, because metal's actually trying to say something, and embraces the other not for edge factor but because they're actually on the outside/counterculture

2018-09-03 20:42:49 UTC

It should be called โ€œoffensiphobiaโ€. The unrealistic fear of offending people which brings society to a point where people are too scared to stop bad behavior.

2018-09-03 20:44:02 UTC


2018-09-03 20:44:03 UTC

Literally, I've said to peoples' faces before "Tell me if you have a problem with me" and they've said "No problems at all", then subsequently ended friendships a week or two later like "This has been a long time coming"

2018-09-03 20:44:11 UTC

I can't fix a problem I don't know about, and that works for everyone

2018-09-03 20:44:31 UTC

People like to stop themselves actually dealing with issues too, which I get for dramatic issues but not frivolous ones

2018-09-03 20:46:56 UTC

Like, for parity's sake, I have a friend who was unfortunately the victim of quite severe child abuse, and she supports Antifa because "they punch nazis and paedos" and "if you want justice done you can't trust the state because he got away". It's tragic, obviously, but as her friend I felt a duty to point out she was arguing from sentiment. She called me a sympathiser for believing in law enforcement, and told me "I like to deal with problems myself thanks". When I tried to further discussions she shut me down saying she'd been triggered, which I'd laugh at in a meme sense but she genuinely has diagnosed PTSD

2018-09-03 20:47:08 UTC

A fly just landed in my black coffee. Watching a fly die while getting buzzed is rather interesting. I think it's heart stopped. It was moving like it was being electrocuted and then just stopped.

2018-09-03 20:47:28 UTC

That's an example of a reasonable protectionist mindset- it's bad, but you can understand where it comes from, a place of genuine intense hardship and grief

2018-09-03 20:48:00 UTC

The left feeds on emotions not logic.

2018-09-03 20:48:09 UTC

It's predatory and horrendous

2018-09-03 20:49:05 UTC

It is. I watched it happen.

2018-09-03 20:49:25 UTC

Since when does Antifa have an anti-pedo stance? The only link between the two I know of is BAMN being linked with NAMBLA.

2018-09-03 20:49:46 UTC

She generally believes in mob justice, which is horrendous

2018-09-03 20:50:04 UTC

She's heavily disillusioned due to the legal system failing her

2018-09-03 20:50:27 UTC

I know it's a meme that SJW are a cult but it's beyond parody now. They really do act like a cult and the groups around the outside head closer that way everyday.

2018-09-03 20:52:51 UTC

I also think the left took a lot of things out of the Islamist playbook. Islam hasnโ€™t had a reformation because people are afraid to criticize the bad parts of it due to the fact they could be killed/attacked. Same goes for the left but instead of getting killed you get ostracized and attacked.

2018-09-03 20:52:52 UTC

They really do fit most of the check boxes for cult-like activity.
Target the vulnerable by being accepting and nice, seperate them from their friends and family, create their own jargon so they have trouble communicating with outsiders, make them dependent on you, whip them hard if they dare fall out of line, etc

2018-09-03 20:54:03 UTC

I'm a relatively optimistic person, but when I see stuff online like "Facts and logic were invented by the white man to invalidate other cultures" I just wanna cry

2018-09-03 20:54:10 UTC

Like holy shit

2018-09-03 20:54:29 UTC

How are you that cognitively dissonant that you're openly admitting the idea of truth is incorrect

2018-09-03 20:54:31 UTC

Ironically it was a white man who invented that line.

2018-09-03 20:55:05 UTC

Doubly ironic, most early intellectualism was from the Middle and Far East

2018-09-03 20:55:12 UTC

Postmodernist philosophy is virtually all white men.

2018-09-03 20:55:15 UTC

It's rough and should be taken seriously, but it's also important to take a step back and realize just how few people irl would agree with that, or are even aware of that sort of thinking existing

2018-09-03 20:55:49 UTC

It's a growing number. It's partially "If we take it seriously we validate them" but on the flipside "If we don't deal with it they keep growing"

2018-09-03 20:56:15 UTC

We all gotta stick to our guns and fight in our own ways though, yknow

2018-09-03 20:56:27 UTC

Just by discussing things and remaining rational, we're helping society

2018-09-03 20:57:49 UTC

Agreed, I just think it's important not to let the culture war consume you. It's just not healthy to focus on these things *too* much

2018-09-03 20:58:58 UTC

Postmodernism is as useful as asking what was before the big bang. It doesn't matter if there was something, it doesn't change what is today. It is a fun thought experiment but no more than that.

2018-09-03 21:01:17 UTC

Next time you feel the culture war consuming you

2018-09-03 21:01:20 UTC

Just eat a stick of gum

2018-09-03 21:01:49 UTC

In soviet Russia stick of gum eats you.

2018-09-03 21:02:41 UTC

Alright, I'm gonna hit the hay

2018-09-03 21:02:45 UTC

Nighty night lads

2018-09-03 21:03:14 UTC


2018-09-03 21:03:26 UTC

Where you from @Vigil

2018-09-03 21:04:17 UTC

night dude

2018-09-03 21:04:24 UTC

England, but I'm Irish

2018-09-03 21:05:11 UTC

UK. I like the Irish. Spent a lot of time there. Only ever met one I didn't like. Night m8.

2018-09-03 21:09:52 UTC

not sure how many use it, but have any of you guys experienced problems connecting to facebook today?

2018-09-03 21:09:59 UTC

liek the site jsut not showing up

2018-09-03 21:10:12 UTC

no, but i also didnt try to connect to facebook

2018-09-03 21:10:45 UTC

XD im on a site that reporst outages in big sites and apparantly theyve gotten 2000 reports in teh last 20 mins

2018-09-03 21:11:31 UTC

compared to a daily report rate of like 40 reports

2018-09-03 21:11:45 UTC


2018-09-03 21:14:29 UTC

bunch of posts on twitter. hmmm maybe its down in all the US and UK where all teh reports are coming from. may be a juicy story

2018-09-03 21:14:49 UTC

(once we know more)

2018-09-03 21:15:54 UTC

Facebook down for matience

2018-09-03 21:16:03 UTC

Queue all teh people that will go outside for once XD

2018-09-03 21:16:05 UTC

oh lol

2018-09-03 21:16:10 UTC

Just tried to log in with phone

2018-09-03 21:16:14 UTC

go figure. never saw a notification

2018-09-03 21:16:27 UTC

Phone has notifications

2018-09-03 21:16:46 UTC

hmm ok im out of a phone for a bit so i cant check on there rip

2018-09-03 21:16:51 UTC

tyty for the info my person

2018-09-03 21:23:10 UTC

who bets its cuz someone forgot a colon over there

2018-09-03 21:28:22 UTC


2018-09-03 21:28:50 UTC

Tim's latest video. Considering gender neutral facilities see an increase in sexual violence towards wahmen, are the trans-activists who are pushing for these bathrooms misogynists? <:TimThink:482277772497125378> <:TimThink:482277772497125378> <:TimThink:482277772497125378> <:TimThink:482277772497125378> <:TimThink:482277772497125378> <:TimThink:482277772497125378> <:TimThink:482277772497125378>

2018-09-03 21:29:12 UTC


2018-09-03 21:31:17 UTC

We gotta get woke on these things

2018-09-03 21:31:24 UTC

Then we gotta stay woke

2018-09-03 21:31:30 UTC

๐Ÿ‘€ ๐Ÿ‘€

2018-09-03 21:31:38 UTC

oh nice i havent seen it yet am jumpin on that now

2018-09-03 21:31:42 UTC

but jus gotta say

2018-09-03 21:32:02 UTC


2018-09-03 21:32:09 UTC

who woulda figured that ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

2018-09-03 21:32:30 UTC

*heavy sarcasm so heavy i drop down to hell"

2018-09-03 21:35:10 UTC

How much you want to bet feminists will be fine with women being raped in gender neutral bathrooms lest that no one thinks the feminists are transphobic?

2018-09-03 21:35:21 UTC


2018-09-03 21:35:40 UTC

its the rise of Trump and white nationalists, that made people not be afraid to rape women in gender neutral bathrooms

2018-09-03 21:35:43 UTC

XD ofcourse

2018-09-03 21:35:43 UTC


2018-09-03 21:35:50 UTC

well they did predict this

2018-09-03 21:35:57 UTC

i mean isnt one of their core beleifs that all men rape

2018-09-03 21:36:03 UTC

That's true

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