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2018-11-01 05:26:35 UTC

An actual physical map of the game world.

2018-11-01 05:26:45 UTC

@machtyn disc games are steadily half price though. They always charge full price for downloads.

2018-11-01 05:27:17 UTC

I haven't played Vampyr yet, just bought it. Has anyone else played it?

2018-11-01 05:27:47 UTC

Guilty Gear Xrd download vs. disc is $50 / $20, damn, just adjust the price you turds!

2018-11-01 05:28:06 UTC

@MufflePuff Yes and I was new to PC gaming so I just bought used shit but ran into a lot of issues and realized I rather just wait for sales on Steam/Gog.

2018-11-01 05:28:24 UTC

Plus I am now an OCD minimalist with less than 130 items lol.

2018-11-01 05:29:23 UTC

I'm personally horrible with putting discs in the wrong case, my old physical collection would make anyone rage

2018-11-01 05:29:48 UTC

I'm ocd with everything being in it's right place.

2018-11-01 05:31:06 UTC

RIP, Messenger Rising's new video got removed or hidden.

2018-11-01 05:31:30 UTC

@MufflePuff I'm the same but I am paperless (other than fireproof/waterproof safe with birth cert/SSN card/etc). I am VERY OCD digitally.

2018-11-01 05:31:51 UTC

I go to whenever someone is down. Like Coterie.

2018-11-01 05:32:07 UTC

The thing about drugs is that our body or serotonin receptors can become de-sensitized to it, so you're going to look for the next high.

2018-11-01 05:32:20 UTC

So it's not really a mechanism you can rely on.

2018-11-01 05:32:29 UTC


2018-11-01 05:32:46 UTC

Yeah - I know this is extreme but I cut out caffeine for the past week and I am just now feeling good without it.

2018-11-01 05:33:01 UTC

Nah, I think he'll re-upload the video, don't think I need to go back on archive to look for it.

2018-11-01 05:33:06 UTC

I just want my own natural rhythm. I want to workout, sleep, eat healthy and work hard.

2018-11-01 05:33:19 UTC

Was never addicted to caffeine.

2018-11-01 05:33:21 UTC


2018-11-01 05:33:37 UTC

@ColdEmbraceOfDeath I only drank 1-3 cups per day but even that felt too much.

2018-11-01 05:33:39 UTC

Congrats machtyn, thats no easy feat. I don't know if I could deal with the headaches

2018-11-01 05:33:52 UTC

Yeah I cut caffeine a month ago.

2018-11-01 05:33:58 UTC

@Roundabout Lout Dude... day 5 and I think it's the last of the headaches.

2018-11-01 05:34:04 UTC

Only took it for preworkout

2018-11-01 05:34:07 UTC

I don't even drink coffee at all, never have in the past even.

2018-11-01 05:34:15 UTC

After caffeine, I am going to finally kick my sugar/grain addiction ๐Ÿ˜„

2018-11-01 05:34:30 UTC

@ColdEmbraceOfDeath Wow... you lucky man.

2018-11-01 05:34:33 UTC

I've decided to kick my decade long spending addiction

2018-11-01 05:34:40 UTC

enough is enough

2018-11-01 05:34:47 UTC

Kicking sugar feels so damn good

2018-11-01 05:34:50 UTC

@BullyHunterXHunter Thanks for the topic man. I have looked into LSD + Float Tank once I am 25-26.

2018-11-01 05:34:56 UTC

Sugar will be hard.

2018-11-01 05:35:07 UTC

Maybe once a week

2018-11-01 05:35:43 UTC


2018-11-01 05:35:55 UTC

Yeah, chocolate and sugar in my coffee were my two hits.. Once I cut out the coffee habit, I need to replace it with a chill habit. I like sitting down before coding and dranking some coffee. I don't know a healthy way. Just... drinking water ๐Ÿ˜„

2018-11-01 05:36:06 UTC

Not into sweet stuff as well.

2018-11-01 05:36:14 UTC

But that doesn't mean my diet is fine or anything.

2018-11-01 05:36:31 UTC

I am underweight, I don't eat home cooked stuff, eat twice a day.

2018-11-01 05:37:17 UTC

Been on to steamed veggies a few months now, made a real difference for me

2018-11-01 05:37:31 UTC

/r/theredpill is PUA Lol.

2018-11-01 05:37:42 UTC

They label it as being above that but it's worth shit.

2018-11-01 05:38:09 UTC

"mgtow are just angry they can't get laid like me!"

2018-11-01 05:38:33 UTC

@Roundabout Lout Yes! Steamed veggies with coconut oil/olive oil/butter and meat/eggs.

2018-11-01 05:38:33 UTC

"Just lift bruh", "Hold Frame, bruh".

2018-11-01 05:39:17 UTC

@machtyn yeah I'm cutting up my credit cards in a couple days after this cash transfer.

2018-11-01 05:39:20 UTC

coconut oil...interesting, what veggies would you add that to?

2018-11-01 05:39:28 UTC

My problem is Amazon.

2018-11-01 05:39:38 UTC

My goal is not one order in 2019.

2018-11-01 05:39:43 UTC

I order literally every couple of days.

2018-11-01 05:39:53 UTC

@Roundabout Lout Any Cruciferous vegetables

2018-11-01 05:40:26 UTC

@MufflePuff My issue is food. I don't have ANY subscriptions except the internet.

2018-11-01 05:40:55 UTC

@MufflePuff I spent like $100-150/mo on eating out the past few years lol.

2018-11-01 05:41:06 UTC

The rest is groceries ($100-150/mo).

2018-11-01 05:41:07 UTC

2018-11-01 05:41:14 UTC

It's like $300/mo. It's insane.

2018-11-01 05:41:17 UTC

@machtyn Perfect, my favorite is broccoli

2018-11-01 05:41:20 UTC

Yeah my biggest expense is the grocery store. I LOVE food.

2018-11-01 05:41:22 UTC
2018-11-01 05:41:41 UTC

@machtyn I fucking love that texture

2018-11-01 05:42:16 UTC

@MufflePuff I just want to hit reset on my life.

2018-11-01 05:42:31 UTC

Nah man you're good.

2018-11-01 05:43:13 UTC

Just make some changes. I'm also 10xing my cardio. Just bought some running shoes. Starting tomorrow morning.

2018-11-01 05:44:15 UTC

Yeah dude, I've been hitting the rowing machine more.

2018-11-01 05:44:17 UTC

I'd be in much better shape if I found mgtow 2-3 years ago

2018-11-01 05:44:54 UTC

Waking up early (I am fucked for today lol) is HUGE for working out for me. I eat one meal a day or every 48 hours. I love doing cardio when fasted but I take it easier when lifting heavy when fasted.

2018-11-01 05:45:22 UTC

@Roundabout Lout There is so much truth in that. I've never been fat but I was my heaviest when I had woman problems.

2018-11-01 05:46:27 UTC

I ate so poorly that I'm aware of my own intestine most days, makes introspection hard with the resulting brain fog. I do have to start working out though

2018-11-01 05:46:39 UTC

What problems do guys not have with a woman around?

2018-11-01 05:46:39 UTC

arent you always going to feel hungry eating every 48 hours

2018-11-01 05:46:40 UTC


2018-11-01 05:47:14 UTC

Not necessarily.

2018-11-01 05:47:18 UTC

@wildgamer Not really.

2018-11-01 05:47:19 UTC

if you're used to fasting.

2018-11-01 05:47:40 UTC

plus you can hamper the hunger pangs with things like apple cider vinegar.

2018-11-01 05:47:42 UTC

If I really feel hungry, I do eat. I just never really feel like eating because my meals are huge and they're usually healthy.

2018-11-01 05:47:44 UTC

We only feel hunger because of a hormone that releases based on your eating schedule

2018-11-01 05:47:54 UTC

Sea Salt

2018-11-01 05:47:55 UTC

So you get used to it

2018-11-01 05:48:25 UTC

Whenever I cheat (like today I had a massive five guys cheese burger and fries... ugh..) I feel shitty and immediately am hungry 4-5 hours later.

2018-11-01 05:49:18 UTC

When I eat healthy (keto diet basically but sometimes brown rice for lifts); I don't feel that way. I can go 16+ hours before I get hungry.

2018-11-01 05:49:23 UTC

What I've Learned on Youtube has some good info on this stuff, OMAD is fascinating

2018-11-01 05:49:35 UTC

@Roundabout Lout Yeah, grhelin.

2018-11-01 05:49:59 UTC

Now, when I do 48 hour fasts back to back... that's rough.

2018-11-01 05:50:55 UTC

Yeah, longest I've done is 36 hours

2018-11-01 05:51:06 UTC

daily 20 hours

2018-11-01 05:51:18 UTC

18-20 <:980x:480186122325065728>

2018-11-01 05:51:23 UTC

@wildgamer This plan is just working for me. It may not work for you.

2018-11-01 05:51:28 UTC

I went vegan (strict) before doing this.

2018-11-01 05:52:15 UTC

na I'm fine I'm really healthy

2018-11-01 05:52:15 UTC

I lost that weight I put on (20lbs) but I was feeling like total shit. I wasn't taking supplements and if something is truly healthy for you, you don't need supplements. So, I got off it after 2 years.

2018-11-01 05:52:24 UTC
2018-11-01 05:52:41 UTC

Army life sounds like shit, you get disabled, you don't get support once you're out while the government chooses support these single mothers and others.

2018-11-01 05:52:51 UTC
2018-11-01 05:52:59 UTC

You suffer from PTSD and all other sorts of things but nope, fuck that right?

2018-11-01 05:53:33 UTC

Male disposability 101

2018-11-01 05:53:36 UTC

Men are expendable to the system, no matter if you served, or provided. You could cure cancer and still get fucked over

2018-11-01 05:54:02 UTC

You could be Nikola Tesla, knock up a chick, deny her and you'd be thrown in prison for lack of paying child support.

2018-11-01 05:54:09 UTC

The system doesn't care.

2018-11-01 05:54:25 UTC

The entire prison system is the new slave system, btw.

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