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Didn't see the "check your messages" on the Interview channel

ah, got it

@Interviewee-696950 Check your direct messages shortly.

Ready for your interview?

taking 894480 now, other guy wasnt responding

@Interviewee-136156 Check your messages shortly.

taking 136165

Yeah, he's probably a civnat

Just answer the question

No from me

No from me

He seems like a selfish boomer and civnat

Can Haitians be true americans or not?

Yes or no?

Conductor: Patrick TX
Notetaker: Sam MN

Test Question: Have you spoken with anyone who has interviewed before about the process?

1. 31 years old

2. Lives in CA (Permanent Resident).

3. Near Palo Alto

4. Never interviewed before.

5. Has vehicle.

6. Has a past of drug abuse, not currently. In his early twenties he got involved in substance abuse: experimented with normal things, escalated to the harder ones. The army fixed him up. It’s been about 7 years clean. Uses chew tobacco, but could abstain.

7. Never been charged with crimes.

8. Was in the military. Worked for the DOD in the army. 5 years active and two years reserve. Finished the reserve about 3 months ago.

9. No ailments.

10. Was typically moderate as a young adult. No particular sentiments out of general ignorance and inexperience. Throughout his early professional career realized the nature of taxes, entitlements, rights, and privileges. Leaned him further conservative. Joined the military. Now is swinging libertarian because he owns his own small business. Taxes feel different than they used to.

11. Identifies as a conservative, kind of. Understands there’s more to it than the linear dimension (of right to left). Both sides take advantage that the average person can only quantify a simple dichotomy of politics. When in reality it’s a three-dimensional cube spectrum. For the most part people can identify with three political vectors: economic (he identifies as individualist in that sense), authoritarianism (he leans libertarian in that regards), and social (he leans conservative). Progressive social policies are okay as long as they doesn’t impact him. Is concerned with the general state of the nation, in history certain decadences have been negative for everyone. Knows that there’s a high regard for community values to develop a high trust society. He is a straight white male but is not ignorant to the fact that this doesn’t necessarily have to be his ingroup, although that’s mostly what happens. The military showed him how he can have comeraderie with people of diverse backgrounds.

14. Has heard of civic nationalism. He has personal opinions on assimilation and different cultures who have more or less potential for it. His mother is from Canada. Some cultures just can’t assimilate. Isn’t comfortable judging an entire culture. Is more comfortable with Japanese migrants than Cuban migrants. Thinks that an ethnostate may not be achievable, unless everyone gets really tired. It isn’t the hill he’d die on.

Your confidence isn't the issue

Your traitorous beliefs are

we're taking 696950

We don't see you

Download the "Jitsi Meet" app and enter "Inter6282R1"

How good is your connection?

Try leaving and rejoining

Okay, let me know the results

One moment please

Do you have a computer?

I see, are you available tomorrow? I can consult with some of my more technically-savvy colleagues and figure out what needs to be done to get it working on your phone.

Okay, talk to you then

@Interviewee-361213 Check your direct messages shortly.

Just microphone, your camera won't be necessary

Did you deny permission for your camera?

Do you know how to change permissions for apps in your settings?



fed honeypot!!


I concur

What room are you in?

@JasonTX He asked me if we were feds after I asked what the nearest major city to him was

Yes, they are ongoing.

I'd probably reject someone who was morbidly obese



wish you were in that interview Jason TX

What a legend

ACT Now is a progressive democrat deal


Personally, I think that answer is fine

If he doesnt think its currently viable then its fine, imo

@TylerMD The way I interpreted it was that activism raises the racial consciousness of the people, and then when a critical mass has been reached they can decide whether to initiate a revolution or not.

Not that activism is an incitement to violence


What's his weight?


that is a lot

BMI 36.1 - BMI 35 to 39.9 is Severely obsese - Body mass index of 36.1. Your risk of health problems and even death, is severe. You are suffering from a weight-related condition.

Yeah we're just wasting time if we're going to deny him

He'll have to re-interview anyway if he loses the weight


his answers are good

What's your room Tyler?

Yeah, no weezing from fatness



i didnt catch that

Mormon too?

22nd in Des Moines, at 12pm. How does that sound?

I'll send you further details regarding the location as that date approaches

Good to hear, talk to you then

We usually go until every who replied has been taken care of

@all Interviews will begin shortly. Reply "ready" to begin the line.

@Interviewee-102158 Check your direct messages shortly.

The interview voice chat

If you're on your phone, download the "jitsi Meet" app and just enter "Inter634usbR1" as the room name.

You may rejoin the call

@all Need another senior member in this room

There's a new guy waiting

Is anyone not currently interviewing someone? @all

@Interviewee-894480 Check your direct messages shortly.

anyone still interviewing?

I can help you with that, I'm going to contact whoever it was who was supposed to talk with you and make sure they do.

Sent him a message, I should have you in contact with him by tomorrow.

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