Message from @Undead Mockingbird

Discord ID: 497143651747627025

2018-10-03 20:23:04 UTC  

Tbh who cares if the human race dies out

2018-10-03 20:23:22 UTC  

Women get stuck at stage 3 of the Kohlberg Moral Hierarchy, which is care based, as opposed to stage 6 of the hierarchy, a justice based morality.

2018-10-03 20:23:34 UTC  

That is also part of why women advocate for equality of outcome.

2018-10-03 20:23:46 UTC  

So you're saying women are a force that opposes compassion? @Doshin you may be right seen how many of them can laugh about violence inflicted on espacialy men

2018-10-03 20:23:59 UTC  

Another issue is that they tend to be collectivist and have a higher degree of ingroup preference than men.

2018-10-03 20:24:00 UTC  

not against compassion

2018-10-03 20:24:05 UTC  

they are like the masters of compassino

2018-10-03 20:24:17 UTC  

im not so sure compassion is common in women tbh

2018-10-03 20:24:17 UTC  

they know when its stops being compassion and starts to suffocate

2018-10-03 20:24:29 UTC  

The more power women get, the more due process is also being deteriorated.

2018-10-03 20:24:43 UTC  

just like rough and tumble play is to teach the borders of play and fighting

2018-10-03 20:24:47 UTC  

I think it's a lie that women are compassionate.

2018-10-03 20:24:49 UTC  

oh come on. put 5 women in an office at work, and look how they attack themselves

2018-10-03 20:24:58 UTC  

women don't even like women

2018-10-03 20:25:12 UTC  

its not compassion for everyone its the protection of those they see as weak

2018-10-03 20:25:31 UTC  

compassion is not to be confused with unending kindness

2018-10-03 20:26:01 UTC  

Women, evolutionarily, had to be able to re-attach themselves to a new partner if their current partner died. Romantic love is close to the male version of love, which attaches itself to a particular woman, as the man has to continue to provide for the woman who carries his offspring.

2018-10-03 20:26:32 UTC  

A woman, however, carries her own genetic progeny with here, and is therefor free to re-attach to another male.

2018-10-03 20:27:13 UTC  

The reason why romantic love is being sold to is is because female love doesn't make as much commercial sense. No Valentine's Day would ever be financed that way, and no diamond rings would be sold.

2018-10-03 20:29:31 UTC  

Women are human beings, men are human doings.

2018-10-03 20:31:23 UTC  

It is also a requirement for male disposability and the reason why we universally feel more compassion towards women than men. If a woman cries, many people instinctively become protective. If a man cries, many people feel disgust or even hatred.

2018-10-03 20:32:35 UTC  

ok so can somebody explain why when my mother died i was only kinda sad

2018-10-03 20:32:49 UTC  

Was she a piece of shit?

2018-10-03 20:32:56 UTC  

not at all

2018-10-03 20:32:59 UTC  

Did she constantly beat you like mine?

2018-10-03 20:33:08 UTC  

maybe you have limited capacity for empathy

2018-10-03 20:33:09 UTC  

OH, nvm.

2018-10-03 20:33:21 UTC  

thats what i was thinking

2018-10-03 20:33:32 UTC  

There can be many reasons for that, not necessarily unhealthy ones.

2018-10-03 20:33:34 UTC  

because you handle grief differently from other people?

2018-10-03 20:33:54 UTC  

If she had to put up with a prolonged struggle, the feelings of relief can mix in with the feelings of grief.

2018-10-03 20:34:25 UTC  

no it was rather sudden

2018-10-03 20:34:42 UTC  

she always said i appeared nonchalant

2018-10-03 20:34:57 UTC  

It might have been precisely because it was so sudden. When my friend died, it had to really sink in for a while.

2018-10-03 20:35:22 UTC  

I was just numb for a long time.

2018-10-03 20:35:36 UTC  

i didnt cry till i got home which was like 15-20 mins after they told me she wouldnt make it

2018-10-03 20:35:48 UTC  


2018-10-03 20:36:05 UTC  

maybe its that you are deeply aware that theres nothing you can do, its kind of just a fact that hits you and you instantly accept it

2018-10-03 20:36:12 UTC  

That makes sense for something big like that to connect emotinoally.

2018-10-03 20:36:52 UTC  

I was in shock and denial at first over the death of my friend.

2018-10-03 20:37:41 UTC  

It was the same with my grandparents.