Message from @Undead Mockingbird

Discord ID: 498225890686402591

2018-10-06 20:09:26 UTC  

This will keep getting worse.

2018-10-06 20:09:33 UTC  

It didn't succeed this time

The boundries were moved when they allowed an FBI hearing

2018-10-06 20:09:45 UTC  


2018-10-06 20:09:48 UTC  

boundries will be moved until it comes to blows

2018-10-06 20:09:54 UTC  

just be glad it succeeded this time

2018-10-06 20:09:58 UTC  

Roy Moore worked. They can't quite MeToo a Supreme Court nomination - yet.

2018-10-06 20:10:16 UTC  

Enjoy the victory whilst it lasts, there will be more battles to come 😛

2018-10-06 20:10:16 UTC  

Good job, SJWs, moving the Overton Window further left.

2018-10-06 20:10:26 UTC  


2018-10-06 20:10:30 UTC  

that protest livestream

2018-10-06 20:10:37 UTC  

I hope those assholes die.

2018-10-06 20:10:38 UTC  

what overton window?

2018-10-06 20:10:45 UTC  

Mid-sentence chanting

2018-10-06 20:10:46 UTC  

"I am a survivor and i live" with those people ducttapped 😮

2018-10-06 20:11:05 UTC  

You certainly wouldn't live if you didn't survive, yeah.

2018-10-06 20:11:08 UTC  

are we cheering for a pro torture hawkish neocon because sjws are retarded? im confused

2018-10-06 20:11:13 UTC  

this is like what Muslims do to women who got raped

Line them up and shout "shame" at them

2018-10-06 20:11:30 UTC  

it's toe the line or be called the current buzzword of the day - there is no window

2018-10-06 20:11:37 UTC  

It's not who. It's how. @NativeInterface

2018-10-06 20:11:45 UTC  

'rage at senators that ignored voicers of surivvors' did kavanough allegedly rape half the country ?

2018-10-06 20:11:48 UTC  

If you want to stop the nomination, do it properly.

2018-10-06 20:12:18 UTC  

@NativeInterface I'm cheering cuz SJW salt,

If it wasn't Kava it would be another bad guy, it is inevitable

2018-10-06 20:12:32 UTC  

there we go with 'broken system'

2018-10-06 20:12:39 UTC  

Everyone who's not a turbo cuck is literally Hitler.

2018-10-06 20:12:42 UTC  

"Unleash your rage"

2018-10-06 20:12:55 UTC  

why is it only broken when they don't get what they want ?

2018-10-06 20:13:11 UTC  

yeah, but im concerned people are opposing the authoritarian hysterical left and end up siding with authoritarian right

2018-10-06 20:13:13 UTC  

Now revisiting Roe v. Wade?? As revenge??

2018-10-06 20:13:15 UTC  

Heres the thing these protestors don't get,

The people they vote "in" are already democrats now
And they don't live in the places Reps are voted out

So this plan doesn't work

2018-10-06 20:13:35 UTC  

@NativeInterface I mean, the process is rightful, the outcome does not move the needle relative to before the death of his predecessor, and the opposition is to blame for their failure to pose a good reason for opposing him.

2018-10-06 20:13:54 UTC  

There is no authoritarian right

2018-10-06 20:14:02 UTC  

Roe Vs Wade should be overturned

2018-10-06 20:14:04 UTC  

umm yes there is

2018-10-06 20:14:04 UTC  

there is

2018-10-06 20:14:05 UTC  

Yeah, I don't really see it, either.

2018-10-06 20:14:08 UTC  

Jesus fuck, get your daughters off campus

2018-10-06 20:14:18 UTC  

I can't think of a single person in office who would qualify for that.

2018-10-06 20:14:22 UTC  

it's literally worse than a middle east warzone, in terms of sex crime risk

2018-10-06 20:14:26 UTC  

Everything is so far left today.

2018-10-06 20:14:31 UTC  

just because its small and laughed at does not mean its not there

2018-10-06 20:14:33 UTC  

its possible republicans are getting more libertarian in tone, but im not sure that transfers that well to actual policy