Message from @>Cytos, de lieve goede synth

Discord ID: 501666961533566976

2018-10-16 07:53:36 UTC  

The place for Lawyers is in the Justice System, building up to a lifetime appointment on the Supreme Court if they can muster it.

2018-10-16 07:54:27 UTC  


2018-10-16 07:55:31 UTC  

Basically, Congress shouldn't be a person's job, it should be more of a person's hobby.

2018-10-16 07:56:09 UTC  

The means that made Congress applicable as a full time job were written in by...

2018-10-16 07:56:12 UTC  

Yup. Congress.

2018-10-16 07:56:17 UTC  

Congress votes itself money.

2018-10-16 07:57:02 UTC  

"Shall we give ourselves a raise? All in support say 'aye'."

2018-10-16 07:57:19 UTC  

aaaaaaaye don't think that's a..... HE SAID AYE!

2018-10-16 07:58:54 UTC  

i can agree on congress having to give up some powers
but not on paying them less than living wage, and idk how much point there is in calling them unconstitutional, when the supreme court interprets the constitution as they see fit anyway

2018-10-16 07:59:43 UTC

2018-10-16 07:59:48 UTC  

the constitution is re-interpreted every few years, does it still have much weight against Congress?

2018-10-16 08:00:01 UTC  

aye need an aye emote :(

2018-10-16 08:00:13 UTC  


2018-10-16 08:00:26 UTC  


2018-10-16 08:00:47 UTC

2018-10-16 08:01:12 UTC  


2018-10-16 08:01:33 UTC  

It's terrible, but I made a template.

2018-10-16 08:03:30 UTC  

There have been so many instances where someone says a specific word that sets off a buzz or something... Being able to craft a PeeWee secret word image is just too funny to pass up.

2018-10-16 08:03:58 UTC  

Haven't decided on a font for it though...

2018-10-16 08:04:16 UTC  

damn PeeWee

2018-10-16 08:05:24 UTC  

i woke up with my left eye all swollen n shit

2018-10-16 08:05:26 UTC  

real odd

2018-10-16 08:05:34 UTC  

no idea what caused it..

2018-10-16 08:06:31 UTC  

Is it painful?

2018-10-16 08:06:43 UTC  

nope, annoying

2018-10-16 08:06:50 UTC  

But if you touch the lid it doesn't hurt...

2018-10-16 08:06:54 UTC  

doesnt hurt, its just like minor squint all the time

2018-10-16 08:07:15 UTC  

I occasionally get styes, little pimples under the eyelid.

2018-10-16 08:07:38 UTC  

If you look through the swolen eye

2018-10-16 08:07:48 UTC  

does your vision look what could be described as foggy?

2018-10-16 08:08:11 UTC  


2018-10-16 08:08:18 UTC  


2018-10-16 08:08:33 UTC  

doesn't rule out conjunctivitis, but that's what usually happens when I've had it.

2018-10-16 08:08:58 UTC  

Might be good old fashioned allergies.

2018-10-16 08:09:16 UTC  

maybe you punched yourself in your sleep

2018-10-16 08:09:22 UTC  

Wol's probably right.

2018-10-16 08:09:29 UTC  

He IS a Dr. after all

2018-10-16 08:09:36 UTC  


2018-10-16 08:09:47 UTC  

sure, i'm a doctor

2018-10-16 08:09:55 UTC  

I wouldn't go THAT far, Wol.

2018-10-16 08:10:01 UTC  
