Message from @xorgy
Discord ID: 501752009154756619
Tim you're a horrible person and I hope someone spreads legos in your house.
There's also a universe where Donald Trump is god emperor of the world
Heres another bombshellπ€
People against the Electorial college,
Are technically against the minorities
yeah Tim, he already has the mansions
Doesn't work like that Tim, only logically consistent realities exist.
ok what if trump bernie and hillary have an orgy tho
whatever happened to "thats. my. fetish." meme
like if we're really going for the throat
@halfthink Just what I was about to say
@Timcast My main fear is that (D) will undo federalism, frankly no short term political cause is worth the risk of that.
>Assuming That's my fetish as a meme died
image spam :)
They even created a program in response
Hmm what would the son of bernie and hillary be like
america needs to stay free
us europeans need some hope
>assuming your fart fetish screenname is subtle
where do you still get your hope Jes
i need some discount source
I can't afford too much
that one day i'll move back there
π€ <:TimThink:482277772497125378> π <:LVA:463089670520045579> π π <:TimThink:482277772497125378> <:commie:463087263153258506> <:LVA:463089670520045579> π π <:commie:463087263153258506> <:beanie:463084349642899468> <:NPC:500042527231967262> <:beanie:463084349642899468> <:VeRiFiEd:463064374236413962> <:commie:463087263153258506> <:VeRiFiEd:463064374236413962> <:commie:463087263153258506> <:beanie:463084349642899468> <:Poopy:463432137375350784> <:beanie:463084349642899468> <:commie:463087263153258506> <:VeRiFiEd:463064374236413962>
maybe someone opened pandoras box in 2012
we're one bad Theresa May decision from Comrade Corbyn
I'm #TeamMeteor... my hope is a meteor resets the planet ecosystem.
no more hope for uuuu
Were there some people who said Odyssey is SJW?
I mean, I personally don't see it, I see them as doing something rational