Message from @Goddess Tyche

Discord ID: 691212839343358032

2020-03-17 01:21:32 UTC  

Waiting for the chimpout now.

2020-03-17 04:02:13 UTC  

In New York City, 1% of people arrested for shootings were White, while 74% were Black. Source:

2020-03-17 04:03:56 UTC  


2020-03-17 17:08:37 UTC  

Some good detailed info on SARS-CoV-2 and it's interaction with ACE2 receptors along with possible therapeutics:

2020-03-18 06:48:12 UTC  

Coral Benjamen

2020-03-19 06:29:09 UTC
A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses
shows potential for human emergence
Nature Medicine
```Construction of SARS-like chimeric viruses. Both wild-type and chimeric
viruses were derived from either SARS-CoV Urbani or the corresponding mouse-adapted (SARS-CoV MA15) infectious clone (ic) as previously
described27. Plasmids containing spike sequences for SHC014 were extracted
by restriction digest and ligated into the E and F plasmid of the MA15 infectious clone. The clone was designed and purchased from Bio Basic as six
contiguous cDNAs using published sequences flanked by unique class II
restriction endonuclease sites (BglI). Thereafter, plasmids containing wildtype, chimeric SARS-CoV and SHC014-CoV genome fragments were amplified, excised, ligated and purified. ```

2020-03-19 06:31:07 UTC  


@UnScottable has this not already been posted, furthermore the study is avaliable for free: No need to use sci-hub <:smugon:512048583806025739>

2020-03-21 05:50:22 UTC  

'we can sense magnets therefore telepathy'

2020-03-21 06:20:32 UTC  

@Hexidecimark Not the point I would make. I would say that there may actually be something to astrology though if planetary bodies have the capacity to affect the earth's magnetic or gravitational fields (which they obviously do on a superficial level). Perhpas there is a synchronized base consciousness: there is also evidence to suggest that television monitors increase alpha brain waves. Is it really inconceivable that our television sets are being used to program us as we consume the programming, separating us from the source?

2020-03-21 06:25:47 UTC  

>>“Brethren! We have a message from another world, unknown and remote. It reads: one… two… three…” In 1996 scientists published a study replicating Tesla’s experiment and showing that the signal was in fact caused by the moon Io passing through Jupiter’s magnetic field.

2020-03-21 06:27:38 UTC  

>>[Alpha waves] predominantly originate from the occipital lobe during wakeful relaxation with closed eyes. Alpha waves are reduced with open eyes, drowsiness and sleep.
It's almost like people who watch television or use a monitor have their eyes wide shut

2020-03-22 03:05:05 UTC  

> **Evidence for the Scarr–Rowe Effect on Genetic Expressivity in a Large U.S. Sample**
> Using the continuous parameter estimation model (CPEM), a large genotyped adult sample of the population of Wisconsin, USA (the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study) is examined for evidence of the Scarr–Rowe effect, a gene × environment (G×E) interaction that reduces the heritability of IQ among those with low socioeconomic status (SES). This method allows the differential expressivity of polygenic scores predictive of both educational attainment and IQ (EA3) on the phenotype of IQ to be directly operationalized throughout the full range of these variables.
> Utilizing a parental SES factor-weighted composite as a measure of childhood SES, evidence for the Scarr–Rowe effect was found, that is, the genetic expressivity of EA3 on IQ increased with increasing parental SES (β = 0.08, p = 4.71×10−10, df = 6,255). The effect was found for both the male and female samples separately, β(males) = 0.08, p = 5.27×10−5, df = 3,018; β(females) = 0.08, p = 1.93×10−6, df = 3,236. The effects were furthermore robust to removing outlying values of parental SES and to log-transforming the SES variable.
> The results are similar to those produced using a more conventional two-way interaction model, with IQ predicting the EA3 × log of parental SES interaction after the main effects; however, CPEM allows for greater model degrees of freedom, thus is better powered to detect the effect when it is small in magnitude (CPEM β = 0.05, p = 6.69×10−5 vs. two-way interaction β = 0.02, p one-tailed = .045, in both models log parental SES is used).

2020-03-22 09:13:03 UTC  

@Monstrous Moonshine Translate, please.

2020-03-23 03:31:22 UTC  

@Goddess Tyche They came up with a better statistical method to test for a psychological effect related to IQ that has little evidence so far (Scarr Rowe Effect)

2020-03-23 07:26:22 UTC  

"The median time from illness onset (ie, before admission) to discharge was 22·0 days (IQR 18·0–25·0), whereas the median time to death was 18·5 days (15·0 22·0; table 2). **32 patients required invasive mechanical ventilation, of whom 31 (97%) died.**"

2020-03-23 07:43:37 UTC  

The fact that NOBODY on an ECMO survived either is disturbing.

2020-03-23 07:52:23 UTC  

I don't like that paper at all, it paints an incredibly bleak picture. 4 out of 5 that went critical died?

2020-03-23 07:53:26 UTC  

I thought we were looking at closer to 50% that went critical ended up dead.

2020-03-23 16:02:42 UTC  


2020-03-24 00:58:52 UTC  

ah, Sargon's best friend Thunderf00t

2020-03-24 01:02:11 UTC  

Way things are going Cov is going to knock one of those off the list.

2020-03-27 02:25:30 UTC  

At the bottom of the trough, new flare-ups will be localized. Containment strategies can be used again at that point. Like if a particular city has a flare-up, then only it needs to be locked down, not the entire country. With sufficiently rapid testing and contact tracing you might not even have to go that far.

2020-03-27 02:26:00 UTC  

> Using a mathematical model, we assessed that one-time interventions will be insufficient to maintain COVID-19 prevalence within the critical care capacity of the United States.
Hammer and Dance.

2020-03-27 02:30:08 UTC  

They apparently don't at all consider any other methods of reducing R0. Masks + hand hygiene + frequent common area cleanings seems to let Asian countries mostly go on with normal life.

2020-03-27 02:34:40 UTC  

Are we certain that the prevalence of mask wearing made the difference in Asian countries? Or perhaps they simply locked down airports before they got untraced infected?