Message from @Jerm70

Discord ID: 685114473593176123

2020-03-05 12:49:43 UTC  

@EN Because its relevant in this chat.

2020-03-05 12:52:03 UTC  

So it's not relevant in the other

2020-03-05 12:52:25 UTC  

Just needed an answer to the question.

2020-03-05 12:53:24 UTC  

I knew I'd get a meme answer in the other so I posted the same here to get a sensible answer.

2020-03-05 13:11:58 UTC  

@everybodydothatdinosaur When you have only one requirement of defeating Trump and executing him on the White House lawn, you suddenly have the problem of not thinking of anything else.

2020-03-05 13:12:10 UTC  

This is the problem with the Democrats.

2020-03-05 13:12:35 UTC  

And why the elite has had their oh shit moment.

2020-03-05 13:12:59 UTC  

There's a sizeable population of Ashkenazi Jews from Russia in Denver who are decidedly *not* pro-abortion. I think you might be mixing up "I have noticed some of these people overlap" with "one of these groups totally overlaps with the other".

2020-03-05 13:14:02 UTC  

The Weinsteins are pro-abortion because they want people to watch their shit movies rather than raise children.

2020-03-05 13:14:29 UTC  

(Weinsteins standing for Hollywood Jew)

2020-03-05 13:15:51 UTC  

I think it might basically just be the same spectrum as with Christians- the more fundamentalist, the less inclined they are to approve of abortion. The people who won't open library books on Saturday are probably not in the same group as the Weinsteins.

2020-03-05 13:16:51 UTC  

Well I do believe pro-abortion stances come from a fundamentalist view as well.

2020-03-05 13:16:59 UTC  

Hm, how so?

2020-03-05 13:17:10 UTC  

The cult of Feminism.

2020-03-05 13:17:42 UTC  

Not really fundamentalist, though. They are still distilling their tenets.

2020-03-05 13:17:54 UTC  

No fundamentals to return or hold to.

2020-03-05 13:18:14 UTC  

That depends on one factor.

2020-03-05 13:18:59 UTC  

Are we using pro-abortion as a stand in for pro-choice or the radical encouragement of abortion?

2020-03-05 13:19:52 UTC  

Not sure, I didn't start that, I just brought up an example of a group that met the stated filter and in no definition would qualify as pro-abortion. I was mostly addressing an over-broad generalization.

2020-03-05 13:20:08 UTC  

So, whichever you mean.

2020-03-05 13:20:19 UTC  

Well there is a need to make a clear difference between the two.

2020-03-05 13:20:48 UTC  

I believe that pro-abortion should refer to the radical encouragement of abortion.

2020-03-05 13:20:53 UTC  


2020-03-05 13:21:11 UTC  

Okay, going with that definition for the purposes of this conversation. Please continue.

2020-03-05 13:21:39 UTC  

It always did annoy me that people equated "choice" with "abortion", so I like the distinction.

2020-03-05 13:22:04 UTC  

Basically the idea is the ideological belief that pregnancy is not natural but oppression of women by men.

2020-03-05 13:22:56 UTC  

Which is a tenet of several subsets of radical feminism, yes.

2020-03-05 13:22:58 UTC  

It might not be a fully conscious concept stated yet but this is the only Rational conclusion to their radical encouragement.

2020-03-05 13:23:14 UTC  

I think we might be differing on the definition of "fundamentalist" more than anything else.

2020-03-05 13:23:48 UTC  

Radicalized and fundamentalist aren't synonyms, even though you see them used that way a lot when discussing religions lately.

2020-03-05 13:24:11 UTC  

But modern Feminism is a religion.

2020-03-05 13:24:36 UTC  

Cult. No religious aspects as an overall phenomenon yet.

2020-03-05 13:24:44 UTC  

Not all cults are religions.

2020-03-05 13:25:16 UTC  

There are plenty of neopagan woo variants, but they aren't core (yet).

2020-03-05 13:25:37 UTC  

They are core. Its just a matter of admitting it.

2020-03-05 13:25:54 UTC  

You don't have to be a relgion to have fundamentalism, though, so it's a moot point either way.

2020-03-05 13:27:28 UTC  

But yeah, all the current talking points about abortion is abhorrent.

2020-03-05 13:27:46 UTC  

It is slowly turning me pro-life.

2020-03-05 13:28:00 UTC  

"Clumps of cells"

2020-03-05 13:28:17 UTC  

"Aren't you clumps of cells?",

2020-03-05 13:28:26 UTC  

You'd hate some of the more rational arguments, then.