Message from @NRIII

Discord ID: 696406099292717097

2020-04-05 16:55:41 UTC  


2020-04-05 16:56:05 UTC  

must not be too pressing for them then lol

2020-04-05 16:56:38 UTC  

youd think if this did all the damage people say and that they were doing this on purpose theyd have them up by now. but you know, that just is thinking to much for your liking isnt it?

2020-04-05 16:56:54 UTC  

they have very short range so i really doubt they will be covering everywhere

2020-04-05 16:58:25 UTC  

I have changed my mind on many things, like fluoride for example. I didnt buy the fluoride being in everything being harmful stuff until I saw some evidence and changed my course. Im not without reason

2020-04-05 16:58:31 UTC  

> The animals were pair-housed in groups of four in steel mesh cages and placedabout 10 cm away from installed devices that emitted RF-EMF
Dunno about you but I don't sit that close to my router. They also don't seem to mention power level at all so even the distance value seems utterly useless as I can't gauge a dose from it.

2020-04-05 16:58:37 UTC  

I have to cummute in to central London tomorrow to go to my job in the National elf service, and I am literally shitting myself over it..

2020-04-05 16:58:57 UTC  

> @UnScottable
> Dunno about you but I don't sit that close to my router. They also don't seem to mention power level at all so even the distance value seems utterly useless as I can't gauge a dose from it.

oh no someone actually read the study <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2020-04-05 16:59:03 UTC  

no no adam dont do that!

2020-04-05 16:59:04 UTC  

It's similar to the various studies that say "XXX causes cancer" because they force fed it to rats.

2020-04-05 16:59:05 UTC  


2020-04-05 16:59:26 UTC  

this is just bravura on display..inside I am cryiing

2020-04-05 16:59:38 UTC  

dude i feel that

2020-04-05 17:00:01 UTC  

this shit is surreal.

2020-04-05 17:01:23 UTC  

my router is about 90cm away from where i work

2020-04-05 17:02:08 UTC  

mine too :/

2020-04-05 17:02:32 UTC  

Faraday cages for all!!

2020-04-05 17:03:10 UTC  

I think that if we had the ability to see frequency we may be slightly more paranoid.

2020-04-05 17:06:16 UTC  

there are a few people on Y/tube who drive around and measure it in urban and City environments - the fluctuations in the levels jsut prove to me that it is not something that can be maintained at a stable level - what if there is a power surge for instance?? but then again - what do I know...

2020-04-05 17:06:56 UTC  

Radiation follows the inverse square law, double the distance and you receive 1/4 the dose. At 80cm you are getting 1/64th the dose the rats were.

2020-04-05 17:09:12 UTC  

Hold on I'll geta little closer and let you know what happens.

2020-04-05 17:09:19 UTC  

think I'll order an EMF/ELF meter..from China

2020-04-05 17:09:42 UTC  

maybe it will arrive next year ..

2020-04-05 17:18:24 UTC  

1. 🌐 World: 1245732 cases - 67927 deaths - 256668 recovered
2. 🇺🇸 USA: 323953 cases - 9185 deaths - 16598 recovered
3. 🇪🇸 Spain: 130759 cases - 12418 deaths - 38080 recovered
4. 🇮🇹 Italy: 128948 cases - 15887 deaths - 21815 recovered
5. 🇩🇪 Germany: 98765 cases - 1524 deaths - 26400 recovered
6. 🇫🇷 France: 89953 cases - 7560 deaths - 15438 recovered
7. 🇮🇷 Iran: 58226 cases - 3603 deaths - 19736 recovered
8. 🇬🇧 UK: 47806 cases - 4934 deaths - 135 recovered
9. 🇹🇷 Turkey: 23934 cases - 501 deaths - 786 recovered
10. :flag_SUI: Switzerland: 21100 cases - 685 deaths - 6415 recovered

2020-04-05 17:18:45 UTC  

Try to get one with an actual proper readout so you know what it's telling you, not a ghost hunter tier one with a couple blinking lights.

2020-04-05 17:19:16 UTC  

Where's the Swiss flag?

2020-04-05 17:20:16 UTC  


2020-04-05 17:20:51 UTC  

confederatio helvetica

2020-04-05 17:21:34 UTC  

But isn't that for the Czechs?

2020-04-05 17:21:49 UTC  

the differences in deaths is the interesting part

2020-04-05 17:21:52 UTC  


2020-04-05 17:21:58 UTC  

is Germany under-reporting?

2020-04-05 17:22:17 UTC  

Well, wouldn't be the first time.

2020-04-05 17:22:22 UTC  

Maybe, or others are overreporting.

2020-04-05 17:22:48 UTC  

I heard early rumors that anyone in Germany they could tie to another underlying condition they counted it as that.

2020-04-05 17:23:02 UTC  

From what I've seen the Germans are definitely misreporting but also have been going after the cases aggressively plus testing a whole lot then any other countries

2020-04-05 17:23:10 UTC  

But I'm also hearing in the US and other places that if they test positive they count it as a COVID-19 death.

2020-04-05 17:23:34 UTC  

It's probably like where if they have coronavirus and died, they count vs. dying from complications from the infection or underlying conditions (and not counting it)

2020-04-05 17:23:44 UTC  

Fall down and bash your head? COVID-19 death if you test positive.

2020-04-05 17:24:06 UTC  

yeah that sort of thing

2020-04-05 17:25:03 UTC  

There isn't a super solid standard here so its inconsistent from country to country and sometimes from state to state.