Message from @ETBrooD

Discord ID: 687483059834322988

2020-03-12 00:52:29 UTC  

Spanish flu was special because of how hard it hit young, healthy people.

2020-03-12 00:52:46 UTC  

Just wait for the second wave...

2020-03-12 00:58:17 UTC  

Will he declare himself President for Life and enact martial law?

2020-03-12 00:59:51 UTC  

He's going to announce we plan on blowing up the moon.

2020-03-12 01:04:58 UTC  

holy shit

2020-03-12 01:05:12 UTC  

All travel from Europe to the US banned for 30 days

2020-03-12 01:13:24 UTC  

> UK exempt

2020-03-12 02:06:30 UTC  

tom hanks has coronavirus

2020-03-12 02:10:34 UTC  

Still much lower CO levels than 12 days ago

2020-03-12 02:11:13 UTC  

Still nowhere near normal traffic either.

2020-03-12 02:11:51 UTC  

Wuhan is basically flatlined, let's see if they really get back to work soon like China says.

2020-03-12 02:12:14 UTC  

So... the NBA has been suspended because a player has tested positive for the coronavirus. And that's gonna change literally nothing.

2020-03-12 02:12:32 UTC  

yea saw that

2020-03-12 02:12:50 UTC  

Do these people lack a brain or something?

2020-03-12 02:12:55 UTC  

How's this gonna do anything?

2020-03-12 02:12:57 UTC  

One dude infected everyone

2020-03-12 02:13:12 UTC  

What, no

2020-03-12 02:13:13 UTC  

high fives all around.

2020-03-12 02:13:58 UTC  

Even if he infected someone, it still wouldn't change anything. The NBA doesn't stop during flu season if one or a few players get sick, or does it?

2020-03-12 02:14:10 UTC  

All the hollywood elites are going to die from corona they're catch at the pizza parties they go to.

2020-03-12 02:14:21 UTC  

I wish

2020-03-12 02:14:34 UTC  

Except ma boy Johnny

2020-03-12 02:14:38 UTC  

He shall survive

2020-03-12 02:15:11 UTC  

And Reeves ofc

2020-03-12 02:15:17 UTC  

The sex slave children are spitting corona virus in their faces as we speak.

2020-03-12 02:15:18 UTC  

And Gadot

2020-03-12 02:15:56 UTC  

if most of them die, maybe we can get some good movies again in a few years

2020-03-12 02:16:24 UTC  

We have good movies rn. We just had more crap mixed in lately.

2020-03-12 02:16:39 UTC  

not seen one I've enjoyed in a year or so

2020-03-12 02:16:54 UTC  

Joker was not to your liking?

2020-03-12 02:17:07 UTC  

was ok I guess

2020-03-12 02:17:37 UTC  

being honest, I fell asleep halfway, not much desire to see the rest