Message from @Captain Conundrum

Discord ID: 687521743870623744

2020-03-12 03:50:58 UTC  

Yeah, cheapest full auto you can get is like $9k for a Mac-11 or the like. Full auto AR's go for $25k+.

2020-03-12 03:51:12 UTC  

We'll see if people panic and storm the ER's. In cities I wouldn't be surprised.😉 <:mutt:462285123421732874>

2020-03-12 03:51:47 UTC  


2020-03-12 03:51:49 UTC  

The hospitals should change their policy. From treating everyone to shooting everyone on sight.

2020-03-12 03:51:51 UTC  


2020-03-12 03:51:59 UTC  

We might do better than Canada with our urgent care system

2020-03-12 03:52:34 UTC  

It'll take Canada 3 years to legalize the vaccine.

2020-03-12 03:52:35 UTC  

They would be no more expensive than a normal AR if it wasn't for the Hughes amendment on the 1986 Firearm Owners Protection Act. That banned civilian ownership of full auto weapons made after 1986.

2020-03-12 03:53:53 UTC  

Just build yourself a snow palace with a bunch of traps leading inside. Safety guaranteed.

2020-03-12 03:54:45 UTC  

Trudeau is busy complaining about conversion therapy, and no not the one you're thinking. He's hip with the trans kids.

2020-03-12 03:55:35 UTC  

Main thing that worries me beyond the body count is that this is a mostly new virus and we don't know what it really does. I wouldn't be surprised if we find out that it leaves your lungs scarred and 20 years later you get cancer and all your blood turns into soy

2020-03-12 03:56:11 UTC  

If it makes me shit gold in the meanwhile I'd be ok with that

2020-03-12 03:56:37 UTC  

Sounds painful

2020-03-12 03:56:44 UTC  

But also rich

2020-03-12 03:56:48 UTC  

Fuck, all the beta cucks will feed off my man seed. Gay.

2020-03-12 03:56:55 UTC  


2020-03-12 03:59:19 UTC  

Good opportunity to flex on Russia's old tech.

2020-03-12 04:45:57 UTC  

How did it get to Wyoming? I don't even know how to get to Wyoming.

2020-03-12 04:46:17 UTC  

it got lost

2020-03-12 04:47:39 UTC

2020-03-12 04:48:07 UTC  

Domestic travel apparently however it does not say where from.

2020-03-12 04:48:27 UTC  

Only 100 miles away, I was in that town today.

2020-03-12 04:49:01 UTC  

In a hospital building even.

2020-03-12 05:37:20 UTC  

I mean, doesn't he jump off a cliff in *every* movie? Like it was a main plot point in both Goldeneye and Skyfall.

2020-03-12 05:38:03 UTC  

He's also "died" in several.

2020-03-12 08:57:26 UTC  

Quick, someone coof at Soros before he jumps into the nearest mole hill

2020-03-12 09:29:54 UTC  

Soon, lockdowns

2020-03-12 09:33:16 UTC  
2020-03-12 10:33:36 UTC  

he went though all the loops to use his gun and they still booked him