Message from @AdamBv1

Discord ID: 688926273212514348

2020-03-16 00:05:02 UTC  

That part did strike me as odd, of the 42 deaths (new numbers as of the last hour) how many were even at that one facility?

2020-03-16 00:06:21 UTC  

I know WA is more stressed by healthcare worker and other emergency responder shortages than it should be however. A lot of workers are in isolation now because of the poor job at preparing and wearing PPE at the start and even just not realizing it was an issue in the area until many patients showed up and started testing positive.

2020-03-16 00:06:35 UTC  

I think his friend was probably trying to brag about how hard they're working and wanted to look good by stretching a lot of details. Probably didn't expect it to end up on twitter

2020-03-16 00:33:36 UTC  

Fed just slashed interest rates

2020-03-16 00:34:06 UTC  

Bad idea right there

2020-03-16 00:35:33 UTC

2020-03-16 00:35:42 UTC  

To 0%

2020-03-16 00:35:43 UTC

2020-03-16 00:50:01 UTC  

👏 let 👏 the 👏 'fiat' 👏 die 👏

2020-03-16 00:51:15 UTC  

Oh wait, no no no... If the economy collapses, the already terrible death count will get even more terrible

2020-03-16 00:56:36 UTC  

If you held money, then ironically you just made bank

2020-03-16 00:56:51 UTC  

Because you were able to buy cheap assets

2020-03-16 01:00:29 UTC  

Dunno about you all but I'm going to heavily increase my 401k contributions for a bit.

2020-03-16 01:05:47 UTC  

> If you held money, then ironically you just made bank
> Because you were able to buy cheap assets

I wonder how long will this loophole remain open. Not long probably.

2020-03-16 01:24:12 UTC  


2020-03-16 01:34:30 UTC  


2020-03-16 01:47:03 UTC  

Pence and his team had good messaging on that today, they let the reporters bring up shutting down domestic travel and mass quarantine but didn't immediately say no. Instead they said it was all on the table if necessary but not planned at the moment.

2020-03-16 01:47:53 UTC  

Trump was really not helping with "it's all OK, don't panic and don't prep" messaging.

2020-03-16 01:49:57 UTC  

This is likely to spread over to public investment

2020-03-16 01:58:31 UTC  

I'm impressed at how many sites are sticking to their reporting that the administration lied about the google site being set up to help people find testing sites

2020-03-16 01:59:41 UTC  


2020-03-16 01:59:43 UTC  

Ars Technica actually permabanned me, though I guess there's a small chance that was because I called them Russian trolls for spreading misinformation and trying to get Americans killed.

2020-03-16 02:00:28 UTC  

Or maybe it was the other post where I said I didn't think they'd fire the reporter over it because they kept their openly pedophilic one until the day he got arrested

2020-03-16 02:00:39 UTC  


2020-03-16 02:07:34 UTC  

That former writer apparently just got a mistrial because someone on the jury bought his story that he was just playing pretend when he planned to rape an 11 year old girl and told the fbi he had done it before

2020-03-16 02:07:45 UTC  

Maybe now they can rehire him!

2020-03-16 02:09:52 UTC  

Oh, I guess they finally will at some point but no date yet:

2020-03-16 02:36:35 UTC  

And it's going down as we read..

2020-03-16 02:51:18 UTC  

Gets spicier as we dive deeper down the rabbit hole

2020-03-16 02:52:09 UTC  

Doubt it's going to be wonderland on the other side though

2020-03-16 03:16:35 UTC  

Fake news and "white washing" because the youngest person was a chinese newborn

2020-03-16 03:28:21 UTC  
2020-03-16 04:38:05 UTC  

lol, I wasn't the only person running that math on how many infected we can handle at a given time but he managed to dig up the number of ventilators in the US instead of guesstimating how many available ICU beds we have.