Message from @UnScottable

Discord ID: 695406831492923433

2020-04-02 22:49:46 UTC  


2020-04-02 22:50:07 UTC  

Please elaborate

2020-04-02 22:50:48 UTC  

Locust swarms ate most of the rice in Pakistan, then the Chinese rice crops were not planted due to COVID-19... the famine will be huge in 2021/2022 - and we will be told we must be rationed to help starving on the other side of the world.

2020-04-02 22:51:09 UTC  

Jabba is saying that globalists might tell us we can't go back to the free lives we've grown accustomed to in the west because bailouts destroyed world economy.
Therefore that the society is now too poor and gripped with debt to be free.
However, historically, being poor was the companion to the choice of being free and it was preferrable to being rich but beholden to any current overlord

2020-04-02 22:51:39 UTC  

So basically, when the indebted dystopia comes, punch a globalist <:coolgon:549370575701803019>

2020-04-02 22:51:50 UTC  

Thank you@Xaverius

2020-04-02 22:51:52 UTC  


2020-04-02 22:52:23 UTC  

inb4 I misinterpreted jabba something fierce

2020-04-02 22:52:30 UTC  

In the past, the poor were not as beholden to the state... but now we need electricity for heat and government handouts to buy food.

2020-04-02 22:53:00 UTC  

I thought poor meant you didn't have a say at all.

2020-04-02 22:53:29 UTC  

None in your own life because you couldn't protect, care for yourself.

2020-04-02 22:54:25 UTC  

log fires are banned in most of the country now... back in the old days of poverty, the poor could burn anything to stay warm - but now we'll be controlled by carbon and social credits.

2020-04-02 22:54:28 UTC  

Well yea. But still, I think that just saying "can't do X, too much debt, first everyone/society needs to pay Y amount over the next Z years" is just unfair leverage as in this case it's not a debt that was caused by your faults, rather by the global economists

2020-04-02 22:54:42 UTC  

Interesting, are they. That's retarded

2020-04-02 22:55:26 UTC  

ok, ok...that's a new point I have missed.

2020-04-02 22:56:22 UTC  

Still it will be pushed down the throat as the livestock usually doesn't make the decisions on the farm.

2020-04-02 22:56:36 UTC  

Unless there's some disruption in the order...

2020-04-02 22:56:43 UTC  

If ...

2020-04-02 22:57:32 UTC  

But until they can roll d1000 multiple times... and just make it rain constantly...nothing will change.

2020-04-02 22:57:48 UTC  

so far, we've seen people queuing up to become little Stasi informers - the rebels are very isolated

2020-04-02 22:58:37 UTC  


2020-04-02 22:58:49 UTC  

I seriously start to doubt math is having any grip in this dimension...I expected it to put a stop to this madness already...

2020-04-02 23:00:43 UTC  

Could someone religious give the tl;dr?

2020-04-02 23:00:50 UTC

2020-04-02 23:01:00 UTC  


2020-04-02 23:01:08 UTC  


2020-04-02 23:01:13 UTC  

that's very illustrative

2020-04-02 23:26:26 UTC  
2020-04-02 23:26:48 UTC  


2020-04-02 23:26:50 UTC  

bruh wtf

2020-04-02 23:28:03 UTC  

It looks more like an unsuccessful homicide attempt from here in the name of the virus

2020-04-03 04:58:41 UTC  

The Chinese owners of this hospital chain plan on laying off 800 workers putting 8000 beds in jeopardy.

2020-04-03 04:59:59 UTC  

Time to turn that commie state against them, seize the hospital

2020-04-03 05:06:50 UTC  

It's the perfect opportunity to seize the assets of Australia back from the Chinese. If you're not a citizen here you shouldn't own here.

2020-04-03 05:35:25 UTC  

Leastwise something as critical as a hospital.

2020-04-03 06:26:25 UTC  

Ye, careful bc that'd set a chilling precedent for others too.

2020-04-03 06:34:50 UTC  

Coronavirus killing lots of people, but the flu is worse bro!