Message from @Sq crcl

Discord ID: 696351966619762770

2020-04-05 11:36:49 UTC  

@Mr. Robo`tó
If you want to know more about the reason why it's dangerous neurologically

2020-04-05 11:57:44 UTC

2020-04-05 12:04:39 UTC  

``` The lawsuits, all filed in the Southern District of New York, claim each company sold such tokens either directly through the exchange (what’s typically called an initial exchange offering, or IEO) or in the form of an initial coin offering, or ICO. ```


2020-04-05 12:05:12 UTC  

Rather noteworthy

2020-04-05 12:05:41 UTC  
2020-04-05 12:18:04 UTC  


2020-04-05 12:19:28 UTC  

reminescent of...

2020-04-05 12:20:16 UTC

2020-04-05 12:20:19 UTC

2020-04-05 12:48:51 UTC

2020-04-05 12:49:14 UTC

2020-04-05 12:49:32 UTC  

It seems to me that perhaps it's starting to drop off slightly in Spain

2020-04-05 13:14:17 UTC  

define 'are'

2020-04-05 13:18:10 UTC

2020-04-05 13:34:06 UTC  

Hi, that doesn't look like news or anything currently being discussed.

2020-04-05 13:34:14 UTC  

Help me not see it as spam

2020-04-05 13:34:43 UTC  

Also, it's 2 years old if I'm not mistaken

2020-04-05 13:45:31 UTC  


2020-04-05 15:06:22 UTC  

@Sq crcl here.. the reason why many are now questioning the symptoms, and treatment plans for the 'virus'

2020-04-05 15:06:39 UTC  

I didn't ask about this

2020-04-05 15:06:47 UTC  

My question is about the post prior

2020-04-05 15:11:23 UTC  

@Sq crcl The article you referred to - about Radiation Pneumonitis, which I linked, stikes me as quite apt. Maybe there is more to the theory that 5G is unsafe, and may be causal in the onset of symptoms of 'Covid19'

2020-04-05 15:11:52 UTC  

Are you deliberately ignoring my simplified question?

2020-04-05 15:12:05 UTC  

You don't have to answer but it's not a nice thing to do.

2020-04-05 15:12:37 UTC  

@Sq crcl spell it out for me bruv

2020-04-05 15:12:41 UTC  

One rather big issues with that is while everyone wants to talk about 60GHz 5G oxygen absorption they don't seem to understand what that even means and they also don't seem to understand nobody is using 60GHz for 5G right now.

2020-04-05 15:13:16 UTC  

Sure it's within the approved spectrum but nobody is using anything higher than 39GHz.

2020-04-05 15:13:51 UTC  

And even that is deployed practically nowhere, most 5G is still in the 600-900MHz range.

2020-04-05 15:14:05 UTC  

At least speaking for the US.

2020-04-05 15:14:56 UTC  


1. nobody has been discussing it here

2. from 2018

3. not news

...basically in a nutshell. Please don't spam but if your really wanna slip it in at least try to make an exposition for it with something recent. At least that's how I look at it.

2020-04-05 15:15:39 UTC  

@AdamBv1 it is a potential weapon... just like a hunting rifle. The intended use aside - it Can be cranked up to produce higher frequencies. But, yeah..let's put all our trust in multinational conglomerates with ties to Eugenics research instititions.

2020-04-05 15:16:40 UTC  

Yeah, that explains nothing about the misunderstanding of physics or the fact that it couldn't well be the cause of COVID-19 if it's not deployed.

2020-04-05 15:19:24 UTC  

anyone spouting 5g as the cause of the virus is batshit crazy

2020-04-05 15:19:54 UTC  

@Sq crcl Good research and information, no matter when it was produced, remains valid. Who are you to tell me what I can or cannot discuss? are you the asigned arbiter of relativity? Who can I appeal Your bullshit comment to for arbitration? I think you need to check your priveledge Mr. 'Not news' Fuck sake.