Message from @Sq crcl

Discord ID: 685504538274562056

2020-03-06 04:05:50 UTC  

Yep, that's the reason why I try to think strategically. Trying to predict what will happen next, trying to prepare for it, trying to influence it a little.

2020-03-06 04:06:50 UTC  

I wouldn’t fret too much m8. I don’t think you’ll lose your human rights. I think people are just becoming aware that they’re collectively are under attack.

2020-03-06 04:08:32 UTC  

A few years ago I asked some of my US-based friends to fight for their gun rights because it's the last bastion of freedom. If the US falls, that'd be a symbolic loss that would have huge consequences.

2020-03-06 04:09:26 UTC  

Gun rights are not going, if they do, then we deserve what happens to us. At a certain point we’ve become so liberal we just won’t fight anymore, so if we’re that Much of a bitch then I couldn’t have the nerve to feel bad

2020-03-06 04:09:53 UTC  

Americans had to fight for their gun rights before. It might have to be done again.

2020-03-06 04:10:09 UTC  

It's not a matter of "deserve" imo.

2020-03-06 04:11:12 UTC  

In Europe we have a kind of saying, that we Europeans "earn" money, but Americans "make" money.
That difference in the mindset is pretty important. It concerns gun rights as well.

2020-03-06 04:12:30 UTC  

Back then I've adopted the "maker" mindset and it has helped me a lot in life. Some of my family has the maker mindset, and some don't. The ones who fare better have the maker mindset. It's undeniably better.

2020-03-06 13:13:02 UTC  
2020-03-06 13:32:29 UTC  

Actually related because of the Turkish move to send more invaders into Greece.

2020-03-06 13:35:12 UTC  

mass migration has always been a weapon, there are heaps of examples of Empires relocation thousands of ethnic minorities to another part of the Empire to form a buffer state or to dilute a country's unity. Most recently we've seen it with Turkey moving Syrians into Rojava to weaken Kurdish hegemony over the region

2020-03-06 14:25:44 UTC  

...usually *following* a conquest, not preceding it

2020-03-06 14:49:15 UTC  

Turkey hasn't begun moving Syrian refugees back into areas conquered from the Kurds though

2020-03-06 14:49:50 UTC  

But they have had their Syrian proxies set up shop in Afrin

2020-03-06 14:52:36 UTC  

@Coolitic usually because the nation/group being replaced understands what’s going on and don’t particularly want it to happen

2020-03-06 15:00:57 UTC  

I think the simpler explanation is extortion. Turkey wants the EU to write them a check. Unfortunate timing as the EU just lost one of their largest sources of income.....

2020-03-06 15:06:31 UTC  

Yeah, because turkey just wants money...

2020-03-06 15:06:54 UTC  

Turkey is like DSP

Both are roaches, and they NEED the money
>insert le epic DSP meme here

2020-03-06 15:08:03 UTC  

Turkey has already been given money

2020-03-06 15:10:17 UTC  

3 billion

2020-03-06 15:15:39 UTC  

Should never have done that

2020-03-06 15:16:14 UTC  

3 billion could have been spent on beefing up border defences in Greece and bulgaria

2020-03-06 15:24:33 UTC  

Or spent on families at home, people in the EU.

2020-03-06 15:33:56 UTC  


2020-03-06 15:56:28 UTC

2020-03-06 15:58:07 UTC

2020-03-06 15:58:53 UTC  

>thinking the extortionists quit after you pay them.

"What do you mean? I gave you my lunch money *last week*....

2020-03-06 16:05:01 UTC  
2020-03-06 16:05:05 UTC  


2020-03-06 16:14:42 UTC  

r/Coomer, r/Average_Redditor, r/The_Europe, r/ReturnToTradition, r/Eco_Fascism, and r/WhatHasBeenConserved have all been banned in the past 24 hours

2020-03-06 16:17:51 UTC  

You could use 6 billion to build a nice militarized wall on the Greek/Bulgarian/Turkish border. Instead of paying Turkey.

2020-03-06 16:18:01 UTC  

Remaining outposts: r/ShitNeoconsSay, r/ImmoralMarket, r/ConsumeProduct, r/The3rdPosition, r/TruePoliticalHumor

2020-03-06 16:29:41 UTC

2020-03-06 16:29:58 UTC

2020-03-06 16:30:15 UTC

2020-03-06 16:30:29 UTC  

Foooooord wtf

2020-03-06 16:30:45 UTC  

WHAT the shizzles is happening?

2020-03-06 16:30:47 UTC  

It was banned after AHS retards brigaded and spammed CP