Message from @the1j

Discord ID: 696258248184954901

2020-04-04 14:32:04 UTC  


2020-04-04 18:44:06 UTC  

People are sitting in their homes, video conferencing, working & playing on computers, streaming videos, using their smart phones, & hoping not to need the latest medical innovation, all the while complaining about the evil of capitalism & the profit motive
and praising non-profits and philanthropy. Yet all the values they are enjoying and relying on (even their food) are products of markets driven by profit motive.
Philanthropy is nice -- but it rarely changes the world or impacts it dramatically like markets do

2020-04-04 22:53:55 UTC  

Doctors don't really do much except run very simple tests for most appointments anyways, I have no idea why Congress would ever outlaw remote appointments

2020-04-04 22:54:40 UTC  

m o n e y

2020-04-05 04:43:01 UTC  

^Very important discussions about society and family relations to be had. I'd like to hear Sargon combine the (very important) narrative about female responsiblity in society into this conversation.

2020-04-05 07:02:39 UTC  

After watchin Sargon's livestream I really have to get this off my head (again):
**Stop calling Nazis left-wing! They are NOT, because your own definitions of left-/right-wing are WRONG!**
This is easy to explain, because the idea of left-/right-wing was created in the french revolution ... and it had a "practical application" for the SEATING ARRANGEMENT in parliament. **Britain NEVER used that because there is a bench for the government and a bench for the opposition** ... and as a consequence BRITS (and consequently all english-speaking nations) FILLED THESE TERMS WITH FALSE DEFINITIONS!
- left-wing = "revolutionaries", but this isnt something to define an ideology by, because you need to include what you are revolting against
- right-wing = "friends of the King" … and the King is a symbol for NATIONALISM and TRADITIONALISM, which - by law of opposition - makes
- left-wing = INTERNATIONALISM and "anti-traditionalism" or PROGRESSIVISM (change for change's sake, not because "its better")

Oh and Sargon also misses a key point: **the Nazis were NATIONALISTS first and foremost!** That's what the N stands for and the primary motivation was REVENGE FOR VERSAILLES, not "glorious socialism".

Oh and "socialism" isnt part of the left-/right-wing axis! It is just a tool to manipulate people by promising them "free shit" ... [which no country - except maybe Kuwait and Qatar - can afford ... which then REQUIRES the authoritarian measures of Communism or Fascism to attempt to pay for it (by taking money from "the out-group").]
/rant over

Oh and if anyone has the ability to communicate this to Sargon ... it would be very much appreciated ... because he is MISLEADING PEOPLE. He only looks for SIMILARITIES between these two ideologies and never for differences.

2020-04-05 07:04:45 UTC  

I disagree

2020-04-05 07:04:59 UTC  


2020-04-05 07:13:07 UTC  

The term left and right has evolved over time, and doesn't just apply to the french courts anymore. Based on the evolution of language over time, it's developed to refer to ideologies that fall on one end of the spectrum. Even if we go by the definition you provided, revolutionaries vs. traditionalism, the Nazis were revolutionaries, who were hellbent on overthrowing the previous established order and implementing a new one. They wanted massive expansion of Germany to both take in and enslave new people, which isn't all that nationalistic when you consider they were trying to make a one world order to take over the globe (I.E. globalistic), but they were nationalists in that they wanted Germany, or perhaps more aptly the German/Aryan race, to be the one in charge of that.

Nationalism is not automatically right-wing, but the nazis were not really traditionalists, eschewing traditional marriage in favor of polyamory to produce as many Aryan babies as possible, rejecting and detesting Christianity, with Hitler going so far as to make his own 10 commandments to replace those of the bible, and generally trying to tear down the German culture and replace it with a new structure, be it with the Hitler Youth propogandistic brainwashing and so on. Hitler was a Vegetarian socialist, who was against Christianity and wanted a unified healthcare system, among other things. He was antisemetic, but so are many left-wing movements, be it communism in general with Stalin, many of the labor party members like Jeremy Corbyn, the various black Antisemetic groups, and so on. In fact, most of the Christian members of the military opposed the mass murder of jews as they were a part of the Abrahamic faith, and this was kept from many of them; Hitler eventually killed over 80 generals, including Rommel, after they discovered the mass murder of the jews that was ongoing.

2020-04-05 07:14:30 UTC  

The General society at the time was not all that anti-semitic, and Hitler knew this, calling the Germans too "conscientious", or moral, and sought to try and eradicate this and recruit, by his own words, bullies and other sadists in to the organization who would be more likely to kill people. He sought to tear down the traditions of the society to make it more malleable to the nazi messaging, rather than uphold traditions, and continued on expanding his power and increasing propaganda during his reign. It was an organization of constant and rapid change, and wasn't very conservative or traditionalist at all. The 25 point plan of the nazis is eerily similiar to the green new deal, promising free college, guaranteed jobs, protection of the land from industry, an end to war profits, completely government controlled healthcare, and a host other similiar things. Hitler and Stalin started WWII together, with the communists and national-socialists basically ideologically being in almost exact agreement, even against the jews, with the Soviet union continuing to run the concentration camps of the jews after WWII until the 1950's, until international pressure mounted to close them. The only real difference is national socialism was more pragmatic and focused more on the nation, and communism is essentially global socialism. They were just like the communists, and were effectively radicals seeking to implement massive changes across their society.

2020-04-05 07:17:20 UTC  

In the long standing traditions that make America herself and the nationalism that coincides with it, socialism doesn’t fit within that. It may fit within European or African or Asian countries, this does not fit within American tradition from her conception. To @Prometheus‘s point, the Nazis were nationalists, but so were the Bolsheviks to an extent. I’m not saying a nazbol state has existed, but the definition of nationalism has no relation to the policies of nazism and that the Soviet Union most *certainly* held these qualities. What you would end up with under your definition is that up until the Soviet state was founded, the Bolsheviks would be far left, and then when the state is established, they would eventually move heavily to the right due to Stalinism and his nationalistic sentiment for the republics.

2020-04-05 07:19:16 UTC  

"Evolving terms" is just what COMMUNISTS DO ... because then "nothing really matters".

Oh and ... "on the continent" these terms mean exactly what I said ... it is ONLY "YOU GUYS" who fill it with WRONG STUFF ... making the definitions MEANINGLESS ... because you always have to "agree on the definition" EVERY TIME YOU MENTION THEM!

2020-04-05 07:19:48 UTC  

**Keep people from their history, and they are easily controlled.** Karl Marx

2020-04-05 07:20:03 UTC  

What a statement

2020-04-05 07:20:23 UTC  

Can’t believe I’ve never heard it before! What a shocker and how ironic

2020-04-05 07:20:43 UTC  

No clear AND FIXED definitions = "you are adrift" and dont really know what to think!

2020-04-05 07:21:26 UTC  

Well No, it could mean you are just too smart for ideological drivel. <:BIGBRAIN:501101491428392991>

2020-04-05 07:21:42 UTC  

Whether you like or not that’s not how language works Prometheus

2020-04-05 07:22:00 UTC  

Things change over time, just adding an edit here: definitions are important so I do agree that you should try to have common ideas of a word before trying to argue them, and we also generally use the language that we currently have, so arguing current defintions is important, but saying things dont evolve and change is dumb

2020-04-05 07:22:00 UTC  

Rofl ... that is evasion

2020-04-05 07:22:02 UTC  

Language does change naturally, Commies just do it faster for their own gain

2020-04-05 07:22:18 UTC  

and it need to be stopped.

2020-04-05 07:22:33 UTC  

The earth and our societies are far from rigid and they are constantly changing no matter what we do

2020-04-05 07:22:49 UTC  

Language also changes ARTIFICIALLY ... like "racism" ... and "define woman" ...

2020-04-05 07:23:06 UTC  

> My feelings as a Christian point me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people.
- Adolf Hitler, 1922

2020-04-05 07:23:37 UTC  

What a true Christian. Hitler.

2020-04-05 07:23:59 UTC  


2020-04-05 07:24:04 UTC  

"Traditionalism" only makes sense in the context of traditionalist school, otherwise every regime will have its own tradition and thus the term would be useless. A commie in 1950s USSR would be a traditionalist under the useless definition.

2020-04-05 07:24:08 UTC  

The point is ... before the internet ... it didnt really matter if "the english speaking world had a different definition for the terms" ... because there wasnt that much communication between people. Now ... we NEED clear definitions!

2020-04-05 07:24:15 UTC  

I mean, he got revenge for crucifixion.

2020-04-05 07:24:26 UTC  

I said the same thing @Monstrous Moonshine

2020-04-05 07:24:44 UTC  

Sorry ... traditionalism is about the culture of a country ... and it takes a long time to change that.

2020-04-05 07:24:46 UTC
> According to the Traditionalists, there are primordial and universal religious truths which are at the foundations of all major world religions. The Traditionalists speak of "absolute Truth and infinite Presence".[1] Absolute Truth is "the perennial wisdom (sophia perennis) that stands as the transcendent source of all the intrinsically orthodox religions of humankind."[1] According to Traditionalists, "the primordial and perennial truth" is manifested in a variety of religious and spiritual traditions.[2] Infinite Presence is "the perennial religion (religio perennis) that lives within the heart of all intrinsically orthodox religions."[1]

2020-04-05 07:25:22 UTC  

Sadly gotta agree with Ford on this one.

2020-04-05 07:28:06 UTC  

Well ... have fun with your communist "evolution of language" ... redefining racism (only whites can do it) and rape (only men can do it) and woman (trans-women are women) ... I hope "not understanding each other" will have been worth it.

2020-04-05 07:28:25 UTC  

Nazis were definitely traditionalists. They preferred and enforced heteronormative gender roles, banned homosexuality and tranny surgeries which were legalized under the Weimar Republic, emphasized family values and the volk and were highly Nationalistic.

2020-04-05 07:29:13 UTC  

We need this again.

2020-04-05 07:30:25 UTC  

Also, if you solely reduce the left and right spectrum to free market economics, a weed smoking hippie libertarian who is for open borders would be more "Right Wing" than Tucker Carlson or former President Andrew Jackson, both of whom are not only staunch Nationalists but also anti free market in some ways.