Message from @xmrsmoothx

Discord ID: 506873248814989344

2018-10-30 16:51:28 UTC  

Like define them.

2018-10-30 16:51:31 UTC  

Is it really okay to take down monopolies if laws aren't being broken?

2018-10-30 16:51:34 UTC  

fuck off with that shit

2018-10-30 16:51:37 UTC

2018-10-30 16:51:40 UTC  

ANd how they became more.. well "radicalized"

2018-10-30 16:51:41 UTC  

Another one bites the dust. May their circular logic rest in peace.

2018-10-30 16:52:00 UTC  

@Blackhawk342 lmao, ur right, who wants to have words that clearly mean specific things lol

2018-10-30 16:52:08 UTC  

🤔 🔫

2018-10-30 16:52:11 UTC  

We need a theodor rosevelt to break monopolies

2018-10-30 16:52:13 UTC  

It was after the 2016 election. I was upset with how undemocratic the 2016 democratic primary was. When I brought it up to people they just blamed russia and said I was a conspiracy theorist for pointing to proven cases where the Democratic Party in fact rigged it's own primary system.

2018-10-30 16:52:37 UTC  

Bernie would have won

2018-10-30 16:52:41 UTC  


2018-10-30 16:52:42 UTC  


2018-10-30 16:52:43 UTC  

People always just dismissed, were ignorant to, or flat out were angry at me for bringing it up.

2018-10-30 16:52:46 UTC  

Muh russia

2018-10-30 16:52:48 UTC  

>you dont want to play the definition game
>why dont you know exactly what your friends political beliefs are now that youve stopped talking to them?

2018-10-30 16:52:52 UTC  

Muh blm

2018-10-30 16:52:53 UTC  

LEt him finish geez

2018-10-30 16:52:57 UTC  

Muh safe space

2018-10-30 16:53:03 UTC  

Undemocratic how?

2018-10-30 16:53:19 UTC  

I'm not sure why you would be radicalized towards the right instead of moving left when you're betrayed by the right-wing hillary democrats in the primary situation.

2018-10-30 16:53:29 UTC  

@>_ we know. The dems rigged the elction we had proof

2018-10-30 16:53:31 UTC  

technically a political party can choose however it wants to run for president

2018-10-30 16:53:34 UTC  

Well I was far more into it at the time but how they cancelled debates, they talked about hillary as if she was already elected, they purged voters

2018-10-30 16:53:34 UTC  

The leaked emails

2018-10-30 16:53:37 UTC  

Supposedly someone leaked shit

2018-10-30 16:53:39 UTC  

Is this more jew shenanigans

2018-10-30 16:53:42 UTC  


2018-10-30 16:53:45 UTC  

>right wing hillary democrats

2018-10-30 16:53:45 UTC  

About how Bernie was cheated out of it

2018-10-30 16:53:59 UTC  

Trump is a NY dem

2018-10-30 16:54:01 UTC  

Write in President when?

2018-10-30 16:54:02 UTC  

@Blackhawk342 Jennifer Rubin

2018-10-30 16:54:10 UTC  

Never heard of them

2018-10-30 16:54:20 UTC  

Just vote for Deez Nuts

2018-10-30 16:54:22 UTC  

The super delegates all going for hillary and the media acting as if it was an actual lead because people voted that way

2018-10-30 16:54:23 UTC  

Like I did

2018-10-30 16:54:24 UTC  

"aww darn, they chose hillary over bernie, I wanted them to be further left! better go even further right than hillary as a response"

2018-10-30 16:54:28 UTC  

I plan to do the same

2018-10-30 16:54:31 UTC  

If I get my ballot

2018-10-30 16:54:44 UTC  

@>_ media is doing the same shit as in 2016