Message from @Undead Mockingbird

Discord ID: 507079671305732107

2018-10-31 06:31:37 UTC  

oh damn, you're right, it's islamaphobic to not want your young sons and daughters used for "sexual emergencies" by muslims. How could I be so insensitive?

2018-10-31 06:31:37 UTC  

I see

2018-10-31 06:31:52 UTC  


2018-10-31 06:31:59 UTC  

Don't take it so hard that your Drumpf is the worst president yet. TEE HEE HEE ๐Ÿ‘„ ๐Ÿ‘„ ๐Ÿ‘„ ๐Ÿ‘„

2018-10-31 06:32:19 UTC  

this discord needs more emojis

2018-10-31 06:32:21 UTC  


2018-10-31 06:32:21 UTC  

@JustTom just don't be an idiot clearly the cultures dont match

2018-10-31 06:32:23 UTC  

that girl is just being a b****

2018-10-31 06:32:31 UTC  

Back in the 1990s +- 300.000 people took to the streets to protest against a case about a child rapist/abductor/murderer

2018-10-31 06:32:36 UTC  

mockingbird is making sexual advances on us. i'm not ok with this

2018-10-31 06:32:41 UTC  

Reminds me

2018-10-31 06:32:49 UTC  

Of that webcomic making fun of SJWism

2018-10-31 06:32:52 UTC  

Teehee silly

2018-10-31 06:33:00 UTC  

It's wrong for sure and fight against it but dont be rude about it

2018-10-31 06:33:05 UTC  

@Cody That's why the EU needs to adapt. If you're not getting your sons and daughters raped by a muslim during a sexual emergency, you're a fucking alt-right Nazi, you bigot!

2018-10-31 06:33:17 UTC  

We already lost.

2018-10-31 06:33:19 UTC  

In 2018 people want you thrown in jail for pointing out serious child-related problems with muslim gangs because thats racist.

2018-10-31 06:33:28 UTC  


2018-10-31 06:33:32 UTC  

If people don't go fucking berserk when their kids are being raped, NOTHING WILL.

2018-10-31 06:33:32 UTC  

"think of the children"

2018-10-31 06:33:34 UTC  

We absolutely lost.

2018-10-31 06:33:46 UTC  

We are so spineless, so pathetic, so disgustingly docile, there is no return.

2018-10-31 06:33:51 UTC  

You mean current year

2018-10-31 06:33:54 UTC  

I just want to be like Nero and watch it all burn.

2018-10-31 06:33:56 UTC  

Where i live, you can legally shoot someone dead if you see them raping or kidnapping.

2018-10-31 06:34:13 UTC  


2018-10-31 06:34:19 UTC  

apparently children can consent to anything. parents who don't follow this will get into trouble

2018-10-31 06:34:20 UTC  

Just watch it all burn.

2018-10-31 06:34:24 UTC  

Here u will get an even longer sentence then the actual rapist would if hes not dead.

2018-10-31 06:34:32 UTC  

and that is not a joke, that is a fact

2018-10-31 06:34:47 UTC  

They can only consent to a Muslim @AHeroQuest

2018-10-31 06:34:53 UTC  

Welcome to the end bros

2018-10-31 06:35:00 UTC  

That is why I think the only solution is a return to full on libertarianism. The state has become abusive.

2018-10-31 06:35:03 UTC  


2018-10-31 06:35:11 UTC  

Nah im not that negative

2018-10-31 06:35:24 UTC  

Tear the fucking state down and then beat any fucking rapist with a shovel.

2018-10-31 06:35:31 UTC  

@Cody Or becoming transgender. Obviously children can consent to getting hormone treatments and surgery that will change their life forever.

2018-10-31 06:35:36 UTC  

Why the fuck are we taking this?

2018-10-31 06:35:45 UTC  

Its not abnormal for the masses to awake way behind people invested in this

2018-10-31 06:35:52 UTC  

libertarians live in the same unrealistic world commies do