Message from @flooz
Discord ID: 334510908720021509
alright he had to go
point of this server is to redpill pepo
*@sorestree- SD - Today at 12:06 AM*
Closing your legs IS super hard...
50 years till Islam is cool with fag marriage tbh
Nazi training camps 😱
Shut it down! Shut it down!~
So what do you think about the patriot Peer app? Is that a bad idea? <:REEEEEEEEEEE:319245722069499905>
They're going to try so hard, but they can't hide from the fact of the jude
My pickle tickled when he said "rich jews"
Are there any alt-right articles about the pax romans?
Would be a good reference point to compare strategies of creating a prosperous future for our people
forgive my shilling, goys 😂 We only want the baddest goys.
i gtg work tommorrow etc.
since i'm on a rome kick, look up the column of trajan
it's fucking incredible
a giant funerary monument to emperor trajan a tiny slice of detail
portraying the roman victory of dacia
Roman supremacy
I redneckognize Israel. ✡ 👌🏿 <:whatdidtheymeanbythis:319245722039877633> <:pepe2:319245722358644736>
is this BS fam? Sounds like feminists fantasising or trying to make themselves more important then men?
it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me, surely it's a lottery or a combination of factors
like a very high IQ male and an average IQ female I'd expect to have quite varied IQ in their children?
I certainly wouldn't trust things published by The Independent
I think to claim that one's intelligence stems from one source alone is ridiculous on the face of it. This seems like more feminist garbage