Message from @Undead Mockingbird

Discord ID: 509372705514979338

2018-11-06 14:21:44 UTC  

I WANT people to make fun of Europe.

2018-11-06 14:21:48 UTC  

I WANT things here to change.

2018-11-06 14:21:52 UTC  

the problems is not that you say 'europeans' the problem is the you don't actually mean europeans, but only a part of the europeans, or their governemnts.

2018-11-06 14:21:56 UTC  

So, stop tone policing.

2018-11-06 14:22:09 UTC  

That is funny for vox show me how Democrats views have not shifted for very long time yet in another video showed how the Democrats and Republicans views shifted dramatically relating to civil rights for blacks

2018-11-06 14:22:09 UTC  

Tone policing is precisely the nonsense that got us here.

2018-11-06 14:22:18 UTC  

When I see memes making fun of us I think: GOOD!

2018-11-06 14:22:43 UTC  

What is tone policing

2018-11-06 14:22:44 UTC  

We don't have the self-awareness apparently to see how absolutely horrific things here are, so when people make fun of us, I say: THANK YOU!

2018-11-06 14:23:02 UTC  

Wow you guys notice this shit lel

2018-11-06 14:23:08 UTC

2018-11-06 14:23:14 UTC  


2018-11-06 14:23:21 UTC  

Keep making fun of how bad Europe is. Do not spare our feelings, because the only people you are making fun of, the only ones who would get upset are precisely the people who got us into this shit.

2018-11-06 14:23:26 UTC  

I just notice it

2018-11-06 14:23:58 UTC  

Internet: As a European myself, you have my permission to rag on us, to make memes, and to point and laugh. Please do! Why? Because it helps us realize just how fucking insane we are.

2018-11-06 14:24:01 UTC  


2018-11-06 14:24:31 UTC  

@Undead Mockingbird so if i say you killed a person, you will get upset because you are guilty? is that what you are saying?

2018-11-06 14:24:43 UTC  

I wish google would fuck right off

2018-11-06 14:24:44 UTC  

anyone willing to call themselves a member of the their country before their other nationality, should be treated like fellow a countryman. This would be why nationalism is on the rise. Because it is less racist than what the far left wants, which is to split members of a country by their previous or other loyalties, and pit them against each-other.

2018-11-06 14:25:05 UTC  

@LEER Right. That's exactly what I'm saying.

2018-11-06 14:25:16 UTC  

You just constructed the perfect analogy to what I said.

2018-11-06 14:25:16 UTC  

Thought so.

2018-11-06 14:25:36 UTC  

Thank you for not simply constructing a straw man out of what I just wrote.

2018-11-06 14:25:43 UTC  

" because the only people you are making fun of, the only ones who would get upset are precisely the people who got us into this shit"

2018-11-06 14:25:50 UTC  

whats wrong with google just teling people to go vote?

2018-11-06 14:25:59 UTC  

its not like theyre saying who to vote for

2018-11-06 14:26:27 UTC  

@LEER Yes, I don't get butt hurt over any of the memes, because I completely agree with them.

2018-11-06 14:26:49 UTC  

If you are one of those dainty flowers who in Europe who can't take a fucking joke, guess what? You are part of the fucking problem.

2018-11-06 14:27:09 UTC  

So if you are in Europe and you want things to change, start speaking out, share some memes, and get a fucking sense of humor.

2018-11-06 14:27:30 UTC  

@Undead Mockingbird I'm European too

2018-11-06 14:27:36 UTC  


2018-11-06 14:27:40 UTC  

I'm ashamed of being European tbh

2018-11-06 14:27:56 UTC  

Don't collectivize.

2018-11-06 14:28:12 UTC  

Dont be

2018-11-06 14:28:12 UTC  

If you stand up for your principles, you are not the target of those memes.

2018-11-06 14:28:22 UTC  

Europeans brought us many great things

2018-11-06 14:28:32 UTC  

Just like
Stop being European lmao

2018-11-06 14:28:39 UTC  

That is what I am saying:

If you realize what is going on in Europe, those memes are not directed at you. They are directed at your OPPONENTS.

2018-11-06 14:28:43 UTC  

like black people? 😉

2018-11-06 14:28:44 UTC  

and now we're expected to throw it all away, b/c of ID politics