Message from @willc

Discord ID: 509599332723458068

2018-11-07 05:24:35 UTC  

Thank god FL did the right thing.. my home state Michigan is looking like a bunch of tards

2018-11-07 05:24:36 UTC  

I want pelosi as speaker again

2018-11-07 05:24:37 UTC  

yay, we have more vaginas

2018-11-07 05:24:42 UTC  

I don't want pelosi as speaker again

2018-11-07 05:24:42 UTC  

John James could still pull it out

2018-11-07 05:24:50 UTC  

Fresh blood. New ideas.

2018-11-07 05:24:55 UTC  

@shanepottermi nope, they declared stabenow the winner

2018-11-07 05:24:55 UTC  

No to pelosi

2018-11-07 05:24:56 UTC  


2018-11-07 05:25:01 UTC  


2018-11-07 05:25:04 UTC

2018-11-07 05:25:05 UTC  

i don't want pelosi alive again

2018-11-07 05:25:07 UTC  

I wonder if it was a fair election or if sides were shady

2018-11-07 05:25:09 UTC  

I wonder if repealing the worst amendment (19) would've given us the House?

2018-11-07 05:25:10 UTC  

Pelosi is cancer

2018-11-07 05:25:11 UTC  

They can declare all they want shes the projected winner

@DrYuriMom New Ideas don't exist, I think you mean bad execution of old ideas

2018-11-07 05:25:18 UTC  

Pelosi Ellison 2020

2018-11-07 05:25:38 UTC  

Women's suffrage was a mistake.

2018-11-07 05:25:44 UTC  

its only 66% reporting an its fluctuating 100-200k hes only down 180k

2018-11-07 05:25:48 UTC  

@Bookworm explain

2018-11-07 05:25:52 UTC  

a lot of areas of michigan are hard red

2018-11-07 05:25:52 UTC  

Elizabeth "I'm purer than you" Warren / Ellison 2020

2018-11-07 05:26:14 UTC  

They're gaslighting everyone

2018-11-07 05:26:14 UTC

2018-11-07 05:26:14 UTC  

If only men voted, we would have had a Republican president for the last century, except once, if everything else remained the same.


2018-11-07 05:26:25 UTC  

well she is

2018-11-07 05:26:29 UTC  

Women are generally not equipped to handle governance, and giving them a voice in choosing leaders has introduced and inflamed problems that otherwise would not be an issue.

2018-11-07 05:26:33 UTC  

she also basically repeated that a hundred times tonight

2018-11-07 05:26:38 UTC  

The house pickups we are seeing are a vote against Trump rather than the individual state. You can tell, considering the women vote is hitting records, and the turnout is also very high.

2018-11-07 05:26:38 UTC  

@DrWittMDPhD , if women didn't vote then the Democratic Party would be very different. You can't say with any confidence how the vote would go because American politics would be unrecognizable.

2018-11-07 05:26:40 UTC  

Dude... that is kind of sexist.

2018-11-07 05:26:40 UTC  

Elizabeth "I'm 1/1028th native american" Warren

No she's not I'm worth my salt as a human

2018-11-07 05:26:51 UTC  

I agree entirely.

2018-11-07 05:26:52 UTC  

Bookworm relax. Good riddance.

2018-11-07 05:27:02 UTC

2018-11-07 05:27:04 UTC  

I never said I was *not* sexist.

2018-11-07 05:27:05 UTC  

Wow look at you. 200 IQ lesbian. It's a joke.

2018-11-07 05:27:18 UTC  

ain't no waman got a 200 iq