Message from @VortX
Discord ID: 509601957984337921
looks like someone made the usa out of legos
6 more districts and they get a lot of seats.
gosh this state is becoming way too blue
dusty you maga'd too hard earlier didn't you?
proportional lego
I mean 7 districts.
if only the country really looked like that, the pixelated one
There is one district in california that hasn't called in yet.
@Timcast thoughts on NJ?? repubs lost 3 house seats, didn't see this coming.
canabilism ? i'm never going to AK
I'm just happy Beto lost. The enormous amounts of salt over that one man... it fills me with joy
Hey, you're snowed in in a cabin for 3 months...hard decisions have to be made.
I can confirm those of us missouri
dems r pulling away fast now
this could be good for republicans
i believe "chicken nugget", i lived in NC lmao
only good thing for repubs rn is they still keep the senate
otherwise it'd be hell
alaska has only one district.
If Dems take the house its gonna be a massive shit show
you think it was bad the last 2 years
For such a big state, that wow...
I mean, political gridlock will probably make the next 2 years worth nothing
dems.can hold trump "acountable" now
Not really.
2020 reelection i guess
it's going to be shitshow either way :^)
Don't worry, i hear tump has a pen and a phone
and a wig
They'll Impeach Trump twice a week
cali 51
Executive order term limits when