Message from @DrWittMDPhD

Discord ID: 510695650875146260

2018-11-10 05:58:57 UTC  

I agree Witt

2018-11-10 05:59:06 UTC  

Nothing prepared me for finding a damn baby arm within the rubble.

2018-11-10 05:59:15 UTC  

It's like saying all communists are evil. Well, some commies are weed smoking hippies that just wanna live in the woods and cuddle with each other while they smell bad. They're not the dangerous type.

2018-11-10 05:59:21 UTC  

@Dave C so what do you want to know about islam and terrorism because its some heavy shit mang

2018-11-10 05:59:36 UTC  

```There's a huge difference between the small minority of Muslims that are essentially sand Christians, and the majority of the Muslims across the pond that follow the letter of the Quran and hadith fervently```
Problem is that their Book forces them into compliance. so even if they are Sand Christians and don't want to believe the Bad shit, they are forced to.
The only thing we can and should do is to offer them a safe space and deport muslims for death threats.

2018-11-10 05:59:38 UTC  

By the time I got to it, all the blood dried and there was nothing left in its veins.

2018-11-10 06:00:03 UTC  

@Dusty Morgan ,oh my. You're old enough to have been there?

2018-11-10 06:00:05 UTC  

Dusty, if the rubble had come with a warning that it may contain baby arms would that have prepared you?

2018-11-10 06:00:22 UTC  

So basically I don't care what your fucking religion is, if you commit acts of terror and your religion is mostly the root of it. I want it gone.

2018-11-10 06:00:23 UTC  

As long as Muslims are the 0.1% that are bad, I will support you 100% in not blaming them, and only attacking the individuals.

But as long as those courts exist and this is a commonplace thing. No. I cannot support your side. I must say Islam is a cancer on society, a plague, an infection that must be burned out.

2018-11-10 06:00:56 UTC  

I think it was Ayan Hirsi Ali who spoke about the Peer Preassure of muslims.

2018-11-10 06:01:01 UTC  

I was 10 years old, helping my mother within the debris.

2018-11-10 06:01:23 UTC  

@Brohacho Muchacho i woud like to compare it to integrated western culture... and the IRA / UVF / UDA

2018-11-10 06:01:24 UTC  

I wanted to help her volunteer for cleanup.

2018-11-10 06:01:33 UTC  

We should read Qua'ran more. The "good stuff"...

2018-11-10 06:01:35 UTC  


2018-11-10 06:01:45 UTC  

To be honest, I didn't hear my mother before hand.

2018-11-10 06:01:51 UTC  

When she warned me about the dead bodies in it.

2018-11-10 06:02:04 UTC  

I was a kid, on a mission to help.

2018-11-10 06:02:07 UTC  

"Problem is that their Book forces them into compliance. so even if they are Sand Christians and don't want to believe the Bad shit, they are forced to." i dont entirely agree, i mean, yes islam rules through fear that much is true, but a lot of muslims actually do embrace the good and denounce the bad. although it may not mean much to some that i say this, my entire muslim community was actually pretty chill *except* with sexism, and i mean even then they werent violent or anything they just had gender roles that women were expected to follow that were much stricter than the ones we have today

2018-11-10 06:02:11 UTC  

Hey, if you cherry pick the Quran you can find some lines that are good. We can use those lines to build a foundation for modernized Islaam

2018-11-10 06:02:36 UTC  

That is still the second biggest terror attack in US history.

2018-11-10 06:02:51 UTC  

So I look at all religion in the same lime-light. I will judge them based on how their follows act.

2018-11-10 06:02:57 UTC  

Some are, Witt

2018-11-10 06:03:07 UTC  

The Quaran paints Mohammed as a flaming fag that constantly got gangbanged by his buddies because he always came home to need his child-wife to scrub the semen out of his clothes.

2018-11-10 06:03:09 UTC  

The issue with the Quran though is that it is stated that it is the perfect and unalterable word of Allah, which means that you can't apply the same "history was different" logic that we have done with the bible

2018-11-10 06:03:23 UTC  

If the religion followers can't get along with my nation and fellow citizens, I rather have the religion banned till it modernize.

2018-11-10 06:03:33 UTC  

Don't get me wrong, I would give them a second chance, once they show headway.

2018-11-10 06:03:44 UTC  

I agree no Sharia here just as I don't want Levitical courts either.

2018-11-10 06:03:56 UTC  

If Christainity was constant causing violence or terror, I would do the same thing to them.

2018-11-10 06:04:03 UTC  

There's no "Well, God only said that slavery was fine cause it would have been impossible to get rid of it at the time" with the Quran

2018-11-10 06:04:12 UTC  

Laws are secular and must be applied blind to faith. We have no state religion.

2018-11-10 06:04:23 UTC  

Religion doesn't Trump law or a citizen's life.

2018-11-10 06:04:46 UTC  

Or a citizen's rights.

2018-11-10 06:04:50 UTC  

@DrYuriMom Then you agree that migrants in the EU need to be punished for violating local laws and instituting sharia courts in their communities?

2018-11-10 06:05:09 UTC  

^for once i agree with you

2018-11-10 06:05:09 UTC  


2018-11-10 06:05:17 UTC  

I think they need to be punished and removed from the nation.

2018-11-10 06:05:25 UTC  

That is annexing.

2018-11-10 06:05:48 UTC  

What they are doing is conquest of Europe.

2018-11-10 06:05:59 UTC  

Thank god, for once, the NPCs and the Alt Right of the room are able to come to a reasonable agreement.