Message from @Grenade123

Discord ID: 510974793961439243

2018-11-11 00:27:22 UTC  

@pratel Well duh, obviously tech loves Antifa. All crazy lefties love them. But I'm just saying this particular issue is being covered, and dealt with, because MSM still has enough weight that if they turned on the tech companies, tech would suffer. So they'd rather be allies. Which in turn means that when the MSM says "Oh SHIT, We don't want OUR homes being invaded!", Tech will support them.

2018-11-11 00:27:43 UTC  

Yeah, basically.

2018-11-11 00:27:49 UTC  

Rules for the little people.

2018-11-11 00:27:59 UTC  

Or no rules in this case.

2018-11-11 00:28:05 UTC  

I'm against what antifa has become

2018-11-11 00:28:18 UTC  

I will never continance menacing people

2018-11-11 00:28:22 UTC  

or it's all smoke and mirrors, when a 'new antifacist' group emerges out of the old one for tech and msm to proclaim

2018-11-11 00:28:26 UTC  

become? when have they been anything else?

2018-11-11 00:28:29 UTC  

You do not terrorize fellow Americans

2018-11-11 00:28:34 UTC  

"Become?" Before Trump they were known for smashing up any town where the G8 was meeting.

2018-11-11 00:28:49 UTC  

Antifa has been this for years though. To say otherwise is a blatant lie.
They've been menacing people pretty much since day 1 of them actually doing anything other than just holding private meetings.

2018-11-11 00:29:07 UTC  

@pratel there was a call center near me that did exactly this. They destroyed their own name so they changed it to begin anew and wreck that one as well.

2018-11-11 00:29:08 UTC  

You're talking about the Eugene anarchists?

2018-11-11 00:29:23 UTC  

Animals. Call animal control not the place.

2018-11-11 00:29:58 UTC  

Find me a time when antifa wasn't a violent fascist hate mob

2018-11-11 00:30:10 UTC  

That's not what I thought of in 2016 when the resist movement as born

2018-11-11 00:30:30 UTC  

Maybe I'm ignorant of some history

2018-11-11 00:30:46 UTC  

I'm against the I-5 Anarchists

2018-11-11 00:30:52 UTC  

I just want to know if the FBI will ever actually get around to cracking heads against ANTIFA. They've already declared them a terrorist group. They infiltrated the Maleur Refuge occupiers (those guys in Oregon that occupied the park service)

Edit: correction, thanks 10th amendment.

2018-11-11 00:31:14 UTC  

That was in Oregon

2018-11-11 00:31:24 UTC  

Has it been the whole FBI? Or just NJ branch?

2018-11-11 00:31:26 UTC  

Malhuer Wildlife Reservation

2018-11-11 00:32:01 UTC  

The FBI never moves swiftly

2018-11-11 00:32:04 UTC  

no goverment body does

2018-11-11 00:32:43 UTC  

Is there a difference between the Resist movement and Antifa in your minds?

2018-11-11 00:32:53 UTC  

wasn't the resist movement started by russia?

2018-11-11 00:33:06 UTC  

they are branches of the same thing, just like bamn

2018-11-11 00:33:16 UTC  

and redneck revolution

2018-11-11 00:33:26 UTC  

@DrYuriMom ANTIFA has always claimed alliance with the anarchists. They trace their growth from them too. All the way back to Weimar Germany in fact. You can go read some ANTIFA websites if you want to confirm.

The signature of ANTIFA is the black block and black block rioters are usually at least sympathetic to ANTIFA (if not ANTIFA themselves).

2018-11-11 00:33:32 UTC  

Is it possible to be against police shootings of black children but not be part of BLM radicals?

2018-11-11 00:33:36 UTC  

the heads of the hydra spitting as they are cut off

2018-11-11 00:33:43 UTC  

So here's the thing about the left: there's not clear distinctions and that's done on purpose.

2018-11-11 00:33:58 UTC  

The reist movement i seen attributed to REVCOM

2018-11-11 00:34:35 UTC  

@DrYuriMom once you begin limiting it like that then no. You either are against police shootings of innocent people or you start going down the hellish road of identity politics

2018-11-11 00:34:37 UTC  

Because I am a Never Trumper and I do believe there is police prejudice that results in avoidable tragedy

2018-11-11 00:34:41 UTC  

You're boiling a complex issue down to a false choice

2018-11-11 00:34:54 UTC  

@DrYuriMom So, like, your average middle class Resistor is probably not ANTIFA. But the line blurs rapidly as you start moving to the more activist groups. Eventually you get down to groups like BAMN or the Campus Antifascist Network that so clearly blur the line there may as well not be.

2018-11-11 00:34:55 UTC  

either you're pro shooting black children or with blm

2018-11-11 00:35:03 UTC  

Here Antifa is synonymous with the communist party. It is its youth wing

2018-11-11 00:35:39 UTC  

@DrYuriMom do you believe that every black person shot is innocent, regardless of video evidence to the contrary?

2018-11-11 00:35:54 UTC  

wasn't it proven that police are less likely to shoot a black suspect?