Message from @Undead Mockingbird

Discord ID: 512571728883351552

2018-11-15 10:13:40 UTC  

And that's after a phone screening and having verified your work history.

2018-11-15 10:13:49 UTC  

The teachers simply give you a question bank

2018-11-15 10:13:56 UTC  

And every week tell us to finish a module

2018-11-15 10:13:58 UTC  

After you've had one or two jobs, nobody cares about your degree anymore.

2018-11-15 10:14:08 UTC  

but you have no work history if you're straight out of high school and spend your time learning the subject on your own

2018-11-15 10:14:15 UTC  

For most people, your educational history becomes a one line item on your resume.

2018-11-15 10:14:35 UTC  

again, i agree but i don't think we're arguing the same point

2018-11-15 10:14:45 UTC  

Well, if you have nothing to show for yourself, of course that's a tough sell.

2018-11-15 10:14:54 UTC  

But that is true with or without degree.

2018-11-15 10:15:01 UTC  

i disagree

2018-11-15 10:15:19 UTC  

i think the degree is a definite plus over not having degree

2018-11-15 10:15:27 UTC  

strictly for the purpose of getting your foot in the door

2018-11-15 10:15:36 UTC  

after that, yeah, the degree doesn't have as much sway

2018-11-15 10:15:41 UTC  

experience talks more

2018-11-15 10:15:51 UTC  

You are talking about a case where nobody has anything BUT a degree. I don't think that's a fair comparison to someone who is self-taught.

2018-11-15 10:16:17 UTC  

but no one is going to hire you in an engineering firm doing engineering without a degree

2018-11-15 10:16:24 UTC  

You are not comparing it to someone self-taught, you are comparing someone with a degree and having put in effort with someone who has done nothing. How is that apples to apples?

2018-11-15 10:16:44 UTC  

that's not what i'm doing

2018-11-15 10:16:55 UTC  

example: engineering

2018-11-15 10:17:03 UTC  

Which type of engineering?

2018-11-15 10:17:10 UTC  

someone who has a bachelors degree compared to someone who studied at home for 3-4 years

2018-11-15 10:17:18 UTC  

mech, civ, elec, whatever

2018-11-15 10:17:33 UTC  

I still don't think that's a fair comparison.

2018-11-15 10:17:52 UTC  

You are not expected to just take someone's word for what they have done at home for 4 years.

2018-11-15 10:18:05 UTC  

but you won't get experience without the degree, which is my point. how can you learn at a firm without getting hired first? how can you get hired without the degree

2018-11-15 10:18:45 UTC  

You are still comparing someone who is trying to get their first job without a degree to someone with a degree.

2018-11-15 10:19:03 UTC  

the person with a degree is also trying to get their first job

2018-11-15 10:19:06 UTC  

I don't think that's fair. There are many ways you can get work experience that an employer can rely on.

2018-11-15 10:19:11 UTC  

maybe i didn't make that clear

2018-11-15 10:19:30 UTC  

And if there is no way, it is usually because the government prohibits it, not because one could not learn it themselves.

2018-11-15 10:19:43 UTC  

i agree

2018-11-15 10:19:46 UTC  

but that is also my point

2018-11-15 10:19:55 UTC  

there are some industries in which a degree is required

2018-11-15 10:20:03 UTC  

due to public safety

2018-11-15 10:20:06 UTC  

Well, yes, there are chicken and egg situations then.

2018-11-15 10:20:10 UTC  

Catch 22s.

2018-11-15 10:20:23 UTC  

Which is why I hate fields that are regulated in those ways.

2018-11-15 10:20:45 UTC  

I have had excellent software engineers and mechanical engineers who didn't have a degree.

2018-11-15 10:20:56 UTC  

Or, they said that their college/university was completely useless.

2018-11-15 10:21:05 UTC  

I have a degree and I found it a waste of time.