Message from @DrYuriMom

Discord ID: 513157649454465045

2018-11-17 00:52:27 UTC  

I'm agnostic on that topic

2018-11-17 00:53:13 UTC  

So, you don't really care about the economic benefits of marriage as it applies to your family.

2018-11-17 00:53:34 UTC  

I have no idea where that "paper" was published so I cannot speak much about it other than to say I find it ridiculous

2018-11-17 00:53:41 UTC  

as a male I'm kind of against marriage anyway, lol. Men get screwed big time by alimony and child custody. To me it's all about blood relations, while non blood related familys are a different entitity

2018-11-17 00:54:30 UTC  


2018-11-17 00:55:05 UTC  

Oh, I do. But I'm not asking for any special consideration.

2018-11-17 00:55:29 UTC  

If we have a contract that has two consenting adults, it should be available to any two consenting adults.

2018-11-17 00:56:22 UTC  

And then apply laws equally. For example, if something changed and my wife divorced me she'd make a mint off me I'm sure. But then again I would not be as successful as I am without her so that would be just.

2018-11-17 00:56:48 UTC  

If we were not married, she would have less of a claim on the "delta" of my worth that she made possible

2018-11-17 00:57:47 UTC  

I welcome this reality. I'm am happy to be married despite her claim on me. And despite we are platonic so no "benefits". 😉

2018-11-17 00:57:59 UTC  

but there needs to be a different one for just cases which result in reproduction I think, as that means the resources of the couple need to be redirected legally as an inheritance toward those children. That being, if something happens to you then how much is she legally required to be there for your children

2018-11-17 00:58:42 UTC  

The children are ours. We're both on their birth certificates.

2018-11-17 00:59:05 UTC  

You raised them, but I assume at least one of you is not genetically related to them.

2018-11-17 00:59:16 UTC  

Unless cloning technology had a breakthrough while I wasn't looking.

2018-11-17 00:59:19 UTC  


2018-11-17 00:59:39 UTC  

There are lesbians who use anonymous donor sperm

2018-11-17 00:59:56 UTC  

They can then both be named on the BC

2018-11-17 01:01:24 UTC  

If you're extra fancy iirc there's a method that uses bone marrow so it could be genetically both of yours

2018-11-17 01:02:17 UTC  

Wait, so they *can* do that now? Go figure.

2018-11-17 01:04:20 UTC  

In my case it's a little different. I'll fess up. I produced the sperm for our kids. I am a fully post-op transwoman and have been "jewel free" since last decade, shortly after our son (now 17yo) was born. This is why I mention that we're platonic and that my wife doesn't find me attractive. Just as you can't turn a gay person straight, you cannot turn a straight person gay.

2018-11-17 01:05:17 UTC  

We stuck together despite it being rather a surprise for her at the time and are very happy now.

2018-11-17 01:13:41 UTC  

I'm not convinced you can't turn a straight person gay, or a gay person straight. The question with that is whether what's required to do that is ethical and/or causes even more harm.

2018-11-17 01:13:42 UTC  

I cant wait to see the logical progression of that line of thinking

2018-11-17 01:14:06 UTC  

Both of them that is

2018-11-17 01:14:57 UTC  

Mike Pence knows how to straighten out a gay person

2018-11-17 01:15:00 UTC  

All I can tell you is that my wife *wanted* to follow me down this path and be sexually active together. We went to "toy" stores and did the strap on thing. In the end she had to get drunk beforehand and that just made no sense.

2018-11-17 01:15:36 UTC  

I've seen a lot of kids really messed by by "reparative therapy"

2018-11-17 01:16:23 UTC  

I have a friend who I'd say was likely turned gay.

2018-11-17 01:16:37 UTC  

Mike "if you like cock prepare for a shock" Pence

2018-11-17 01:17:08 UTC  

It's anecdotal, and can't in any way be indicative of how most gay people are, but I'm fairly certain of it

2018-11-17 01:17:52 UTC  

based on what exactly?

2018-11-17 01:18:39 UTC  

I know a fair few people who have changed their sexuality. Some of them multiple times throughout their lives.

2018-11-17 01:20:18 UTC  

Well, I base it on my knowledge of him as a person.

2018-11-17 01:20:58 UTC  

I don't believe there's any ethical way to change a person's orientation.
The closest I've seen to changing orientations is trauma which often are on the same level as trauma which induces personality disorders.

2018-11-17 01:21:47 UTC  

A lot of people are bi and can go either way whether they admit it or not, but someone who is firmly straight is pretty well set

2018-11-17 01:21:52 UTC  

It would stand to reason that people can change their own preferences

2018-11-17 01:22:11 UTC  

I only came to appreciate that through our experience

2018-11-17 01:22:17 UTC  

If that werent the case bisexuality wouldnt be a thing

2018-11-17 01:22:28 UTC  

But not everyone is bi

2018-11-17 01:24:29 UTC  

They dont need to be bi in order to be able to change their preference

2018-11-17 01:24:53 UTC  

***I'm bi, you're bi, aren't we all a little bi?***