Message from @Cody

Discord ID: 514224446932910095

2018-11-19 23:41:37 UTC  

tl;dr is that "at work" they hated each others guts. And would fight to no end.
After "work" they were pals

2018-11-19 23:41:49 UTC  

literally, therapy would be so easy, the solution to every mental problem is basically "get fucked"

2018-11-19 23:41:54 UTC  

Yeah this has gone too shit

2018-11-19 23:42:33 UTC  

... ... ... @Dr.Wol I was going to disagree with you on that, but then I stopped and thought about the person I know who desperately needs therapy, and... yeah, that'd probably help.

2018-11-19 23:42:33 UTC  

>base your social interactions and marriage off of this children's cartoon
No thanks fam

2018-11-19 23:42:44 UTC  


2018-11-19 23:42:52 UTC  

@Gary Search for that post you made and delete it so there's no evidence of you knowing the word agree

2018-11-19 23:42:57 UTC  

@Beemann there are more then atheist and theist though, as a agnostic I find myself offset more by terrible atheists then I do theists

2018-11-19 23:43:07 UTC  

not basing it off the cartoon, but you dismissing life lessons because you don't like the source, not the message, is pretty telling

2018-11-19 23:43:08 UTC  


2018-11-19 23:43:27 UTC  

This guy believes in god

2018-11-19 23:43:30 UTC  

>it happened in a cartoon so it's a life lesson and applicable here

2018-11-19 23:43:32 UTC  

@JustTom its natures solution to everything

2018-11-19 23:43:49 UTC  

Again, no, the conversation just happened to remind me of the cartoon

2018-11-19 23:43:55 UTC  

about how people can get along despite differences

2018-11-19 23:43:58 UTC  

but yeah

2018-11-19 23:44:03 UTC  

keep ringing that cartoon bell

2018-11-19 23:44:14 UTC  

I've found that most people are religious. It's just not everone's religion is a big well known one.

2018-11-19 23:44:14 UTC  

If someone legit hates your guts for who you are, and for your axiomatic positions, they're not a good match

2018-11-19 23:44:21 UTC  

Your clearly ignorant if you think that

2018-11-19 23:44:26 UTC  

Scroll up, i literally said that

2018-11-19 23:44:28 UTC  

i learned how to do sex from cartoons

2018-11-19 23:44:36 UTC  


2018-11-19 23:44:45 UTC  

@Paradox if you examine the facts, SJW people are religious too

2018-11-19 23:44:53 UTC  

And then argued against it when I pointed out that it's how dating in the PNW works m8

2018-11-19 23:45:02 UTC

2018-11-19 23:45:04 UTC  


2018-11-19 23:45:08 UTC  

No, i didn't agrue against it

2018-11-19 23:45:14 UTC  

Atheism+ people are religious too

2018-11-19 23:45:15 UTC  

For what is a religion if not just a belief structure based on faith?

2018-11-19 23:45:16 UTC  

there is a difference between hating your guts and disagreeing

2018-11-19 23:45:27 UTC  

Ew dark theme, hurts my eyes

2018-11-19 23:45:44 UTC  

But its s pretty big thing to disagree on

2018-11-19 23:45:46 UTC  

Sup people

2018-11-19 23:45:52 UTC  

It's not a basic disagreement

2018-11-19 23:45:52 UTC  


"I believe my set of rules for life is right and yours is wrong cuz i BELIEVE that mine are right, ergo you're wrong"

the basic principles of any religion

2018-11-19 23:45:55 UTC  

how the hell can you not be using dark theme when the other theme is so disgustingly WHITE

2018-11-19 23:45:55 UTC  

Your values and morals will never align

2018-11-19 23:45:58 UTC  

What I'm referring to

2018-11-19 23:45:59 UTC  

Dark theme is where itโ€™s at