Message from @Johann Hauptmann
Discord ID: 490599160702173244
Also, if you want, I have some basic rules written up from my server if you want to use them.
Okay, what about now?
I can seem rules.
And cant type in it.
I recommend letting Tom doing the channel stuff. He's pretty good at it.
I can help out as well if you'd like.
Again, if you want some additional rules I can send them to you. Feel free to make any edits you want.
You have earned regular member status
Yes bland, you are an admin
Now try
Forgot to give you edit message ebility
He left, RIP
setting up a music bot soon
I have been putting this discord link all over to get it active, so we will vet people
Welcome all new people!
What is it?
setting up a music bot
**Thank you for adding me!** ✅
`-` My prefix here is `!`
`-` You can see a list of commands by typing `!help`
`-` You can change my prefix with `!settings prefix`
`-` If you need help, feel free to join our support server at **<>**
**By having Rythm in your server and using Rythm, you agree to the following Terms of Service: <>**
Music bitch has been added
What did you ask?
I was in the TWP server and it got hit like months ago, that why based gaming is dead\
I lost admin ability
Hey, anyone who comes in, give them unknown random, because i go to work soon
Will do