
Discord ID: 378391270210666496

31 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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How's it going?


Ill take some screenshots to help you out one sec.

Read Messages can be checked as a / or as a check mark.

I cant see rules.

Also, if you want, I have some basic rules written up from my server if you want to use them.

I can seem rules.

And cant type in it.

I recommend letting Tom doing the channel stuff. He's pretty good at it.

I can help out as well if you'd like.

Again, if you want some additional rules I can send them to you. Feel free to make any edits you want.


He left, RIP

Welcome all new people!

***Welcome everyone thats new!***

Hey @Justin Burger (Major-GA) I'll be getting PC upgrades soon. I can play rust with you and Tom after I get them in my PC.

I think I'll have them in by the end of November or December.

Which I know is a little long, bit hang in there and we can build some sick bases and stuff.

What is bongo out of 10?


Imma take that as the legit answer

Where is josh?

Ay. shouldn't this be in <#490747812561158145>

OK lemme change this real quick.

31 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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