Message from @pk1260
Discord ID: 523334348896862209
@Justin Burger (Major-GA) show me dem fat tits you guys shud troll this baby boomer bitch
even the bot agrees
@Deleted User<:okretard:513422678280110090>
thx m8
I have a shift on the 22nd and my job said nobody gets off. Lmao nice try, I’m doing my shift not stupid retail shit
You have 2 jobs?
Its been a while how is everyone doing
Pretty good.
i have been good, got my own transportation.
That sounds like you have a metro line in your yard
lol, no i bought a motorcycle.
i have been good, got my own <:Bongo:497567402188603394>.
Great to hear you all doing fine
gunna get my FNGLA certification.
Take care man
Playing *exhaustion of work*
11.5 hour shift killed me
do you get overtime?
Technicaly not
I work 2 to 12 tomorrow
The area im working in got milked out by the lobbying partys
So we almost get no special pay
that sucks
But we have in business deals with companys so thats pretty fine
Yeah like at christmass the most i can make is 150%
were do you work?
McDonnald's #StudentThings
Still do enjoy the job
Easy money for low labor
yea, what is your goal job, are you going to school for a specific career?
GG @mirandasnake, you just advanced to level 3!
i work as a taco shop, used to work at a café.
Yeah im planning to be a either a Cybersecurity engineer or Cloud engineer
but its a fun job, i get good tips.
Currently finishing my 3rd degree so i got that going for me