Message from @Maggie The Magpie
Discord ID: 619772550334906388
The only good games are on iphone anyway
YoU gOt GaMeS oN yOuR pHoNe?
How could you tell?
Thanos if he was white
Perfectly balanced
@Justin Burger (Major-GA) may I please request a library channel?
I have about a million books in pdf
What kind of books are they
Furry erotica fanfiction involving scat?
And if you guys enjoy that I might upload Evola, Goebbels, Hitler, James Mason, etc
The essential stuff
GG @Maggie The Magpie, you just advanced to level 4!
My niggers, I know games are for nerds
And you bright fellows are no nerds
But you got to take these games off of my hands
Because I don't fucking want them
Guacamelee! 2
State of Mind
God's Trigger
Let's beat the shit out of them
If you haven't, you should play sleeping dogs, it's basically GTA but based in Hong Kong and much more story driven.
The story is absolutely amazing
It's based around the triad gangs.
Eh I ain’t awfully interested
My attire for doing some work around the house
Gotta love German Camo. Too bad it’s not the true and original.
One of these days I will remember the fact that I do not have a mic plugged in...
Oh my God Alice please show tits
Alice be looking like bundeswehr enlisted 😂
Are those ripstop?
No it’s genuine military surplus
Justin and I shop at the same store
Only down side is that you can get a blouse from 2000 and get trousers from 2011. Mine I believe are from 2011. My blouse is basically new. Barely worn but is from 2015
I could be wrong about the years, I just think that’s what they are since I haven’t read it since I bought them. The year they were made is on them
Okay trousers are 2015, they are worn. Blouse is 2011 but is basically new