Message from @Tommunist

Discord ID: 628010643370410007

2019-09-29 23:10:59 UTC  

If you do it wrong it’ll taste fishy

2019-09-29 23:11:08 UTC  

i fucking love meat

2019-09-29 23:11:18 UTC  

i think that's prob the main part of my diet πŸ˜‚

2019-09-29 23:11:32 UTC  

The Goose of the Gods has been summoned to defeat the frog slayer, Alice.

2019-09-29 23:11:53 UTC  

if i had to pick between being a vegan or killing myself, i'd prob commit die

2019-09-29 23:26:20 UTC  

Veganism is hypocritical

2019-09-29 23:26:32 UTC  

And destructive

2019-09-29 23:26:54 UTC  

why's that

2019-09-29 23:27:02 UTC  

also, i forgot hunting season started

2019-09-29 23:27:09 UTC  

now im excited to go hunting

2019-09-29 23:27:15 UTC  

Agriculture is the most environmentally damaging thing humans have ever done

2019-09-29 23:28:01 UTC  

With every crop, you lose more and more topsoil until you're left with shit

2019-09-29 23:28:22 UTC  

wait isn't that why people rotate crops or whatever

2019-09-29 23:28:29 UTC  

sorry if im wrong, i don't know much about ag

2019-09-29 23:28:37 UTC  

Frog legs are real good, so is Alligator.

2019-09-29 23:28:47 UTC  

i've heard that gator is v good

2019-09-29 23:28:59 UTC  

a restaurant in my town serves it, but i've not been

2019-09-29 23:29:46 UTC  

Yes, it is

2019-09-29 23:29:53 UTC  

But that only slows the process

2019-09-29 23:30:04 UTC  

Because you can't plant new shit straight away

2019-09-29 23:30:05 UTC  


2019-09-29 23:30:19 UTC  


2019-09-29 23:30:52 UTC  

So the topsoil erodes and degrades. Direct sunlight on soil is really bad

2019-09-29 23:31:49 UTC  

If you see a vegan crying about the Amazon, punch the fuck out of them and tell them why it's burning

2019-09-29 23:32:02 UTC  

why is it burning

2019-09-29 23:32:03 UTC  


2019-09-29 23:32:05 UTC  


2019-09-29 23:32:08 UTC  

Soy beans and shit

2019-09-29 23:32:12 UTC  


2019-09-29 23:32:34 UTC  

but i thought wild fires are natural and good for nature?

2019-09-29 23:32:39 UTC  

Vegans are actual hypocritical, retarf faggots

2019-09-29 23:32:48 UTC  

Yes and no

2019-09-29 23:32:58 UTC  

explain pls

2019-09-29 23:33:04 UTC  

i really like learning about nature πŸ˜‚

2019-09-29 23:33:47 UTC  

It's good for revegetation in large forests and bushes

2019-09-29 23:34:02 UTC  

Smaller ones not so much

2019-09-29 23:34:52 UTC  

The fallen branches and shit don't get proper coverage from fallen leaves because they can blow away further in a smaller natural area. This makes the fires burn hotter and actually destroy the trees

2019-09-29 23:35:12 UTC  

Not many people know that that is exactly the purpose of bark, fire protection

2019-09-29 23:41:45 UTC  

you guys remember Gravy, right

2019-09-29 23:42:00 UTC  

this nigga believes civvies should be able to own nuclear bombs

2019-09-29 23:42:50 UTC  

He's a fucken idiot