Message from @Tommunist
Discord ID: 651726274628419595
Honestly pretty disappointed how none of you give a shit about about white redneck crack heads abusin animals but the moment a black person calls a white person “cracker” you all throw a fucking fit calling them *nignogs*
In other news, and YouTube group streams every single day in December and they call it the “Jingle Jam”, they stream for charities, all donations go to charities. It’s only the 3rd day and they already reached $1.14 million
God I love the Yogscast
Animal abusers get the rope
Colour doesn't matter in that instance
Thank you for supporting me in this
You are greatly appreciated
@Tommunist I would rather have alcohol as well, because vag only ever breaks your heart, where alcohol might just give you a hang over.
Broken heart < Alcohol
I agree
Bruh I still get sad over the main ex
Me too
Love that dumb bitch still
I shouldn’t miss my ex but I do
So for now, until I ship, it's BOOZE time BABAYYYYYY
I mean same, but what can you do, you know
If only we could get drunk together.
Jesus Christ
My message can out so fucked up
If who could get drunk together
Re read
I fixed it
That'd be fun
me n u OWO
GG @Deleted User, you just advanced to level 3!
I’m not drunk I swear, just really tired
Turnip no
why noy
This is the bro and I
Who's turnip
just let it happen
Some newbie
Im new 🙂
say welcome