Message from @Halindir
Discord ID: 692385907772489748
I love the slavros meme template
Doom eternal released with a crack in the game files so its basically free if you have a good vpn lmao
@Lazia Cus its a vidya game not .co
@here turbo niggers anybody play osrs her?
Used to, why?
The best game to play these days
Is creating community
Get to know your neighbours of like race
I have one like one white neighbor I could trust that isnt hung up on petty things. the rest are spics niggers and yupies
have fun in the fema camps with jose , tyrequan
aw heckin fuck boys
By the green gleam boogerine, how have you been?
Our latest video
Spoiler: ||It's not the solution, it is diametrically opposed to nationalism||
Man I've been great
Good to hear
Not looking forward to the boogaloo that's coming (which won't be our boogaloo, but the globoloo rather) and people just spreading asscheeks wide for it in fear right now
lol i got that text b4
I'm watching videos of Air Force basic training, and what the fuck
the deep state released the coronavirus in wuhan in order to cripple the Chinese & U.S. economy & to stifle nationalism in Europe & the U.S.
During their "hellweek" they slept outside in air conditioned tents and shit @Tommunist and they got rid of it.
They only do 1 single day of rifle training and do not have rifle qualifications.
The Air Force makes my balls hurt
I mean, only officers fight lol
Because all pilots are officers
I mean, yeah they got security forces, but how often are airfields attacked in the modern age.
Pararescue guys are legit though, they drop down and pull people out when surrounded or need evac
Pararescue is pretty badass
But I watched these trainees get off the bus, eat a sandwich, and casually turn in their paperwork