Message from @Maggie The Magpie
Discord ID: 689982332232400923
cringe libertarian
Yeehaw, raise hell and praise dale
It's now illegal for more than ten people to assemble in public
Police may enter your home and go through your belongings and your computers and whatever, without a warrant if you are deemed a 'corona-suspect'
Oh and arrest you aswell of course
It's all for our own safety, of course, nothing fishy at all
Haha yes, I have kept my viral infection a secret on my hardrve
@Justin Burger (Major-GA) is a sellout
@Lazia Cus I remember when you were a clerical fascist
Lmao, righto mate
What are you now, a Tengriist?
Maybe he's scraping the bottom and larping as a turanist these days
I've been agnostic for the last 15 years
Why would I want to chat with a subversive kike
remind him hes a manlet
1.) CEOs (219) of them have stepped away from MAJOR corporations...all within ONE month
2.) Corona comes online (as a cover story for massive bankster fraud and manipulation)
3.) Crude Oil Plummets. (lowest it's been since 1999, prior to that...1973)
4.) Corporations are being offered "help" (otherwise known as bailouts
5.) Checks will be issued to those government has forced into "temporary" unemployment
6.) Credit is declared "UNLIMITED" by Congress
jf is sucha fucking sperg he gets so mad
Yo yo yo
I love the slavros meme template
Doom eternal released with a crack in the game files so its basically free if you have a good vpn lmao
@Lazia Cus its a vidya game not .co
@here turbo niggers anybody play osrs her?
Used to, why?
The best game to play these days