Message from @Atkins

Discord ID: 517359063642931205

2018-11-28 15:17:22 UTC  

remind me why Nazi is right wing?

2018-11-28 15:17:55 UTC  

Nazi was a response, a counter if you will, to communism

2018-11-28 15:17:58 UTC  

because the left can use them as a demon, just like the kkk (also democrats)

2018-11-28 15:18:02 UTC  

In terms of political theory fascists are neither left nor right. Hence the term "third position".

2018-11-28 15:18:02 UTC  

@Aghost because slaves do the work, state can give more benefits to its citizens. It's literally free money

2018-11-28 15:18:08 UTC  

Fascism in general was a counter to communism i should say

2018-11-28 15:18:14 UTC  

@Aghost right, because its better to just give people shitty pay and say go find your own food and lodging than to provide it form them.

2018-11-28 15:18:29 UTC  

Fascism was everything for the state. People are irrelevant. The state is everything.

2018-11-28 15:18:30 UTC  

for the record, that is a job

2018-11-28 15:18:31 UTC  

@JohnOakman what benefits?

2018-11-28 15:18:34 UTC  

@DrYuriMom they both split from the works of marx though with a 99.9% overlap

2018-11-28 15:18:41 UTC  

Whereas communism is ultimately libertarian

2018-11-28 15:19:12 UTC  

communism was socialism as well, with the state party

2018-11-28 15:19:22 UTC  


2018-11-28 15:19:34 UTC  

socialism is the stepping stone

2018-11-28 15:19:43 UTC  

well, supposedly

2018-11-28 15:19:50 UTC  

Anyway, I gotta go to work, but remember, Hitler by his own hand wrote his plans to conquer Russia and Ukraine and enslave or liquidate the populations there.

2018-11-28 15:19:50 UTC  

i am of the opinion that work is beneficial, because it molds a person into a useful member of society
if you just give people money for stuff that they didnt do... then you deprive those people of meaning

2018-11-28 15:20:04 UTC  

even in their taken territories, they took everything like food for the socialist elite back at home and created massive famines

2018-11-28 15:20:12 UTC  

If you're going by Marx's theoretical definition of communism, it has never existed.

2018-11-28 15:20:14 UTC  

which is great if you want to use those people to undermine your nation

2018-11-28 15:20:19 UTC  

i think if marxist want communism they need to avoid the state all together, install a culture of helping people willingly, then let them dissolve the state.

2018-11-28 15:20:31 UTC  

@Aghost slaves would build tanks while the 'True aryens' could, idk, own a business and have a 'higher' job.
Actually the German state didn't paid the slaves, right. So every Reich Marks not spent on labour to build tanks is more money to give on social programs

2018-11-28 15:20:47 UTC  

And yes, the Holocaust. The Holocaust happened and the data for it is overwhelming. Not just Jews but Catholics, Gypsies, disabled, and gay men.

2018-11-28 15:21:09 UTC  

Marx's theory was kinda like:
Step 1: Concentrate all power in the hands of a dictator of the proletariat
Step 2: ???
Step 3: Perfect egalitarian post-scarcity utopia!

2018-11-28 15:21:24 UTC  

the nazis killed more russians then all others combined and we hear nothing of it...

2018-11-28 15:21:28 UTC  

@JohnOakman tanks you say?
so, was this in wartime?
because wartime is very different than... ideological ehm... utopian ideas

2018-11-28 15:21:30 UTC  

It was documented by none other than the US Army as they liberated camps and enough video footage to induce nausea until the end of time.

2018-11-28 15:21:41 UTC  

@JohnOakman there is still a cost in slavery. You still need to house and feed them. dead slave doesn't give you labor and just costs you labor to remove.

2018-11-28 15:21:41 UTC  

Literally underpants gnomes-tier political theory.

2018-11-28 15:22:14 UTC  

@Aghost it's an example, they could build buildings, wash the streets, build roads, idk

2018-11-28 15:22:21 UTC  

if you are smart, you keep them happy and well fed. More labor for your buck, less chance of revolt.

2018-11-28 15:22:31 UTC  

@Grenade123 dead slaves don't need supported into elderly care though

2018-11-28 15:22:35 UTC  

the state up until recently had been doing a good job of keeping us slaves happy enough not to revolt.

2018-11-28 15:22:51 UTC  

@Misomania they need to get old for them to need elderly care.

2018-11-28 15:23:14 UTC  

@JohnOakman hmm well thats wrong obviously.
but what are slavs doing in germany in the first place? was probably the thing that crossed hitlers mind
work should be compensated

2018-11-28 15:23:17 UTC  

but you can just release them into the wild at the border of your territory

2018-11-28 15:23:38 UTC  

less of a fuss, they are old so not likely to live long, and you can say "look, you earn your freedom!"

2018-11-28 15:24:26 UTC  

@Atkins you are not wrong

2018-11-28 15:25:06 UTC  

its why idiot marxist keep trying and end up with something so horrible they get amnesia then say it never happened.