Message from @Paradox
Discord ID: 520077158794657792
Are you claiming to have friends then?
termer as in holding office for terms?
So i guess the dems don't want to win in 2020 if they front this gilibrand person
don't want or don't know how?
Other than importing new voters from other places...
Or making them up.
I honestly think... God is registered a Democrat.
Wouldn't surprise me.
That is pretty cool Grenade.
Landing in salt water? not sure that will be easily reused
Back then, they did landings in the ocean all the time.
they didnt re use the vessel
Apollo missions. True... they were not reused. JORDAN PETERSON SUBSCRIBES TO PEWDIEPIE
Shuttle SRBs landed in the ocean and were reused.
so much as compared to what?
before it launched
dave rubin is gay.
I wonder if these would make it possible to reuse parts that land in the ocean.
Dave Rubin is really gay.
no, just gay
No shit.
Like actually gay.
like, he doesn't actually suck dick, he just claims to for sympathy.
Yeah he and JBP sodomize each other with lobster bibs on
I am sure there is also an issue with hot parts being tempered by the sudden temperature change landing in water
I read that the new nanotubes can withstand extreme tempatures.
We are in the age of metamaterials, I like to seem them applied to our space crafts.
damn mutant materials....
if we can start building with nanotubes we can build a space elevator, wont even need rockets
their kind will mean the end for normies.
Imagine using these metamaterials to build the world's most advance spacecraft that can be used to go beyond Earth's orbit to the moon.
the problem right now is we cant create long un-interrupted carbon nanotubes, so they arent very strong