Message from @Sleepy
Discord ID: 688454643734282323
A good gun
Fuck i dont know
Want something diffrent
Okay but different how
I mean even if you dont like glock you should still own one
For parts availability
You should rape Glock owners
I dont edc a glock I have a p01 but I have a glock 17 and glock 21
Get a broom handle pistol
open carry a fucking obrez like a man
You cant deny that parts availability matters with handguns
Do I detect a fair amount of firearms based Classism here...
A good gun is a good gun regardless of price
it matters but I also don't want to be fighting a war with a fucking 9mm handgun
PSA makes one of the cheapest ARs on the market and it's still totally serviceable and effective
good thing ar's are so standardized
If you're desperate the PSA m-lok is a perfectly fine rifle
And most cops and federal services have BCMs now
If you want the most bang for your buck, get a PSA lower and a BCM upper
*sweats nervously in 5000 dollar space gat*
@Bard Handguns do in don't matter because they should be a last resort. 9 mm is a good round because of its Commercial Availability and the fact that it's probly gonna be more easy to Find In a shit0 hits the fan scenario.
fuck today and fuck all this I'm drinking more vodka
and what's left of my tequila for my hombres out there
The great big igloos going pride be less like a Normal Guerrilla war and more like a Suckyer mixture of The Divisiom, DayZ and Fallout 3 But without all the cool toys
Basically society is probably going to be at total collapse and friendly vs hostile will be a very blurry line
In American the AR and glock are the two best handguns to go with
fuckin DayZ
If it was a total end of the world the AK or g3 would be far better
now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time, a long time
What the g3?
Roller delayed blowback is a beautiful work of machinery and if made well basically doesn't fail without extreme use
i hate roller guns
I never understood the fantasy
It would look way more like the troubles With Waco is happening every other week
they just fuck up the brass and are always shitting carbon everywhere
Have you ever run an actual HK g3?