Discord ID: 505604011156701185
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Needs more flamethrower
No u
I am concerned
Not pro or anti
Dont leave me in suspense whats that name
(((I see)))
Or scavange during the boogaloo
Zip ties
Claw is the law brรถther
Hell no drink Coors like a fuckin man
@Biohazard6520 real piss water is bud light
Which one
Were prety close to one another @One Shot Paddy
Close to gville
Too small sometimes
What exactly happened earlier here?
What happened with the suposed fed that vanished here
Georgia humiditys worse than bamas
Behold the ankle annihilator
Anyone else get the poorboy goggles?
Im having trouble keeping them secured on my head because of my mullet
Anyone know where I can get a new stock for my ak?
Doomer posting is the "nothing matters cuz we'll all end up dead anyways" right?
Oh ok
Can anyone tell me where to get a good ballistic helmet for a decent price
Thank for the info @mcguyver123
Yeah im looking now
@mcguyver123 too poor for that
Guy on local pd says this an an apology is issued and everything is ok i say it and the fbi kicks my door in wtf
True enough
Im taxing this
Who tf steps on grass
Mfw I can't afford the clorox bayonet
Ohio exist?
Thought that was a myth
Im just here for the memes
Lol just leave the quarantine zone
Not today satan
Im here for memes anything I say or post is purely satire
Gun pics when
My life savings
I dig coyote tan
New guys
560 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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