Message from @Trash Squid
Discord ID: 693160604885581855
And alcohol
Don't know if my heart moves so fast it feels like it's still or I am the walking dead
"Clear the bowl vasili! Clear it!"
"Forgive me grandfather!"
oh lord i hate thoes
i got an ad for a tshirt like that
that was like i'm a bad ass i was born in demcember and my dicks 12.5 cm long
like why this shirt gotta be so speciffic
**oddly specific tee shirts**
they are a tjing
On fb is fucking hilarious group
A friend of mine ACTUALLY bought one of those "yeah I was born in (enter month)"
i was born in dember my blood type is O- and my cock is 24cm oh ya did i mention my social security number is
I'm really not trying to be mean but holy shit man
The autism is strong with that one
I mean - tbh - *Ban Islam*
but how
how do you read the wall of text and see the cringe grim reaper and think ya thats a cool shirt
Step 1
Be a boomer
Step 2
That's it
Step 1
> Draw skulls
Step 2
> Vend at Wal-Mart
Step 3
> Profit
Hey, who here went to Lobby Day and remembers being sick with the flu afterward? Or knows someone that did? Anyone else? 🤔
I love all the edgy shit
@Starborne kentucky and I both were
Who else?
Idk, I was fine
@thedarkness05 you weren't sick at all in Feb?
Not that I remember
Could just have a kick ass immune system